Britain - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter Ross

How will you vote in the 2024 UK General Election?

  • Conservative Party

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labour Party

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other (Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland)

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other Independents

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other Parties

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Spoiled Ballot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will Not/Cannot Vote

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Granted, it was a Sun headline, but I saw something about "Lord" Frost being made head of the cabinet if Truss gets in.

All I'm going to say, is that in between scrolling cat videos and thinking "awwwwwwww", I saw this and thought, "I wonder if anyone will start executing politicians anytime soon...", or at least, that's the closest AUP friendly version.


Granted, it was a Sun headline, but I saw something about "Lord" Frost being made head of the cabinet if Truss gets in.

All I'm going to say, is that in between scrolling cat videos and thinking "awwwwwwww", I saw this and thought, "I wonder if anyone will start executing politicians anytime soon...", or at least, that's the closest AUP friendly version.


If the average income household is paying anything like double their monthly income for energy this winter, then your government should indeed be faced with sharp rebuke and earnest protest.
Frost is the same unelected boofhead who wants to exterminate Wales and Scotland by abolishing devolution in Cardiff and Edinburgh, and confirming that the United Kingdom England is a unitary state.

The island is ****ed.
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your government should indeed be faced with sharp rebuke and earnest protest.
Sharp rebuke? I was wondering if anyone would use a 50 cal., personally. There is no earnest, good faith, above the board protest that will stop this systemic rot.
Frost is the same unelected boofhead who wants to exterminate Wales and Scotland by abolishing devolution in Cardiff and Edinburgh, and confirming that the United Kingdom England is a unitary state.

The island is ****ed.
Think it’s about time we use this as our motto in the UK

Sharp rebuke? I was wondering if anyone would use a 50 cal., personally. There is no earnest, good faith, above the board protest that will stop this systemic rot.
You will go meekly, like lambs to the slaughter. But, as always, you will be tasteful, witty and amusing as you go along.
You will go meekly, like lambs to the slaughter. But, as always, you will be tasteful, witty and amusing as you go along.
Please stop with your nonsense.

It was vaguely amusing in its inaccuracy the first few thousand times, now it's just embarrassingly moronic ********.

It adds nothing to the discussion past re-enforcing your lack of knowledge and understanding, note this is not moderation (being consistently wrong isn't an AUP violation), more care in the community. Can we have more consideration and less peak-Boomer in your posts, please?
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Please stop with your nonsense.

It was vaguely amusing in its inaccuracy the first few thousand times, now it's just embarrassingly moronic ********.

It adds nothing to the discussion past re-enforcing your lack of knowledge and understanding, note this is not moderation (being consistently wrong isn't an AUP violation), more care in the community. Can we have more consideration and less peak-Boomer in your posts, please?
Since when has the character of your people changed? Haven't you always believed government is better than the alternative, and that more government, not less, is the only thing that can solve your problems?
Since when has the character of your people changed? Haven't you always believed government is better than the alternative, and that more government, not less, is the only thing that can solve your problems?
Doubling down doesn't suddenly make you right.

No surprise that you are attempting to paint the entire population of the UK as a singular mass, with zero personal traits or views, a homogenous mass of a single-thought. Allow me to return the favour, here is America, all of its population, in a single image (just using your logic)...

Screenshot 2022-08-24 093558.png

...but please, do continue with the absurdity.
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Haven't you always believed government is better than the alternative, and that more government, not less, is the only thing that can solve your problems?

Quite how you can look at the political landscape of the country over the past decade and come to the conclusion that we want more government, I'm not sure.


