^ Having grown up in the countryside with a local hunt, I hate 'em... I don't like horses on the public highways, I don't like Range Rover driving Tories, I hate dogs, and I'm reasonably against hunting for anything other than necessity.... so I used to get REALLY ****ed off when Horse riding Tory boy Range Rover drivers and their dogs would block the road out of the village just for a bit of sport hunting.
I agree so much - the Isle of Wight is literally riddled with bridleways and yet horsey types (almost exclusively teenage girls for
some reason) insist on taking main roads and country lanes, many of our roads are single-lane narrow and full of blind corners.
Can't agree with you on dogs, though. We have a special bond with them going back to real mud hut times. I hope we will evolve into a space faring civilisation and take the dogs with us. They deserve it, they put in the work.
Brings me back to my disdain for horse owners. Not so long ago horses were vital to our society, but technologically we have moved past them. To my mind, enough horses died for no reason in the fields of Europe - I'm referring particularly to WW1 here - that we really need not ask any more of them, nor make them our hobby trophy. We should leave them well alone at this point - a horse has no use but to live and should be allowed to do just that, not be paraded around by some posh girl who just so happens to
really enjoy the motion of riding. Then they go off to uni and poor horseface is their darling no more, and will stand about in a field until it expires.
I'm saying that horse riding is masturbation, by the way. No smoke without fire. Why only teen girls?
Range Rovers can bugger off, too. It's that real touristy time of year right now and our roads are hectic. You can always tell the local cars from the DFLs (down from london), and not only by the reg.
Tourist car: Range Rover, Hyundai Tucson, Big AUDI Qwhatever, really any big old useless SUV.
Local car: Toyota Yaris, Ford Fiesta, Renault Clio. You MIGHT see a farmer in a Defender but more likely in some old crapbox like a Metro Rio Grande.