At one point in the video the murdering scumbag says, "in our land women have to see this all the time", referring to the victim lying dead on the street 10 metres away. I could be wrong but I don't think he's referring to the U.K. when he says, "our land". In fact, I'd bet on it. He's also quoted as referring to Allah so I'll go way out on a limb and say he's yet another Muslim extremist murderer, killing, so he believes, in the name of his god and his religion. Sick.
Too bad you don't have the death penalty anymore.
Re: Bolded bit.
Considering that there are roughly one billion Muslims, maybe more, how many of those are extremist murderers?
BBC are still reporting that they're British. They could be referring to their motherland. Either way, their country of origin shouldn't detract from their actions or influence their punishment.
Let's face it, plenty of "white British" don't integrate with one another. Where should we deport them?
Considering that there are roughly one billion Muslims, maybe more, how many of those are extremist murderers?
I'm not suggesting that cultural integration is wrong at all, just that for all the talk of our multi-cultural society, we actually don't mix... yes, we buy kebabs from 'them', we buy our 4 pack of Stella from 'them' when nowhere else is open.. But, welcoming service providers into your community isn't being multi-cultural, partaking in their activities, beliefs, rituals and celebrations would be, and really the 'natives' of our island aren't that great at doing such things.
An overwhelming majority of Muslims are Sunnis, while an estimated 10-13% are Shias.
In Iraq, Sunnis were removed from rule and Shia installed. Bombings and beheadings ensued. In Libya and Egypt, secular tyrants were removed and Sunnis installed. Strife ensues. In Syria, Shia are getting the bum's rush in favor of Sunnis. Civil war ensues. In all of these struggles, fighters are sheltered and supported by their families and religious affiliations extended throughout the region. Hundreds of native interpreters for the British forces in Afghanistan are to be immigrated to the UK.
That's true.
My atheism means I don't partake in Ramadan, Divali or Hanukah as much as I don't partake in Lent, Easter or Kwanza.
Seeing Johnny Foreigner down the pub and sharing a laugh or drink with them is a sign of integration though. Vlad from the boxing club is a top lad.
Fair enough... I bloody hate Christmas too... nothing to do with it offending my religion, I don't have one.. it's just a pain in the ass!
The amount of horse-crap "share this if you're proud to be English.." posts on my Facebook feed has probably increased 10 fold today. The governments calling it a terror attack, and the media are fueling, and feeding on the public outrage. If these guys did have an agenda, it worked.
All well and good and certainly true. But there are no figures for how many of those one billion are extremist murderers.
Do you not think it is a terror attack?
Personally I wouldn't. Possibly I think because it was an attack against an individual.
We could all be afraid of being attacked and murdered in the street for any number of reasons, but the fact is, for the vast vast majority of the country, I think it's fair to say that they will not even be 1% more afraid, or negatively affected when they leave their front doors tomorrow morning.
Buses and Pubs getting blown up is what I think many people of my age in this country think of when they think of terrorism in the UK.
I could be wrong, it's just my opinion.
Ahh typical media to link it to Islam at the first chance they have because it gets views/sells papers/puts across a view they want to which can create fear which can then be used to justify things like more police powers etc.
I hate the media sometimes.
Ahh typical media to link it to Islam at the first chance they have because it gets views/sells papers/puts across a view they want to which can create fear which can then be used to justify things like more police powers etc.
I hate the media sometimes.
Yeah typical media to report the news the first chance they have. Oh, wait...
I didn't say that did I?
It is one thing reporting the news and another putting across the idea that Islam is the cause of all the wrong in the world which the media has a habit of doing.
So every time a murder happens do the media draw attention to things like whether said person went to church or relevent religious building and there are many murderers who went to church or didn't whchever portion you wish to look at? Or whether they were a member of any particular society? Nope. Muslims however always get named as such.
Poppycock. Please provide links to these articles from mainstream, reputable news sources (not bloggers or rinky dink net news forums) who put across the idea that Islam is the cause of all the wrong in the world. I'd like to read them. Since you refer to it as a habit, please provide multiple references.
Every time a murder happens, the media does what they are supposed to do for the most part. They dig and dig and dig and find out everything about the suspect and report it in the news. Some of it is irrelevant, occasionaly they make errors, no one is perfect. Yes they focus on the titillating stuff sometimes for ratings or sales but so what? If this same soldier was a Muslim and was run over by a Jew and then hacked and stabbed to death while yelling, "God is great, praise the Lord, stay out of Isreal, long live the Jews, death to Palestine", I'm quite certain that would have been reported, because it's relevant, just as a Muslim praising his god while murdering an innocent man is relevant.
Who waved the religious card first, the media, or the murdering **** heads who hacked a young lad to death?
Your anger does what for the poor guy that is dead? The ignorance that killer spewed and the fact that you perpetuate further hate toward one persons action then justify it toward a single group, who wouldn't think to do that...
LOL, reading things that aren't there.
Yes I'm angry, but my anger isn't aimed at any group. Please show me where I said that??????????
My anger is directed at two murdering **** heads. That's all.
Please answer the question.
I'm disgusted at both the attack itself and the way the media here have chosen to report it, they've used the most incendiary terminology to describe it, from 'Muslim looking', 'terrorism', to even 'Baghdad style violence on the streets of London' (a paraphrase from the ITV report last night) to bring in the viewers. While it was an attack against an ex-member of the armed forces and definitely framed in a religious context by the attackers, it should still be judged for what it is, which is murder - albeit in a very public manner. The way the media have treated it means that peaceful Muslims will be living in fear for the next few months and tensions between them and other cultures/communities will be high. It is very irresponsible for the media - and the PM for that matter - to use such loaded terms since they do not say much but stir up mass hysteria amongst people. I had to wade through various reports for about half an hour before I could piece together an account of what happened since every outlet was filling the dead air with buzzwords.
I've decided to pull on a shirt to show my support and a big, fat middle finger to pricks like that (the guy whose Twitter feed I posted and to whom E28 is responding... not E28 himselfSo, people should get beheaded for visibly showing their support for a charity that help people injured in combat and need support?
(which is what it seemed like from your post)