BNP must be stopped.

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I'll stick with the rough on the edges Brown


Even excluding all other arguments about his sheer inability to do anything correctly (even smile), he's the Prime Minister of a democracy despite never being voted for as such. That alone is an obscenity.

Even excluding all other arguments about his sheer inability to do anything correctly (even smile), he's the Prime Minister of a democracy despite never being voted for as such. That alone is an obscenity.


Regardless of anything else it winds me up to huge degree that he is effectively un-elected.

Personally I believe we are long overdue a General Election, and one may actually give some drive to all parties to listen to the people of this country and start some stong debate going.

I also think that such a move would help highlight the sheer nonsense that the BNP love to spout (I do love it when they come knocking at my door and my wife answers, Anglo-Indians tend to shut them up quite quickly), however it unlikely to happen as 'Mr Slack-Jaw' look like he will leave it right up until the last day he can before calling one.

He didn't realise that the previous day I'd pretty much learn the BNP manifesto and was able to criticise every single one of their policies. Except for the donations to 3rd world countries, in this economic climate I think it's rediculous we still give so much financial aid.
And in doing so you also fall for one of the BNP's little myths.

Current UK overseas aid is below the UN target of 0.7% of GDP...

....and historically has run at well below 0.5% of GDP.... even scrapping all overseas aid would have an almost negligable effect on the UK economy, however blaming it on anyone who isn't British and White is quite easy for them to do.

To put it in perspective, in 2008 the UK spent £4.9bn on overseas aid, which amount to about the same as the cost to the NHS of drink and drug abuse in Scotland alone for the same year.

The BNP see it as a nice easy target, but the simple truth is it would make almost no difference, and the results of removing aid on some countries could well result in conflict that would cost us far more in terms of the defence budget.


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Even excluding all other arguments about his sheer inability to do anything correctly (even smile), he's the Prime Minister of a democracy despite never being voted for as such. That alone is an obscenity.
His party are elected. And to add to that he was a major part of party before he became PM. And hell, lets be fair, how much of his policy went into the budget, and how much influence did Tony Blair have on it?

On top of that, even if you believe you are electing a person, and not a party, to power Gordon Brown has made little influence on the country because his party itself is falling apart. For example the expenses row could have destroyed a cabinet regardless of who was PM.

Gordon Brown may have made this mess as Chancellor of the Exchequer, but he's also become PM at an extremely tough time.
Hannan is an absolute ****. The very fact that he brings up Terminator and 'you can leave on a cow' in a political discussion makes me hate him with every inch of my body.

And he's too posh.
It's simply the fact that the governmet haven't done a damn thing about imigration that has led to people turning to a party thats main agenda is imigration, simple.

This government is rotten to the core, even though the Telegraph is publishing un-censored expenses the government still censor their own release, how dumb is that?

And how big a hypocrite is Cameron? Claiming to get weeds removed from his chimney will help him do better work for us all? ****.
Hannan is an absolute ****. The very fact that he brings up Terminator and 'you can leave on a cow' in a political discussion makes me hate him with every inch of my body.

And he's too posh.

Terminator + Dr. Seuss in a political speech = awesome. Don't hate because he's articulate... and right.

It was always going to turn out one of three ways. One, Griffin gets to say his piece, make it look like he's not a racist bigot and then get raped in the press after-the-fact. Two, Griffin gets to say his piece and looks like a racist bigot. Three, audience full of far left nutters spend the entire programme abusing him and he gets to play the victim.

In the end it went all three ways - there was a significant amount of Griffin-abuse (plus he got to claim it was a biased audience and Dimbleby was against him and treated him badly), he got to get out some rubbish that made him look like a tool and he got to say some things the press have compared to earlier, contradicting statements from him. Not a shocker really.

He got far better press from the morons debating whether or not he should even be on the show in the first place. Amusingly.
I watched the first 5 minutes then decided it was just another slagging off match as usual. Turned off the telly and went to bed.
Nick Griffin is such a hypocrit. Last night he was saying that "colour is irrelevant" and yet the BNP's primary goal is to deport all non-caucasian people out of the UK. A Black British guy in the audience said to him "Where do you want me to go? This is my home." and Nick said "I don't want you to go anywhere". Yes you do, Nick.
BNP are a bunch of idiots.

Living in London, my main problem with mass immigration is the impact it has had on the lives of lower income hard working individuals. London being a major capital city is a draw for a large percentage of immigrants to the UK. As a result of this there is huge strain on our Schools, Hospitals and Social Services and especially for me: housing.

Below is perhaps one example of how and why the BMP is turning non racist people to there cause.

