I currently do not own a wheel so i drive with de controller. I have TCS and all other aids turned off...including ABS.
But no matter how carefull i press the brake-button or to whatever button i map the brakes to, i CANNOT brake in a normal sense with ABS turned off (ABS=0)
(i tried using the right analog stick for braking because you can 'dose' the braking...i also tried it using the triggers of the controller because they are more easily used in a dose-dependant matter than the normal buttons.....but neither of these solutions kind of work. Using the analog stick works slightley better though....but it still needs to be handled with SO much care).
When turning ABS off and using the analog stick to accelerate/brake....i have to brake way to early before the corner in order to NOT block the wheels. Any further 'braking' with the stick results in blocking of the wheels and thus spinning the crap out of the corner.
It seems impossible to brake with ABS turned off in combination with the controller.
My question is: Is this normal when using the controller or am I doing something wrong? (i really tried to brake with much care...but i just can't seem to get used to it......of course i can NOT block the wheels when braking, but then i need to brake way before the braking-point of the corner....and thus lose lots of precious lap-time).
Is there any 'option' or so to fix this?
How does braking with ABS=off handle with a steering wheel + peddals?
Thnx much in advance!
PS: i'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum...but i thought it would be best to fit here since i didn't know where else to put it.
Okay....now more than one year later, my findings on the braking with ABS = off (since december 2010 i have a DFGT as you can read a few posts after the initial startpost).
I've been playing GT5 for a year with a DFGT now with ABS = 0 all the time. It took me two to three full months to be able to handel any car with ABS = 0 (i admit i don't have much time to play, so it could be done in a shorter amount of time), i.e.; the old classic cars to the high powered racing machines.
There is a big difference in playing with a DS3 controller and wheel/pedals (while ABS = off). It still isn't very easy with a wheel/pedal to handle braking, but once practiced enough and got used to, you can brake as effective as with ABS = 1.
I noticed between some cars (all stock and ABS = off) even with brake bias = 5/5, there is a slight difference in amount of pressure needed to lock the wheels while braking. This finding gives driving that specific car a very unique feel, and you'll immediately notice it once you're used to ABS = off. It really is an awesome feeling. It takes a lap or two with that car to adjust to it's braking. Of course, this brake bias difference can be corrected by manually changing the brake bias in the settings menu.
I do enjoy driving much much more rewarding with ABS = off. It really takes the game to a whole new level, and with a wheel/pedal, you can literally feel when the wheels are locking.
I just read the complete thread all over, and noticed there are people who still set ABS = 1, despite having a wheel. To these people i say: "
Please set ABS = off and give it more time to get used to it. Don't turn it on no matter what, even online. No matter how hard it is, don't give up and stay motivated to learn to play without it. Once it becomes second nature to drive with ABS = off, you'll enjoy the game much much much much more!! I guarantee you that!."

Man i love this game....