British Nationalist Party

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Would you vote for the BNP?

  • Yes I would vote for the BNP

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • No I wouldnt vote for the BNP

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters


Please read below before answering​

How do you feel about the BNP? Do you agree with what theyre saying or disagree? Would you vote for them?

Please read whats below and then give your answer.

25% of voters 'considering BNP'

Staff and agencies
Monday April 17, 2006

Up to a quarter of voters are considering supporting the far right British National party, according to a draft report for a social policy research group.

The authors of the study for the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust said today that feelings of "powerlessness and frustration" with the main political parties had led to increasing numbers indicating that they might vote for the BNP.

The claims follow a warning by the employment minister, Margaret Hodge, that disillusioned white, working-class voters were deserting Labour for the BNP. She said that as many as eight out of 10 white families in her Barking constituency in east London admitted that they were tempted to vote BNP in forthcoming council elections.

One of the study's authors, Professor Peter John of Manchester University, said the research suggested many voters in white working-class areas feel their concerns are ignored.

"They think they have been let down by the main parties. They feel their voices have not been heard, the main parties have ignored them," he told the BBC's Today programme.

"I think if I was in the main parties, I would be worried about this, that I have not talked about an issue which one of my core constituencies thinks is important."

He said that focus groups were conducted with voters in east London as part of the Rowntree report, but stressed that the levels of underlying support uncovered by the report would not necessarily translate into electoral success for the BNP.

"This is a very hypothetical question. It is not what party you will vote for, but who you might vote for. The idea is to try to tap into some underlying attitudes which may translate into electoral support, but may not and in the past have not," he said.

The study also analysed the wards in which the BNP enjoyed most support and found they were "white working-class areas" with little racial diversity, Prof John said.

He also accused the BNP of spreading "myths" which had particular potency in areas experiencing significant levels of change.

Phill Edwards, a BNP spokesman, said that during the last 40 years Britain had been transformed from "a racially homogeneous society" into one "where the cultures are now quite alien".

"That does add quite a lot of tensions and stresses," he said. "There are borders around countries. People require passports to move around. Borders are there to protect population groups, to give security and freedom, democracy and identity to population groups.

"These people shouldn't just be allowed to wander wherever they like. The fact of the matter is that people who come from these countries in the Third World, many of them do not share our culture and identity. They bring with them their internecine, inter-tribal warfare, they bring with them ailments and diseases and it does cause a lot of frustration."

The Home Office minister, Andy Burnham, said indications of growing readiness to consider a vote for the BNP reflected a trend towards protest voting, especially at local elections, but he played down the significance of the party's threat.

"When people hear their views, I think they will see them for what they are," he told Today. "But there is a danger in giving undue prominence to the threat that they pose. They pose a very localised threat and I am worried that if we give them too much coverage, it can back up the notion that they are a potent protest vote.

"Let's give them the coverage they deserve, in my view, which is very little."

The BNP launched its local election manifesto on Good Friday and said it was "standing for local freedom, security, identity, democracy" and putting "Britain first".

The party, which has 24 local councillors, said 356 candidates would stand for election next month.

According to analysis by the anti-fascist group Searchlight, the BNP is within a 5% swing of winning 70 council seats.

"They are posing a much bigger electoral threat than they have," Searchlight's director of research, Nick Lowles, said.

The BNP was increasing its anti-Muslim rhetoric in the wake of the July 7 bombings and the Danish cartoon row, he addded. The party was also benefiting from disillusionment among Labour voters, and the Tories' apparent shift to the centre, which had left a gap on the right.

Ms Hodge told the Sunday Telegraph that for the first time white working class people were no longer ashamed to say they will vote BNP.

"When I knock on doors I say to people 'Are you tempted to vote BNP?' and many, many, many - eight out of 10 of the white families - say yes." she said. "That's something we have never seen before, in all my years, even when people voted BNP they used to be ashamed to vote BNP. Now they are not.

The BNP is standing in seven of the 17 wards in Barking and Searchlight predicts it will get 20-30% of the vote. The party secured 16.9% of the vote in Barking in the 2005 general election. In neighbouring Dagenham, its vote was 9%.
They are insidious racists.

Its a pity that many people cant see this, and those that can will still vote for them as the other parties have left them disilliusioned with their immigration policies. Alot of conservative voters seem to have now moved on to support the BNP as the new tories become soft on their old ideals that seperated them from labour.

I myself am not sure who I would vote for. I am usually a labour man, but as of late things appear to be going pear shape and each party looks as inadequate as the other. I think I wont vote, If only that would make a big impact but wont as many people never vote as it is.
They sent a flier through my door the last general election. I felt like mailing it back con human excrament.

I don't like the idea of my area becoming over run with asylum seekers, but I don't like it being over run by racist biggots either.
I'm American, so all I had to do was read "far right" and I voted no. Looks like I got it right.
I wouldn't vote for "far" anything. That just means they are completely one-sided and closed-minded. I sit right in the middle, where everyone should be.
Sounds similar to the GOP here in the US, but just a bit more to the right... Say, well, I don't think we have a party that is that far to the right. Not that there is a problem being a conservative (I myself being one, but a bit more centrist in most circumstances).