... even as a Remain voter, one of the few Leave arguments I thought was a legitimate angle, was the excessive layers and systems it added to our own.
I've always thought that the British people and nation were the greatest on Earth, probably since the time of Edward. It seems entirely unlikely that violence and other antisocial and antidemocratic activity is your destiny. Probably the worst thing you shackle yourselves with is a blind slavery to US policy.
Since when has the character of your people changed? Haven't you always believed government is better than the alternative, and that more government, not less, is the only thing that can solve your problems?
Tell me you know nothing about the UK without telling me you know nothing about the UK.
Dotini - I've always thought that the British people and nation were the greatest on Earth, probably since the time of Edward. It seems entirely unlikely that violence and other antisocial and antidemocratic activity is your destiny. Probably the worst thing you shackle yourselves with is a blind slavery to US policy
Current industrial actions

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I've always thought that the British people and nation were the greatest on Earth, probably since the time of Edward. It seems entirely unlikely that violence and other antisocial and antidemocratic activity is your destiny. Probably the worst thing you shackle yourselves with is a blind slavery to US policy.
Once again spouting nonsense based on some bizarre, and utterly unrealistic view of the UK that you seem to have.

Being wrong about it initially is understandable, being told you are wrong repeatedly and continuing to try and argue it, is wilful ignorance of the highest order.

The concept of civil disobedience as a form of protest is both well ingrained within the UK (and a wider Europe) and arguably something that was imported to the US from Europe, not the other way around.

After all it's not as if the Sacheverell riots of 1710 and similar events lead to the introduction of the Riot act in the UK in 1715, sixty years before the US even existed. Or do I need to point out the Civil war we had a good 200 years before the US one, or the Glorious Revolution of 1688, or maybe the Peasant's Revolt of 1381 is far enough back for you (the first time a Poll tax was attempted in the UK, the second time had much the same result, in 1990)?

What exactly will it require for you to stop this continued line of inane ********?

I mean the line "since the time of Edward" further illustrates this, which Edward is that exactly? The son of Alfred, Edward the Martyr, the Confessor, what about Longshanks, or maybe it's Balliol the pretender to the crown of Scotland in the 14thC, or then we have numbers 2, 3 or 4, not to forget the black Prince? That by the way is far from a complete list of notable Edwards from the history of the UK, you may of well have said "since the time of Dave" it would have had about as much actual accuracy and relevance. Quit trying to look smart, it's backfiring spectacularly, and start to actually research and cite your future musings.

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Once again spouting nonsense based on some bizarre, and utterly unrealistic view of the UK that you seem to have.

Being wrong about it initially is understandable, being told you are wrong repeatedly and continuing to try and argue it, is wilful ignorance of the highest order.

The concept of civil disobedience as a form of protest is both well ingrained within the UK (and a wider Europe) and arguably something that was imported to the US from Europe, not the other way around.

After all it's not as if the Sacheverell riots of 1710 and similar events lead to the introduction of the Riot act in the UK in 1715, sixty years before the US even existed. Or do I need to point out the Civil war we had a good 200 years before the US one, or the Glorious Revolution of 1688, or maybe the Peasant's Revolt of 1381 is far enough back for you (the first time a Poll tax was attempted in the UK, the second time had much the same result, in 1990)?

What exactly will it require for you to stop this continued line of inane ********?

I mean the line "since the time of Edward" further illustrates this, which Edward is that exactly? The son of Alfred, Edward the Martyr, the Confessor, what about Longshanks, or maybe it's Balliol the pretender to the crown of Scotland in the 14thC, or then we have numbers 2, 3 or 4, not to forget the black Prince? That by the way is far from a complete list of notable Edwards from the history of the UK, you may of well have said "since the time of Dave" it would have had about as much actual accuracy and relevance. Quit trying to look smart, it's backfiring spectacularly, and start to actually research and cite your future musings.

The Edward I referred to was of course Edward Longshanks. I've studied the "Peasant's" Revolt in some detail, and admire it greatly.

And I reiterate the problems you face today are exacerbated by your excessive adherence to US policy.
The Edward I referred to was of course Edward Longshanks. I've studied the "Peasant's" Revolt in some detail, and admire it greatly.
So you now acknowledge you were talking nonsense, odd, you're flipflopping now.

