BMW 330i '05

United Kingdom
Hi folks,

As an introduction, I've lurked on these boards for a good while now, I've used some of the tunes that people have posted, and I promise to get round to reviewing some of them. Frankly, there are some great, great tunes in here.

I'm a casual racer, me and a few mates hook up once or twice a week online, and race in predetermined cars. Since the start of the year, we've raced Super Minis, Hot Hatches, and currently we're on Rep Mobiles (4 door saloon/sedans).

Which brings me to my point. I've got the above car, BMW 330i, and I know it's a fast car, but I just can't drive the damned thing consistently. I've installed all the non power increasing parts, and stripped out the weight, to our allowed level (1250kg, or as close as I could get it). I've increased the power to as close to 355BHP as I can get it (another of our chosen restrictions). With the suspension set to default, and the LSD to default, I can post reasonable times. If I drop the ride height by 10 clicks, I can improve on them. I've applied some variations of suspension settings, with varying success, and am reasonably confident that I can tune these settings to my liking. But the LSD, oh my dear god. Unless I wait until I've pretty much exited a corner, I can't get on the gas soon enough to make this car competitive. Also, the slightest touch on a curb and it spits me out like wad of chewing tobacco :crazy:

Please help me cure my sad, and make this car as quick as I know it can be. Thanks for listening...


PS - Just in case it helps, our Rep Mobile restrictions are as follows;

Max Power: 355BHP
Max Weight: 1250kg
Max Tyres: Sport Soft