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You can do it in the in-race popup.If you think no ABS is next to impossible and suicide, change the bias. Though, that is not an option in licenses and special events I think.
You can do it in the in-race popup.If you think no ABS is next to impossible and suicide, change the bias. Though, that is not an option in licenses and special events I think.
It's not impossible, you just have to be really careful with how much brake pressure you apply. I'm playing with everything off include ABS right now. It will have you on the edge of your seat the whole race.
I have been driving with ABS set to 0 using a G25. It's not the controller that's the problem, but the way GT5 models brake sensitivity - there's only about 20% brake pedal travel before the brakes lock up, which makes it VERY difficult to brake with any degree of feel.
I've never tried ABs on anything other than the 0 setting or 1 - given that ABS goes all the way to 10, & the 1 setting is massively different from the 0 setting, what is 10 like?!
I'll have to try messing around with the brake bias to see if this helps. At the minute, the ABS issue is the one huge negative in GT5's physics.
Ah, so the ratio is messed up to begin with..
I lost it for a moment when I drove without ABS. I just thought "this isn't how it's supposed to feel" and didn't have more time to test it out except checking from the replay whether my rear wheels locked or didn't (and those surprisingly didn't but still worked as if they did), but the default ratio being 50:50 on every car explains it well (doesn't explain the non-locking tires in the replay though).
I guess I'll go mainly with a 7:3 setting from now on when racing.
That is an issue buddy. Just turn abs on. Threshold braking in this game is impossible, seeing as you actually have to feel the tires lock.
I'm curious as to why people shut it off completely? Only time I do is Indy and Daytona. Does it make a difference in lap time? I usually run it on 1 or 2 depending on the car. I figure real cars have them so I am not cheating in any way.
Ooh.....i didn't know that.....
But if it's almost impossible to brake correctly with ABS off éven with pedals....then why is the option to turn it off there in the first place??
I know it's for 'the realism'....but i understand by this it's no use at all....even with pedals?
I know that some of those stopping challenges in licence tests are impossible to get gold using ABS. I usullay use it while racing though.
I have been driving with ABS set to 0 using a G25. It's not the controller that's the problem, but the way GT5 models brake sensitivity - there's only about 20% brake pedal travel before the brakes lock up, which makes it VERY difficult to brake with any degree of feel.
I've never tried ABs on anything other than the 0 setting or 1 - given that ABS goes all the way to 10, & the 1 setting is massively different from the 0 setting, what is 10 like?!
I'll have to try messing around with the brake bias to see if this helps. At the minute, the ABS issue is the one huge negative in GT5's physics.
I never play with a controller but... aren't the trigger buttons analog? Or are they just 'on/off'? On the xbox360 they're definitely analog and therefore gas/brake with the two triggers works absolutely beautifully in Forza 3. It's really easy to apply both brake and gas with precision just like you would with pedals.
edit2: I read some more posts regarding this and found that I needed to press my brake all the way down during calibration of my DFGT (when the wheels are turning from one end to another during game startup). Maybe this was the reason why I kept locking my wheels up
edit3: I finally figured it out... I could not brake without ABS because my pedal was not calibrated properly. The game is so much more enjoyable and exciting because I was able to beat few stages against the AI without ABS and the car behaves more realistically!
I currently do not own a wheel so i drive with de controller. I have TCS and all other aids turned off...including ABS.
But no matter how carefull i press the brake-button or to whatever button i map the brakes to, i CANNOT brake in a normal sense with ABS turned off (ABS=0)
(i tried using the right analog stick for braking because you can 'dose' the braking...i also tried it using the triggers of the controller because they are more easily used in a dose-dependant matter than the normal buttons.....but neither of these solutions kind of work. Using the analog stick works slightley better though....but it still needs to be handled with SO much care).
When turning ABS off and using the analog stick to accelerate/brake....i have to brake way to early before the corner in order to NOT block the wheels. Any further 'braking' with the stick results in blocking of the wheels and thus spinning the crap out of the corner.
It seems impossible to brake with ABS turned off in combination with the controller.
My question is: Is this normal when using the controller or am I doing something wrong? (i really tried to brake with much care...but i just can't seem to get used to it......of course i can NOT block the wheels when braking, but then i need to brake way before the braking-point of the corner....and thus lose lots of precious lap-time).
Is there any 'option' or so to fix this?
How does braking with ABS=off handle with a steering wheel + peddals?
Thnx much in advance!
PS: i'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum...but i thought it would be best to fit here since i didn't know where else to put it.
a few others have mentioned this problem. It appears to be a glitch/coding error in the system. With ABS=off I barely touch my pedals and the brakes lock up. I have started running with ABS=1 and this no longer happens.