Brightness ISSUE @ Willow Springs

  • Thread starter NixxxoN
God it looks awful, ugly shadows, glowing objects, retardedly saturated skies and of course, the exposure. @Griffith500 , yes calibrating a TV based on a console game is never a good idea because developers don't use the industry standards for this. I read somewhere that they basically use whatever looks best for them with their equipment and maybe a few popular choices in the market.
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So Willow Springs is too bright at daylight, and too dark at night. What I think really needs to be fixed is the game camera's auto-exposure, which is evidently allowing for too much overexposed and underexposed scenes.
So Willow Springs is too bright at daylight, and too dark at night. What I think really needs to be fixed is the game camera's auto-exposure, which is evidently allowing for too much overexposed and underexposed scenes.

Its black as coal there at night.
Willow at night seems about right to me...
...there is nothing out there, its very remote actually.
Sand and rocks, could not imagine running there for real at night.
No trees or sign posts to even reflect a little light at night like the Ring.
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Willow being too bright isn't a problem for me, but the night race (S-2) took me quite a few tries to complete, along with some wheel repairing.
This problem has been present since GT5 launch which means Polyphony can't fix it or they don't care.





The game should have more image options like contrast, colour, gamma correction, etc.
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This game's lighting engine is beautiful yet has too many brightness problems... :(
Very true. Ascari is similar. A 10:30 am race with the sun peeking above the mountains looks like pre-dawn. And it does seem that some night tracks swallow up headlight radiance way too much.

The lighting engine is very good, but for the bright and dark regimes, it needs a tweak.
This problem has been present since GT5 launch which means Polyphony can't fix it or they don't care.





The game should have more image options like contrast, colour, gamma correction, etc.
Thanks for these pics, those are even better than mines
My TV looks fine as well, I can see at 0 at night, it's just like any other track at night for me. Different tracks have different brightness levels depending on where they're placed, for example at mid day, Willow Springs is going to be a lot brighter than for example Silverstone. You turn up your brightness in game to +6 and leave it on that for Willow Springs, of course it's going to be so bright you can't see anything but the sun, that's not a problem with the games lighting.
The problem is not that it's too bright when you crank up exposure, but that it's too dark when exposure set at 0!!

Basically, the new 'lighting engine' in GT6 is wrong and not real. The biggest issue with that is the darkness you have when driving onboard. Especially the shadows which cover all dials.
Thats it! Thats why I upped the exposure levels, you can easily see that by default is too dark! Nothing wrong with my TV settings or anything, it's just how it is...
The problem is not that it's too bright when you crank up exposure, but that it's too dark when exposure set at 0!!

Basically, the new 'lighting engine' in GT6 is wrong and not real. The biggest issue with that is the darkness you have when driving onboard. Especially the shadows which cover all dials.
I personally haven't noticed it being too dark, but I have noticed that the shadows cover the dials unrealistically like you said.
It all depends on your TV i think. I bought a new TV about a week after I got GT6 and I went from the impossibly dark Willow Springs to something that was really quite normal and looked fine.
I think it's pretty realistic, to be honest.

I've driven rally stages at night, and it's bright as anything - the light has lots of surfaces for things to reflect off of. But, if you drive on a beach, for example, with nothing but sand around, there's nothing for the lights to reflect off of.

High beams just aim off into the sky where it can travel aimlessly and do nothing, and the low beams are low beams - they reflect off of the ground directly in front of the car, but do not offer much in terms of forward (vectored) visibility.

That's just science. <---- There is not much luminous light at Willow Springs. It's all reflected light from the luminous headlights of your one car (no, the AI cars don't have beams) to light up... Nothing, really. There's barely anything for anything to reflect off of.

In the absence of a porch light or a street light, the neighbor's house can no longer be seen; the grass is no longer green, but rather black; the leaves on the trees are dark; and were it not for the headlights of the car, it would not be seen approaching the intersection. Without luminous objects generating light that propagates through space to illuminate non-luminous objects, those non-luminous objects cannot bee seen. Without light, there would be no sight.

That's not to say that it's perfect, though, because I would imagine that the moon could do much, much more to aid us in our quest for sight. There's a pretty simple way to envision this, too - imagine if the sun's light reflects off of the moon, causing it to illuminate the snow or sand, it is actually quite bright. That would be much more beneficial to our vision problems at Willow Springs. It's almost like daytime, really, and it's a really cool effect when the moon shines on sand or snow because it's incredibly bright, but the shadows are much, much darker.
I wish there were a bit of a limit on the "simulate reality" stuff sometimes. In the end this is a videogame. I'd like to be able to see the track when I drive on it. The HDR lighting in the game is way over exaggerated & I feel it's very distracting. I don't understand the need to simulate a real camera with auto brightness constantly adjusting itself. The constant brightness adjusting that it does is very annoying (like if I switch camera views I see the brightness constantly adjusting, making the interior view dark etc etc)
It all depends on your TV i think.
I bet this is true for many of us. If you go window shopping for HDTVs, they usually mention the dynamic lighting range in a ratio of thousands, sometimes ten-ish thousand, like 1 to 12,000 for a better one. This most likely has something to do with it.

I have a fairly recent LG with good specs, but I discovered to my chagrin that it isn't the same picture quality as one of the better Samsungs and Bravias in the $1500-plus range. My previous Bravia I bought three years previous had a fantastic PQ, and details in Prologue and Forza 3 were delectable. The LG lost it all in dark murk, and unfortunately, I'll likely need a pro calibration, though I might try a pricey calibration kit from Amazon at some point. I can't harp enough about the PQ of the Bravia line, that Bravia engine really is worth the money.
Antartica is a desert.

... Shut up. :lol: Why would I even go to a desert? There's nothing there. :P

Wait, I've never been to Antarctica though, just close enough so that it's too cold to have a desert, but too warm for constant snoooooooow.
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Ever been to a desert?

Was this directed at me? As a matter of a fact, no. I don't want to bother with a passport, or travelling 4000+ km. to the other side of the second largest country in the world.

That said, what is the point you are making, please?
Just for beans, I fired up a noonday Arcade race at Big Willow, and man... the game simulates noonday glare like crazy. I don't have brightness up, but it still made me wince. Pinkish glowing halos when you get near bright objects or trackside.
I did the mini endurance at Willow Springs. It's not as bad as that picture in chase cam, but it in cockpit view you only see white. I still finished it that way :P