BNP must be stopped.

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I miss my daughter.
Drayton Bassett, North Warwickshire
Clark Duffy
I'm absolutley sickened by the current event over here. The scumbag racist BNP who deny the Holocaust are gaining supporters and votes. As Tony Blair has hinted, the BNP are at the early stages of what the Nazi Party were.

We all know the Nazi party gained suppoert off the back of a financial disaster, sound familiar? If the unthinknable happens and BNP come to power, how long before they bring in their facism in full force.

All I know is, if that happens, I would happly give my life to protect what modern Britain is and these scumbags need to be prevented from coming to power.

If it happens, Tony Blair is our John Connor.
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The BNP appeal because they make all the right noises to prey on false fears. Don't look too closely at them and they make sense... I mean, here's two of their immigration policies:

* Deport all illegal immigrants
* Deport all immigrants who commit crimes in the UK

Best way to deal with the BNP and people like them? Ignore them. They crave publicity because it makes people aware of them and their more sane policies.

Worked for the perma-tanned spewer of ultimate twaddle Kilroy-Silk.
I doubt they'll ever get as far as coming to power. They didn't even get many votes (comparatively - over 900k votes is still quite a lot from a blatantly racist party) - just proportionally higher than usual in relation to voter turnout.

The things that worry me more than the party themselves:

1) That our current parties haven't done enough to address issues that people are genuinely worried/concerned about like immigration whereas the BNP have a very obvious stance on this (for the record, not a stance I entirely support, but certainly a more blatant position than the wishy-washy stance of other parties).

2) That there are just under a million people in the country disillusioned enough with current politics that they've thrown off the shackles of decency and voted in such a right-wing party.

Politically, I'm pretty much centre in my beliefs - I'm pro-Euro and pro-green issues (traditionally a pretty left-wing thing) yet I'm generally in favour of nationalisation and a stricter stance on immigration - which is more of a right-wing stance. I like to think that if there were such thing as a common-sense party, that'd be the one I would vote for. As it is, I'm always stuck deciding between two parties who provide no definite advantage over the other and are equally likely to screw the middle-classes (Labour and Tory) and another party who genuinely offer absolutely nothing interesting to anybody (Lib Dem). And much as I consider myself eco-conscious, I'll never vote for the green party as they appear to base their own green views on complete twaddle.

So I can see why people have voted BNP, as they have very definite policies that offers something to somebody, but at the same time I completely abhor it. If any of the major parties bothered pulling their fingers out of their behinds and gave the country something solid on which to base a vote, then the BNP would quickly disappear and return to being a loony fringe party instead of one with two seats in the European Parliament.
We all know the Nazi party gained suppoert off the back of a financial disaster, sound familiar? If the unthinknable happens and BNP come to power, how long before they bring in their facism in full force.

...yeah, but will the unthinkable happen? As far as I'm aware, the current spur in votes for the BNP came only from people either not bothering to vote Labour (therefore making a higher concentration of BNP votes), or those who were stupid enough to assume that the N stood for 'Nice'. On the whole, our population still consists of individuals who, politically aware or not, are awake enough to know that the BNP 'means trouble'. Good and bad is a concept even children can grasp for god's sake.

For the BNP to get into power, we'd either have to see an influx of mass insanity, or um... proportional representation, which would have stability problems regardless of the BNP's existence.

Just... try not to get into a panic, ok? Yes the Nazis managed to get into power, but 2009 Britain is just a little bit different from 1930s Germany, don't ya think? The BNP aren't exactly going to creep up on us while we sleep, put it that way.
Best way to deal with the BNP and people like them? Ignore them. They crave publicity because it makes people aware of them and their more sane policies.
That's what Australia did with OneNation. Sure, the party won a few seats here and there, but they eventually disbanded.
That's what Australia did with OneNation. Sure, the party won a few seats here and there, but they eventually disbanded.

Yep, there's still that racist area here in Australia. It's called Queensland and Pauline Hanson was their patron saint. :cool:

It didn't help them that she was embezzling electoral funds in the process. ;)
If no one seems to agree with the BNP including government itself, why do they even allow a political party with those views? Even if the BNP won majority vote I'm sure they would be blocked from entering power.
HM Government aren't - though they might think and wish they were - the thought police. It isn't illegal yet to have unusual views, thankfully.

A political party really is just a bunch of people with the same kind of ideas willing to stump up £500 per seat for every election. I doubt that can be made illegal either (nor should it be).

