- 9,058
- Murica
- BasedAckbar
The bystander effect played its hand no doubt but to see something this grizzly in front of your eyes, I can imagine feeling hollow after this.
I just watched the video. That's pathetic. Now, some of you know that I don't believe anybody should ever be compelled to help anybody in danger for any reason because that's akin to slavery. But let's be honest, most decent people have an innate desire to help. I'm not appalled at the fact that these people didn't help, more at the fact that they couldn't help because their ability to do so had been stripped...either by their government, or by themselves because they are who the government derives it's power from.
If this had happened in the US it's very likely an armed citizens would have taken control of the situation rather quickly. I know that because it's happened numerous times. You lot should probably take a good look at why these people weren't able to help, and then remove that roadblock so you don't have to sit around and wait for the rent-a-cops to come whistling loudly in their goofy hats.
Apparently the croissant was made in celebration of the defeat of Umayyad forces in Tours or Ottoman forces in Vienna, so it is not an example of Islam instilling their culture into a vanquished nation. No mention of the Islamic origins of calzone either.
Beg to differ. Terrorism has always had pretty much the same meaning since it first came into vogue in the 60's and 70's and its always been clear that individual acts motivated by personal gain, rage or any other personal motives are not terrorism. When the act is done in the name of a political, religious cause it becomes terrorism. The reason the focus is on Islam these days is because they commit the majority of terrorist acts. Period.
I,Along with most people just want the facts and am perfectly capable of making up my own mind. I don't want the media deciding for me what facts will overwhelm "gullible" people like me and only reporting that which I can discern the truth from with my limited mental capacity. Truth is, he comitted this act as a Muslim in the name of Islam. If people infer from that that all Muslims are evil, your issue is with them, not the media.
Somebody clearly doesn't understand religious history, in particular, Islamic history. When the Islamic Empire was at its peak, the Muslims would infuse, much like the Romans would several centuries earlier, their culture into the vanquished nation. This not only affected religious beliefs in that area, but one might make the case culinary speaking as well. Take as way of two examples, the Calzone in Italy and Croissant from France. Both dishes honor Islam by maintaining a half-moon shape, more so to the Ottoman flag, and later Algeria, Brunei, and most muslim nations.
I said could have an impact, so don't go and insert words into my mouth.
Lets not go down that road again, we've covered it quite a few times in various threads.
I said could have an impact, so don't go and insert words into my mouth.
Somebody clearly doesn't understand religious history, in particular, Islamic history. When the Islamic Empire was at its peak, the Muslims would infuse, much like the Romans would several centuries earlier, their culture into the vanquished nation. This not only affected religious beliefs in that area, but one might make the case culinary speaking as well. Take as way of two examples, the Calzone in Italy and Croissant from France. Both dishes honor Islam by maintaining a half-moon shape, more so to the Ottoman flag, and later Algeria, Brunei, and most muslim nations.
Thanks F1GTR.
The bystander effect played its hand no doubt but to see something this grizzly in front of your eyes, I can imagine feeling hollow after this.
It's plausible but I wouldn't chalk it up to that without studying it first. While most people in such an environment - crowded, urban, typically decent - might stand idly by in the US also, most of the people in that environment won't have the ability to help not only because self-defense weapons are typically not allowed in those environments, but because most people in general don't carry self-defense weapons even when they can. Is it a "bystander effect" or is it the subconscious knowledge that they simply can't help? Are they stunned or are they aware that it's not only a ridiculous situation but they're utterly unprepared for it? It's not uncommon for people here who do carry self-defense weapons to step into the situation. Is it because they're hardasses and think they can keep everybody in line? Is it because they're aware of what's going on, they want to help, and know that they have the ability to? Maybe it's something even deeper psychologically - maybe the type of person who wouldn't carry a weapon and the type of person who would have fundamental personality differences which effect their ability to perceive the world around them and act appropriately in a relatively stable manner.Bystander effect.
Maybe those people wanted to help, but psychologically couldn't or wouldn't.
It's a powerful thing.