Oh and it was anything but obvious, but I guess adding in 'the First' or 'Longshanks' is beneath you and we should , of course, be able to read your mind. Out of interest what exactly was it about Edward the First that drives the admiration?

And I reiterate the problems you face today are exacerbated by your excessive adherence to US policy.
Which bit of US policy does the UK have to adhere to exactly?
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So you now acknowledge you were talking nonsense, odd, you're flipflopping now.

Oh and it was anything but obvious, but I guess adding in 'the First' or 'Longshanks' is beneath you and we should , of course, be able to read your mind. Out of interest what exactly was it about Edward the First that drives the admiration?

Which bit of US policy does the UK have to adhere to exactly?
I admire Edward mostly because he was the least mentally, emotionally and physically damaged English King that I know of. Wikipedia has a long list of his achievements.

The US policy you should be most wary of is foreign policy. It's costing you way too much.
Respect is earnt, not given. As the invader, occupier and conquerer of Wales, as well as bully of Scotland, Edward I deserves all the bull he ever gets, has gotten or will get. You would be surprised how far these things run deep but at the same time shouldn't be given these actions' long-lasting consequences are still felt today.

He is also responsible for the expulsion of Jews from the island of Britain. It took 350 years for them to return and even then not exactly in large numbers.
I admire Edward mostly because he was the least mentally, emotionally and physically damaged English King that I know of. Wikipedia has a long list of his achievements.
You really, really didn't read that did you.

So to be clear you admire a man who:
  • Subjugated Scotland, causing it to side with England enemy, stole the Stone of Destiny leading to English and Scottish animosity that continues to this day. Imprisoned its leaders and massacred it's people.
  • Ditto Wales (minus the Stone)
  • Consolidated power on himself
  • Engaged in countless military actions that raised taxes and bankrupted the country
  • Executed 300 Jews (who he personally 'owned') as they were no longer financially useful
  • Banned Jews from lending money, attempted forced conversions and when that didn't work expelled all Jews from English lands (which included Scotland and Wales, which he'd stolen).
That's who you admire, rather you than me.
The US policy you should be most wary of is foreign policy. It's costing you way too much
Doesn't answer the question, try again, this time without a strawman or quote mining.
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You really, really didn't read that did you.

So to be clear you admire a man who:
  • Subjugated Scotland, causing it to side with England enemy, stole the Stone of Destiny stone leading to English and Scottish animosity that continued late into the last century. Imprisoned its leaders and massacred it's people.
  • Ditto Wales (minus the Stone)
  • Consolidated power on himself
  • Engaged in countless military actions that raised taxes and bankrupted the country
  • Executed 300 Jews (who he personally 'owned') as they were no longer financially useful
  • Banned Jews from lending money, attempted forced conversions and when that didn't work expelled all Jews from English lands (which included Scotland and Wales, which he'd stolen).
That's who you admire, rather you than me.

Doesn't answer the question, try again, this time without a strawman or quote mining.
Yep, old Ed made a great omelette. But he broke a few eggs. Old Abe Lincoln had to do a few nasty things in his time, too.
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Since when has the character of your people changed? Haven't you always believed government is better than the alternative, and that more government, not less, is the only thing that can solve your problems?
My man, you need to stop the smug, condescending, "aren't they adorable trying to figure things out for themselves", wise old all-knowing American cosplay attitude. With immediate effect. You sound like a moron.
My man, you need to stop the smug, condescending, "aren't they adorable trying to figure things out for themselves", wise old all-knowing American cosplay attitude. With immediate effect. You sound like a moron.
Okay. Perhaps the character of your people has changed for the better, and you should move toward less government, more freedom and individual responsibility. Welcome to reality, it feels great!
Okay. Perhaps the character of your people has changed for the better, and you should move toward less government, more freedom and individual responsibility. Welcome to reality, it feels great!
And that makes the triple.

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