In many ways the existence of the BNP is pretty solid proof that we live in a society where we're still largely free to think and say what we like. Which is a good thing.
Just... try not to get into a panic, ok? Yes the Nazis managed to get into power, but 2009 Britain is just a little bit different from 1930s Germany, don't ya think? The BNP aren't exactly going to creep up on us while we sleep, put it that way.

They just have done. They represent our country with two seats in the European Parliament. Unfortunately they'll do even better in the next general election where more people can be bothered to vote.

It's not just a bunch of thick skinheads who support the BNP these days. We have some good friends who live in an area down south where they've had a massive influx of migrants. Now these friends are normal intelligent folk with well paid jobs but just happen to have had their lives affected by living in such an area. They've decided that the only party who can make a difference is the BNP. The trouble is that they just don't see the BNP as the Nazis they are. We've argued many times with them about it too, but they just don't get the correlation, and obviously nether do many other people who are too wrapped up in their own lives to see the bigger picture.

Voting for the BNP is stupid. But underestimating them is dangerous.
I don't really understand how government works once a party is in power. Lets say that the BNP win the next election and want to implement deporting all illegal immigrants immediately. Does the proposal have to go before the house or something along those lines?
In essence yes - they'd have to pass a law, and to pass a law they'd need a majority vote in the Commons. This isn't usually a problem for government - they have the largest number of MPs who think roughly the same thing.

Then it has to be passed up to the House of Lords and pass a similar vote. Generally speaking, this is where their retarded plans will fall down. But all they need to do is have the Prime Minister (Nick Griffin) make 200 Nazis into peers (by submitting their names to the Queen's Honours List) and fill the Lords with sympathisers.

This is also particularly unlikely - amazingly this is possibly the last power the Queen has left.
Slightly ironic that the last safeguards against a fascist government lies in the hands of two unelected cabals - the Royal Family and the House of Lords. In any case, the BNP have no chance of ever coming to power - but the fact that they are having any success at all is an indictment of the other parties and their failure to present a better alternative.
It's not just a bunch of thick skinheads who support the BNP these days. We have some good friends who live in an area down south where they've had a massive influx of migrants. Now these friends are normal intelligent folk with well paid jobs but just happen to have had their lives affected by living in such an area. They've decided that the only party who can make a difference is the BNP.

I agree with TheCracker's post, I was doing some work for about 8 months or so last year down at Acton Town Tube Station in West London and got to know a lot of the locals quite well on a daily basis. I was quite surprised at how many of them supported parties like and including the BNP, an old lady use to come by every other day, said she never voted in the 60 years she lived there but the next possible opportunity was going to vote BNP, mostly due to the high amount of Somalia immigrants that had moved into that area in high numbers in a relatively short period of time and according to her caused a lot problems. Now, and this is just my opinion but after being there every day more or less for 8 months I can almost understand why the people there would vote for such a party, I'm not a racist but being there was actually like living in Somalia itself and I think if I lived there I would feel just as let down by our current government immigration laws as the local residents do.
It's not just a bunch of thick skinheads who support the BNP these days. We have some good friends who live in an area down south where they've had a massive influx of migrants. Now these friends are normal intelligent folk with well paid jobs but just happen to have had their lives affected by living in such an area. They've decided that the only party who can make a difference is the BNP. The trouble is that they just don't see the BNP as the Nazis they are. We've argued many times with them about it too, but they just don't get the correlation, and obviously nether do many other people who are too wrapped up in their own lives to see the bigger picture.

That is true. In fact even the traditional BNP enemies are starting to blindly vote for them (even though technically we're all BNP enemies, as we're all imigrants from somewhere or other...). I've seen quite a lot of blog posts on a certain gay-based website where the poster is adament that they'll be voting BNP. Despite the fact that it's been repeatedly pointed out to them that the BNP (albeit quietly these days) habour extremely homophobic views. But they continue to vote for them, purely because (as you mentioned) there's an influx of immigrants near them that they want to get rid of. I'm sorry, but you can't pick and choose party policies here. You're not ordering a Domino's pizza. If you want the BNP's anti-immigrant policy, you're also going to get the party that promotes the idea of returning homosexuality 'to the closet where it belongs'.

That's to be taken with a pinch of salt, though, as the particular website I'm talking about has a good proportion of bloggers with a brain the size of a dustcap. Just picking a blog from the homepage at random as I write this, I can see one that simply says 'CHILDREN IN NEED SHOULD GET PUDSEY'S BAD EYE FIXED WHY HAVENT THEY LOL R THEY THT TIGHT THAT THEY WONT EVEN PAY TO GET HIS EYE FIXED LOL'. Yes, that's the whole blog. Incidentally the blogger looks worryingly like Count von Count from Sesame Street, which might have something to do with it... Anyway...
They actually got less votes than last year, but 65% of the voters couldn't be bothered to vote. Interesting how London, the biggest non-white community in the UK, still had low voting figures for the BNP compared to the north.