I don't know. It would be an interesting study. All I know is, bystander effect my ass.
The case of Kitty Genovese is often cited as an example of the "bystander effect". It is also the case that originally stimulated social psychological research in this area. On March 13, 1964 Genovese, 28 years old, was on her way back to her Queens, New York, apartment from work at 3am when she was stabbed to death by a serial rapist and murderer. According to newspaper accounts, the attack lasted for at least a half an hour during which time Genovese screamed and pleaded for help. The murderer attacked Genovese and stabbed her, then fled the scene after attracting the attention of a neighbor. The killer then returned ten minutes later and finished the assault. Newspaper reports after Genovese's death claimed that 38 witnesses watched the stabbings and failed to intervene or even contact the police until after the attacker fled and Genovese had died. This led to widespread public attention, and many editorials.
On June 16, 2008, on a country road outside Turlock, California, friends, family and strangers, including a volunteer fire chief, stood by as Sergio Aguiar methodically stomped his two-year-old son Axel Casian to death, explaining in a calm voice that he "had to get the demons out" of the boy. He stopped at one point to turn on the hazard lights on his truck. No one moved to take the child or attack Aguiar. Witnesses said they were all afraid to intervene because Aguiar "might have something in his pocket", although some people looked for rocks or boards hoping to find something to subdue him. The fire chief's fiancee called 911. Police officer Jerry Ramar arrived by helicopter and told Aguiar to stop. Aguiar gave Ramar the finger and Ramar shot him in the head. Police officers and psychologists later explained that the inaction of the crowd was justified in that "ordinary people aren't going to tackle a psychotic," that they were not "psychologically prepared" to intervene, and that being frozen in indecision and fear is a normal reaction.
In April 2010 Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax was stabbed to death in New York City after coming to the aid of a woman who was being attacked by a robber. Yax was on the sidewalk for more than an hour before firefighters arrived. Almost twenty-five people walked by while he lay dying on a sidewalk in Queens, several stared at Yax; one of them took pictures, however none of them helped or called emergency services
In October 2011, a two-year-old girl, Wang Yue, was hit by a small, white van in the city of Foshan, China, then run over by a large truck when she was not moved by bystanders. A total of 18 people ignored her, some going so far as to walk around the blood. The girl was left for 7 minutes before a recycler, Chen Xianmei, picked up the toddler and called for help. The child died eight days later
In June 2008 49-year-old Esmin Green collapsed in the waiting room of Kings County Hospital Center in Brooklyn after waiting nearly 24 hours for treatment. She was ignored by other people present in the room and two security guards. She was helped after an hour passed but died. The hospital staff falsified their records to minimize the time she had lain on the floor unaided. Kings County Hospital had been previously cited for unsanitary conditions and patient neglect
Poppycock. Please provide links to these articles from mainstream, reputable news sources (not bloggers or rinky dink net news forums) who put across the idea that Islam is the cause of all the wrong in the world. I'd like to read them. Since you refer to it as a habit, please provide multiple references.
What tv personalities would you like me to give you, and from what event?
Because I could show you from 9/11, Fort Hood, UK Train bombings, Boston and this new one, just pick.
The term terrorism was use far before that, don't mix pop-culture's use of it with historical sense. Also if you want to see one-sided reporting that cast muslim's as a great evil, watch Bill O'Reiley, Glen Beck, Bill Maher, Shaun Hannity, Lou Dobbs to start out.
Media standards on framing Islam after 9/11
Britian's mainly focused media driven at Anti-Islam sentiment
I could give you more peer read articles if those don't do enough for you. Since they are educational pieces from University databases, that I use in my political class assignments or have seen others use.
Sorry dude, I'm not going to wade through studies, probably authored by some liberal with an axe to grind. You said you would provide videos from any of the incidents of Muslim Extremist Terrorism above, that show that major news media paint Muslims as the cause of all the evils of the world. Please do so.
