Breaking Bad

I'm Breaking Sad now. :( At least Walt didn't become a lumberjack.
Probably my favorite series and am sad to see it's end, but everything must come to a end I guess.

The ending was about what I expected. I am glad Walter finally told someone (Skyler) that he didn't kill Hank or Gomez and he got Jesse out from captivity in a unique way.
Probably my favorite series and am sad to see it's end, but everything must come to a end I guess.

The ending was about what I expected. I am glad Walter finally told someone (Skyler) that he didn't kill Hank or Gomez and he got Jesse out from captivity in a unique way.

Exactly. Also that he told her he liked the cooking and he did it for himself
I want Walt to smile next episode. Just once, just one sincere smile. After all he has done, he deserves it.

Walt kills the Neo-Nazis, saves Jesse. Meets up with his family, makes amends , the police arrive and he lights one last cigarette. Fade to credits.

Pretty much what I wanted and pretty much what happened.

Fantastic show.
A lot of lose ends got cleared up. I love what Walt did to the Schwarz's. Funny stuff!

Don't want to spoil anything so I wont say much. But, I am very happy how this TV series ended. Way better than the Dexter finale.
^I didn't come in here, because spoilers .

And what an ending to a marvelous show. Loved every minute.

The ending has been like I hoped (that rarely happens).

Walt has some kind of redemption, firstly coming clear with himself (not lying anymore to himself). He clears the relation with Jessie, loved the friendly nod at the end. They knew it took a wrong term, but still respectful.
The Skyler scene was unexpected, I didn't thought at all about the deal he could get for Skyler. Awesome 👍 I was sad when he was with Holly, but seeing him not clearing up with Flynn was hard too.
The Schwarz's were totally unexpected. I first thought massacre,... :lol:
I'm fine with Walter dying either way, but the way they put it ... perfect

Awesome series with one of the best endings I ever saw. And it's rare to see a series get better and better from season. This one just did that. Season 5 was awesome.

Sad it had to end.

There hope for Better call Saul to be this good or even just remotely.
I really did enjoy the ending. A great way to wrap it up and I didn't even think about an epilogue afterwards. (Sometimes get those moments where I'm curious as to what happens after the ending for some things)
Exactly. Also that he told her he liked the cooking and he did it for himself
I feel like this was one of the most powerful moments of the finale, really. Because it seemed like he was admitting it to himself as much as her.
I really did enjoy the ending. A great way to wrap it up and I didn't even think about an epilogue afterwards. (Sometimes get those moments where I'm curious as to what happens after the ending for some things)

I'm gonna go ahead and pretend the Need For Speed movie is Jesse's epilogue.:lol:
TMZ spoiled the wholes ending and gave no warning whstsoever. I convinced a friend of mine to watch the show. He watches TMZ and now feels he has no reason to watch the show. Petty, yes. Nonetheless, TMZ has to have a small measure of respect at least!!!
^ It's his fault for sustaining TMZ. :P

I'm gonna go ahead and pretend the Need For Speed movie is Jesse's epilogue.:lol:

Did he take one of Walt's cash barrels with him? :dopey:
Meth Damon :lol: :lol: so I wasn't the only one...

I'm gonna go ahead and pretend the Need For Speed movie is Jesse's epilogue.:lol:

Yeah it's called Jesse's Revenge









I really did enjoy the ending. A great way to wrap it up and I didn't even think about an epilogue afterwards. (Sometimes get those moments where I'm curious as to what happens after the ending for some things)

There is of course one thing that needs to be wrapped up:

You can always click the thread title that appears under the page numbers; it'll open the thread as a browser would.

But yeah, just that, so unless you want a new music playlist for an hour... ;)
There is of course one thing that needs to be wrapped up: <a href="">YouTube Link</a>
Mobile users (iOS anyway) can tap on the words "YouTube Link", launching the mobile YouTube page (not YouTube app). Or tap anywhere in the post which opens some other page in the app (which will die soon anyway) and see the embedded video and play it. This is how it has almost always been with the app. There were problems in the past when RACECAR posted "HD" videos, they didn't link properly. This particular video has been locked to mobile users on the mobile YouTube site and cannot be viewed. But, it can be viewed the embedded way. Weird.
Last edited:
Best show I have ever watched. I had the ending spoiled in the simplest of words, which gladly didn't matter, as there are many ways it could have ended as it did, but few as brilliant as the actual end.
I'm mad Netflix doesn't have the last 6 episodes after powering through all 5 seasons.
Only way I could watch Breaking Bad (legally) was through Netflix, as no TV channels showed the later series in the UK.
A bit late to the party as I was playing catchup on BB, but all I can echo is the sentiments before: one of the best endings to a series, not only from the way it was told, but that the plug was pulled at the right time and they didn't milk it for more seasons (like Dexter) which would have ruined it.

I always felt Jesse got the raw end of the stick in the series, always being put down and fighting back up - I am glad they ended it with him finding a release and hopefully salvation.

Pity Walt mentioned the Ricin bit though - inferring she could then save herself like Brock with treatment. Would have preferred if he just said 'poison' so she got offed too...
Just ordered the complete series DVD boxset (haven't seen a single episode so far) :cool:
Let's see what all the fuss is about.

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