I haven't taken it again recently but I'll be five by five purple (the best colour). Literally, +5, -5.
Answering only strongly agree/disagree.
Sounds like something a person with an inconsistent world view would say.The test doesn't really show anything.
Sounds like...oh to hell with it.But I'm not the one calling the shots so it doesn't matter.
Ron Paul 2012. Put a real god in the White House.I think it would be very difficult to be 100% all the time consistent in your views across every topic.
I wouldn't call the Mises Institute itself a place for beginners, but they do offer lots of info for people just learning about it. Book lists and whatnot. Lots of interesting scholarly stuff, etc.I didn't save the picture, but I ended up fairly libertarian and slightly left. I think I'm fairly consistent with my stance on social issues but I know very little of economics. What's a good resource for that sort of thing? I'm not aware of any great sources on information on left vs right that aren't either terribly biased or wikipedia.
I'm also rather amused by the "International" plot. It shows various world leaders from recent history.
These people are in positions of power. They're highly motivated, usually egotistical, often well-spoken and clever, with a constant desire to advance themselves to the highest degree. They want power and success.
As Famine said earlier, only Q2 and Q4 represent consistent positions, I'm I'll add that of those two only one of them is moral. That's Q4. None of these world leaders are in Q4. As a matter of fact, most of them represent hypocritical positions that don't make sense, much less that are moral. What that means is that they're wrong. However, I don't believe this assessment is compatible for corporate leaders. I think these positions are fundamentally different, the main difference being "profit".
Luckily for you it's been established that Q1 and Q3 represent illogical positions that are self-contradictory. Your "general view", that government should become less involved, yet still do everything they currently do (healthcare, education, emergency services, military, public research funding) agrees with that perfectly. How you didn't spot the contradiction while you were typing your own paragraph I'm not sure.![]()
My general view is that the government need to become less involved in everything...only to cover, the basics of healthcare, education, police/fire service and small army....developing the human race as a whole (developments in science, exploration, ect).
Because less involved =/= not involved at all.
Small Government still does something. It's in the minds of the individuals whether that means army, police, fire, education, utilities and so on..
A proper government's role should be nothing more than to protect the lives, liberties, and properties of the people