And in case you don't know, Sean Hannity, Bill Maher, Glen Beck, Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews are not impartial news readers and don't pretend to be. They all have an axe to grind on one side of the fence or the other. They are entitled to their opinions one way or the other as we do have a free press. They are political commentators, they deliberately attempt to sway people to embrace their viewpoint. Everyone knows this. Anyone turning on their shows expecting impartial news coverage is not very bright. But even then, I would bet they have never painted Islam as the cause of all the problems of the world.
blah blah blah..pretty much everything inferred incorrectly, misquoted or taken out of context...
An unarmed citizen took control of the situation in England. Ingrid Loyau-Kennett started talking to the perpetrators in the immediate aftermath of the attack. This is obviously what they wanted, since they started making political statements and made no move to attack anyone else.If this had happened in the US it's very likely an armed citizens would have taken control of the situation rather quickly.
This is exactly what I said, in response to someone else, not you.
"Please provide links to these articles from mainstream, reputable news sources (not bloggers or rinky dink net news forums) who put across the idea that Islam is the cause of all the wrong in the world".
You popped off without me asking anything of you directly and said, "What tv personalities would you like me to give you, and from what event?
Because I could show you from 9/11, Fort Hood, UK Train bombings, Boston and this new one, just pick".
I am still awaiting direct links to any mainstream newscast that "puts across the idea that Islam is the cause of all the wrong in the world". Not editorials or opinion pieces, but actual newscasts. You know, a guy at a desk reading the news, a reporter on the ground etc.
Besides even if the people watching it.
How could they help?
A nut job with a meat clever, a butcher knife, and who knows what else and another nut job with a gun.
If you were in a car maybe you could have run them down but then you will be arrested for that as even terrorists have "human rights"
I don't think I would care if I got arrested for running terrorists down with a car. Heck, in prison I could even be safe from any retaliation attacks.
An unarmed citizen took control of the situation in England. Ingrid Loyau-Kennett started talking to the perpetrators in the immediate aftermath of the attack. This is obviously what they wanted, since they started making political statements and made no move to attack anyone else.
I'm curious as to what you mean by an "armed citizen taking control of the situation", because there was clearly no point where they could actually intervene. They could not "take control" when the soldier was run down, because there was no immediate evidence of an attack; for all the bystanders knew, it was just someone who simply lost control of their car and hit a pedestrian. Nor could they "take control" during the frenzy of the stabbing, since that would likely draw the attention of other armed citizens who mistook them for being a part of the attack. And they could not "take control" after the attackers stopped, because the attackers themselves were armed and would likely fire back, and also because they made no move to attack anyone else.
So when, exactly, were they supposed to "take control of the situation"?
I don't think I would care if I got arrested for running terrorists down with a car.
How amazingly civilised of you.
CarbonoxMy apologies, I'm not exactly one to care about their "human rights".
Hear hear. What they did was barbaric, they shouldn't have any human rights, as a human would not act in that manner.
All this does is further entice hatred between racist or ignorant people and innocent Muslims, which in turn will further aggravate Extremist Muslims.
It seems the likes of the EDL are preaching that all Muslims are scum, leading some of their members to carry out attacks.
It also seems the Extremist Muslims are preaching that British people are scum, leading some of their followers to carry out attacks.
Innocent people are always caught in the crossfire.
Becase they consider themselves martyrs for the cause. They were willing - and probably expecting - to die during their attack.Well then answer this (not that I agree with Keef), if these attackers were to fire back, why didn't they do so when the police arrived?
They wouldn't have. But going by the way they paraded around and asked people to film them and take their pictures, the point of the attack was not to attack the soldier, but to attack the soldier and be seen doing it. If somebody started shooting on them before they had a chance to parade around for the cameras, they may have started shooting back.And even if a bystander with a gun fired on them -like the police- how would the two know any different while they were busy killing a poor guy for no reason. How would they know that the bystander shooting them wasn't a police officer?
It seems the likes of the EDL are preaching that all Muslims are scum, leading some of their members to carry out attacks.
It also seems the Extremist Muslims are preaching that British people are scum, leading some of their followers to carry out attacks.