Due to the economic situation, I was made redundant twice in 2008. I was not earning a huge amount of money in the first place, but was fortunate enough to earn UK average wage, which is substantially more than the minimum wage. At this time with my current job I am earning £5000 less PA then I was previously, which again is still substantially more then the minimum wage. I live with my girlfriend and work in central London. What I would love most like many is to have the opportunity to buy property, nothing extravagant, but just enough for my needs, which in my case would be a 1 bedroom flat. This has been impossible for a number of years for an individual with my earning capability, and is more difficult now. I am like many forced to rent privately, though have to pay £800 + per month for a 1 bedroom flat close enough to work to avoid extra commuting costs. The £800 per month does not include council tax, gas/electricity which brings the total to £1000 per month. If I were a single person it would not be possible, and even with my partner it is tough if we want to save money, buy and have the normal things that people want, like internet, phone car/motorbike and other mod cons etc money quickly disappears. We have both decided to save up and go travelling around the world in 2010, we have now downsized and moved in to a room with a friend and pay £500 per month.

Now without mass immigration a city like London is always going to be a popular place to live, and also expensive, but I strongly believe that the property shortage, and subsequent higher rental prices have something to do with the stain of the population increases in London over the years.

With regards to Council housing, the allocation of houses to individuals and families is primarily based on need, if a family of 5 Somalis arrive here with no place to live, of course they will be given priority over a person like me who has the means to provide a roof over my head despite the huge cost - and that was always the idea behind subsidised housing, it is there for the most in need. With the allocation of housing being within the rules, I still believe British citizens do have the right to feel disillusioned and perhaps angry, as many of us are working very hard, but often find ourselves in a situation where we have no help and no where to turn to. Luckily when I was made redundant twice, I found a job very quickly as nobody would have paid my rent for me or housed me with any kind of urgency.

What about for the future, what options do I have if I want to live in London which is the place I was born? What if I decided to have children, how will I ever afford to rent a larger house, childcare? If my GF decides to not work to be with the children how can I afford to rent a larger house on one salary? Am I destined to live in a room at my friend’s house for the rest of my life with my children?

Of course I am going to have to move somewhere cheaper, I was thinking Edinburgh, can have a 3 bedroom house a little outside the city for Approx £500 per month. It's tempting but why the hell should I move from my birthplace largely because of the mismanagement/implementation of immigration? What about all of the really low income people in London, many foreign who Waite our tables, clean our offices for £5.80 per hour, these people work in London, so obviously have to live here, what hope do they have? Of course many are studying and will move on to better paid jobs, (if there are any left) with there posts quickly filled straight after but there are many who have no choice but to work for £5.80 per hour, and yet have to live in London and share shabby rooms at extortionate rates with there colleagues or friends to keep costs down! Is this really acceptable in 2009 in the UK, surely every person is entitled to a reasonable living space like a 1 bedroom flat!! It is a joke!! Yet the only new houses I see being built are swanky apartments for high earners! In the east of London we have allot of land, but what does the government do? Use that space for the Olympics which is a damn sport event that costs Billions yet that land could be better put to use building affordable housing for normal hard working people. Could the Olympics not have been somewhere else in the UK?

Then we have Politicians buying selling/renting out houses that are mostly paid for by the UK tax payer. Practically all of them a property portfolios worth millions, they rake in a minimum of £60000 + per annum as MPs, subsidise there personal life’s with tax payers money, using it to 'fit' out there plush houses with flat screen TV's and kitchen refits, then they sell the houses at a huge profit and go through the whole process again!! They all have many other jobs and rake in £££.

Judging by the above can we blame people maybe less informed who are struggling with day to day life, who have seen there communities change drastically of the past 10-20 years with out much say or choice in the matter, look for some other representation? As up to now there concerns have mostly been ignored by the government. How sad is it that the only option some people have to address certain issues is the BNP!!

The BNP are a bunch of retards and no matter how bad things get they will never get my vote, not in a millions years.

Immigration has had its many successes! Personally for me I would not have the wonderful friends I have now or my Italian Girlfriend I love. My little brother is half St Lucian the list goes on. Then we have all of the benefits to the economy from many skilled workers and unskilled workers. The NSH would have collapsed without the many EU and non EU workers, the list goes on!

Now though, due to us literally breaking at the seams, we need thorough debate from politicians with the inclusion of all of our diverse communities to address the impact of immigration at the scale it has been for some time. After all, we will all suffer from too many people living in such a confined space that is London.
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I quite enjoyed the show.

It had a villain, the demon headmaster, the stuck-up cow, tell-it-as-it-is person and someone who was completely irrelevant to British politics (I'll let you decide who that is).

Is it racist to 'look after your own'?
It is when you claim your own to be British, and define British as caucasian.
Is it racist to 'look after your own'?

They say charity starts at home. The UK like many other countries are bound by legislation, we can't just turn people away, especially if they claim asylum. Besides I would not want to turn away people that are in genuine need of help, though providing that they are genuine and not economic migrants. It now becomes very hard to determine if somebody is genuine or not! Saying that though, even with economic migrants, can you blame people for wanting a better life?

I think everybody should get help if they genuinely need it, but it seems at least from my experience that if you do not want to work and contribute to society you get all the help you need, or if you are a recent arrival with nothing you also get plenty help and potentially a nice council house. If you are just somebody trying getting on with it and working hard earning average or below average wages you have it really tough, where it is a constant battle like being in a black hole where nobody can hear your cries!

