Hi oqvist. Was it Mark that told you this information? If so, I'm curious as to why he revealed that price range to you, but did not disclose it to me. I asked him up front what the price range he expects the unit to be, and he did not want to say. Only that it will be on the website soon. I would buy too much into the $5000 range.... If he did in fact quote a range of roughly $5000US, then I'm hoping that they'll be able to get it out for slightly less than that. If they can manage to get it out for around $4000, then that'll be something I should be able to manage later on this year. $5000 is still doable, but I'd have to be
seriously seduced into buying one. Something crazy like OutRun2006 C2C and Nebula(Daytona USA) support would do the trick
I can tell you guys one thing though... after having a few exchange emails with Mark, I'm confident this motion sim will beat the PANTS off Frex' SimConMotion! Mark is absolutely determined to get as many games supported by this machine as possible! Compatibility with rFactor, GPL and a host of other great PC sims is reason enough for me to want one in itself....but when you talk about plans to make it work with console games(something Frex' unit will
NEVER do), that's a whole 'nother ball game! The thought of playing GT5, Ridge Racer 7, WipeOutHD and Motorstorm in this motion sim has me drooling like an 11yr old with a crush on Scarlett Johanson!
By the way, it is a 2DOF unit technically, but is cable of delivering 6DOF motions like sway, yaw, heave, etc. If I get one, all I'll need is the base unit, since I already own a BRD RaceFramePro V.2.
I can't wait to get more info!