As others have said, they'd struggle to get anywhere, if the reasons mentioned don't stop 'em, some kind of public uprising would, and is something I wouldn't hesitate to partake in.
Aswell as being actual lunatics, their promotional material doesn't make sense;

Is it supposed to say 'People like you voting BNP [will make a difference]' or 'People like you voting BNP.' :confused:

What's also worrying is that the woman promoting them makes toothpaste.
Is it supposed to say 'People like you voting BNP [will make a difference]' or 'People like you voting BNP.' :confused:

What's also worrying is that the woman promoting them makes toothpaste.

I think it reads people like you for voting BNP, which IMO is false advertising. I know I don't choose to like somebody by which political party they vote for, And I doubt you'd actually gain any popularity for voting BNP.

I lol'd at Toothpaste lady!
And I like the fact they say use it as a window poster, which will probably gain a brick through it, seriously you may aswell put up a sign saying "Racist lives here!", it would be more to the point.

On My Own Views
I'm not bothered that the BNP have gained a larger majority, all this shows is that none of the political parties have their act together lately. Like it's been said on the news, BNP got less votes than they did 5 years ago but they got a larger share because all other parties are a complete flop. I'm not old enough to vote yet but when I can I'm certainly not going to waste it by not turning up.
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I'm going to send off for the large one. The more of their resources we can waste the better.
It's supposed to go in your house windows. To advertise the fact to passers-by that the people in the house are "people like you". And they are "voting BNP".

But people like me are also voting for all the other political parties. This doesn't sell me the concept.
I'm going to send off for the large one. The more of their resources we can waste the better.

But then they'd have your name and address. You don't really want BNP canvassers on your door step do you?

I noticed yesterday that the BNP news conference was broken up by Anti Nazi protestors.

I don't like where that is going. These protestors are effectively saying that we should not have a free democracy since if you vote for a party that is not on their Politically Correct list then your vote should not be allowed to count.

They are therefore Anti Democracy demonstrators. They are leaving the BNP to look like the victim who is trying to stand up for freedom and democracy. It is not exactly easy to give them the moral high ground but that bunch of idiots last night did just that.

The best thing to do is to completely ignore them. Then they will just fade away just as every other nutter party has in the past.
The fact that the BNP need to print posters reassuring the general public that 'normal people' are voting for them only goes further to perpetuate the idea that they're all 'different'. It's like saying 'Don't worry! It's not only neo-Nazi white supremacists who support us!'. Ridiculous.

But perhaps we're being too harsh on the BNP's advertising. As Charlie Brooker put it, there's no decent graphic designers in the BNP because people like that are 'likely to be a thoughtful, inquisitive sort by nature. And thoughtful, inquisitive sorts tend to think fascism is a bit ****, to be honest.' Which kind of explains this. You've got to have a hell of a lot of talent to pull off an advertising campaign that puts the BNP in a positive light, haven't you?

So considering their apparent absence of talent, I think they've done well to manage to get further than simply writing 'Do you hate immigrants? We do too.' on some re-used cereal box cardboard and calling it a day. But not on Shredded Wheat or Cheerios boxes. No no, can't promote Nestlé. Coming over here... Giving us jobs... Filthy Swiss imigrants...
Aswell as being actual lunatics, their promotional material doesn't make sense;

Is it supposed to say 'People like you voting BNP [will make a difference]' or 'People like you voting BNP.' :confused:

What's also worrying is that the woman promoting them makes toothpaste.

"Ms Colgate making your teeth and Britain white!"

I don't pretend to understand or discuss UK politics, but you guys gotta get Hannan as Prime Minister or we're gonna snatch him up for ourselves.
I must say I had the perfect example of how the BNP get vote son tuesday night. One of my lads was asking who we all voted for, then announced he'd voted BNP. He didn't realise that the previous day I'd pretty much learn the BNP manifesto and was able to criticise every single one of their policies. Except for the donations to 3rd world countries, in this economic climate I think it's rediculous we still give so much financial aid.

I don't pretend to understand or discuss UK politics, but you guys gotta get Hannan as Prime Minister or we're gonna snatch him up for ourselves.
Uch, posh Conservative Oxford-Alumni. I'll stick with the rough on the edges Brown, thank you.

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