A good friend of mine saved some money and took a few years out to study for an MBA to supplement his many years of experience. Since passing with flying colours he has been unemployed for 4 years, with periods of temp employment as a consultant. Thankfully his wife works and earns an ok living though has had lots of time off. (Maternity leave) They have 2 children, one is a toddler and the other is about 6 months. They have a big mortgage to pay. His wife had been on maternity leave on 2 occasions while neither of them was working, she had to go back to work twice and allot earlier so that they could survive. Full time childcare for both children is £1400per month. The eldest missed state funded nursery education by 1 month so now has to wait another whole year before he can attend. My friend is now a house husband and does not have the time to look for jobs as he as two little children to look after as they can't afford childcare and pay the mortgage on the one salary.

This is a family that have tried so hard and are close to divorce because of the stress. As a man my friend feels worthless as he can't provide for his family. He is very skilled and very smart and has tones of experience but is yet to find a full time job. There is no help for them. If they had some State help with childcare my friend could go out networking/job hunting etc and maybe get there lives back on track.

I guess this is another example where some families have been hit hard from the credit crunch, have children and a mortgage to pay, one can't find work despite 30 years business/sales/consultancy experience and an MBA and is not likely to find work because he has to stay at home and look after the children full time.

Where is his help, I am sure from his perspective he would be of the opinion that charity starts at home as It makes you wonder why we need skilled foreign workers when we have one right here skilled and desperate for work!!

So to answer your question, no I do not think it is racist but as mentioned above, 'Your Own' would include any British Citizen which means many ethnic backgrounds.
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Hmm, please don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the BNP, and I wasn't one of the 8 million people that tuned in to watch... I posed a genuine question above, out of context, intentionaly to see if people would assume I was being racist. I believe this is important.. because where I think the BNP has value is in removing the taboo of talking about issues that are very important to a lot of people, but they may not raise themselves, because a lot of people will immedeatley brand them a racist.

Personally, the more I see of how people treat each other around the globe, I feel organised religeon is a far bigger danger to humanity than small time racist politicians are...
Such nationalists have a lot of support everywhere. Low life emigrants means crimes.

It's same as black/white in US. You can talk all day long how all people are equal and awesome, simple facts mean more than week long talks

What is this 4% "support"? I meant a lot of people share point of view at some degree, not like voting for something.

A lot of people share the point of view of all political parties to some degree. How much they share the point of view is reflected in which party they choose to vote for...
A lot of people share the point of view of all political parties to some degree. How much they share the point of view is reflected in which party they choose to vote for...

Wrong. Nobody will vote for neo nazis, but a lot of people share their position, not to extreme of course. A lot of people means more than 50% in some countries

Because nobody else address the problems which certainly exist.
Wrong. Nobody will vote for neo nazis


Wikipedia page on the BNP
The BNP has no elected Members of Parliament. In the 2005 UK general election, the party received 0.7% of the popular vote, the eighth largest share. The BNP finished fifth in the 2008 London mayoral election with 5.2% of the popular vote. Mayoral candidate Richard Barnbrook was elected to one of the London Assembly's 25 seats. In addition to already holding several metropolitan borough council seats, the BNP won their first county council seats and European Parliament seats on 4 June 2009, winning one council seat in both Lancashire and Leicestershire, and one European Parliament seat each in Yorkshire and the Humber and North West England.

The opinion poll ... found 22% of voters would consider voting BNP in a future local, general or European election.

Two-thirds of the 1,314 people polled by YouGov for the Daily Telegraph dismissed voting for the party under any circumstances, with the rest unsure.

When asked how they would vote in an election tomorrow, the proportion supporting the BNP stood at 3%, up from 2% a month ago.

However, more than half of those polled said they agreed or thought the party had a point in speaking up for the interests of indigenous, white British people.

Reality ............................. The Time Bandits .......... you. Yet again.

People DO vote for the BNP - that's why they have 56 councillors and 2 MEPs. Significantly more people think they have some policies which make sense than actually vote for them.
Wrong. Nobody will vote for neo nazis, but a lot of people share their position, not to extreme of course. A lot of people means more than 50% in some countries

I don't think you could be more wrong and where exactly did you get that statistic from?
I don't think you could be more wrong and where exactly did you get that statistic from?

From real life of course. UK is not the only country in the world.

The official point of view is often very different from what average people think. Average people don't like too much when neo nazis kill people on the streets with "wrong" nationality, but they still think that something must be done, they don't like this "wrong" nationalities.

This official "tolerance" leads nowhere, there is a problem and the name of this problem is low income and poor education. Until somebody put real efforts to fight this factors, not just import cheap work force from third world, nationalists will have a wide support
From real life of course. UK is not the only country in the world.

That doesn't answer my question at all. Did I even mention the UK? No.
This so called "Real Life" is your view, not a general statistic. So one more time, can you give me a source on the stat or are you going to continue posting nonsense.