I think as a byproduct of the new world at which we all live in, we are going to see a resurgence of far-right politics that preech the notion of protection from the rest of the world. I don't necessiarily see why it is such a horrible thing, as we all need to get a bit tougher on our foreign policy twards the Middle East, South America, and China, but racist politics are something that no one wants to see.

...In the US, we are kinda in the same boat. There has been a lot of namecalling over the Illegal Immigrant (read Mexican) bills in our House of Representatives and Senate, with people on both sides making actions that so many people (both legal and non-legal) dissagree with.
Hey, speaking of Mexicans, I saw a video of a troop of about 30 illegals croosing into America earlier on the news. Nobody did anything. The news organization was watching them, but they didn't even say "Hey, go back that way!" If you're looking for a job in the south get a border patrol job--they need you.
in this country we have racists in civilian guise...

just the other day i passed by a white van in need of a wash which was fingered with '******s back to africa'...and 'pakis go home'

in civilian guise refers to the average straight person, your boss for example, whom appears to be a perfectly rational human being but harbours deep resentment and hatred to anyone not of his/her type.

my wife is a professional, she is asian also and an immigrant (now a British citizen). She says she gets the impression that peope think immigrants who come here do so for the social security payment. If they have a job then they are taking jobs away from Scots just cant win.

the BNP has a surprisingly large support all over the UK and is outwardly and overtly racist.

no, i wont be voting for them and i think thier days are numbered as a political party.
Hey, speaking of Mexicans,.

i have lived in SoCal and saw many Mexicans there. It seems perfectly normal for businesses to hire known illegals there to do the jobs that Americans find beneath them. Cutting grass, painting houses, washing dishes etc...they provide a function it seems.
There will always be 'differences' between people, whether it be racially, culturally or otherwise - but our choice is whether to embrace these differences or whether to exploit them (for nefarious means). The BNP seek to exploit our misunderstandings and personal insecurities to win a mandate that would then allow them to move on to the next stage in their master plan.

The fact that they appear to be courting more and more popularity is because they have simply painted themselves a less threatening face - but the brute ugliness of their policies ultimately remain the same, despite the more socially-acceptable public face. Their techniques are similar to other controversial outfits, such as Scientology, or religious extremist movements, who seek to gain increased popularity by appealing to people's more reasonable/rational concerns in the first instance, before then going on to drive home their real message further down the line. Let's just hope that the vast majority of people will realise just what that real message is, instead of swallowing the BNP's rebranded 'racism-lite'...
Taken from the BNP website


On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. We will abolish the 'positive discrimination' schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of 'asylum seekers', all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.

EUROPE - back to British independence!

We are opposed to the Single European Currency, and support the overwhelming majority of the British people in their desire to keep the Pound and our traditional weights and measures. At the same time, we are for the best possible relationship with our European neighbours and believe that the nations of Europe should be free to trade and cooperate whenever it is mutually beneficial, though without being forced into a political and economic straitjacket - political unification. Accordingly, we stand for British withdrawal from the European Union. In place of the EU, we intend to aim towards greater national self-sufficiency, and to work to restore Britain's family and trading ties with Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and to trade with the rest of the world as it suits us. Following our withdrawal from the EU, the BNP will use the £43 million per day net contribution Britain at present makes to the European Union to fund many far more useful projects at home.

LAW AND ORDER - crack down on crime!

The BNP will crack down on crime and restore public safety and confidence. We will free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket that is stopping them from doing their job properly. The liberal fixation with the 'rights' of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims. We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.

ECONOMY - British workers first!

Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to British industries and the communities that depend on them. Accordingly, the BNP calls for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports. We will ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories, employing British workers. When this is done, unemployment in this country will be brought to an end, and secure, well-paid employment will flourish, at last getting our people back to work and ending the waste and injustice of having more than 4 million people in a hidden army of the unemployed concealed by Labour's statistical fiddles. We further believe that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to the British nation and people. To that end we will restore our economy and land to British ownership. We also call for preference in the job market to be given to native Britons. We will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants. Finally we will seek to give British workers a stake in the success and prosperity of the enterprises whose profits their labour creates by encouraging worker shareholder and co-operative schemes.

EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement!

We are against the 'trendy' teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe. We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world. We will also seek to instill in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain.

AGRICULTURE - quality before quantity!

We see a strong, healthy agriculture sector as vital to the country. Britain's farming industry will be encouraged to produce a much greater part of the nation's need in food products. Priority will be switched from quantity to quality, as we move from competing in a global economy to maximum self-sufficiency for Britain. We will ensure a major shift to healthier and more sustainable organic farming. We are pledged to ensure the restoration of Britain's once great fishing industry with the reimposition of the former exclusion zones around our coast.

HEALTH - first-class healthcare for all!

We are wholly committed to a free, fully funded National Health Service for all British citizens. We will revitalise the Health Service by boosting staff and bed numbers, slashing unnecessary bureaucracy and by addressing the root cause of low recruitment and retention - low pay. We will see to it that no money is given in foreign aid while our own hospitals are short of beds and the staff to run them. More emphasis must be placed on healthy living with greater understanding of sickness prevention through physical exercise, a healthier environment and improved diets.

TRANSPORT - time to invest!

Increased investment is needed in Britain's public transport system to bring it up to the highest standards in the world. The fiasco of rail privatisation with different companies running services and track leading to higher fares and lower safety also needs to be resolved. Congestion of our towns and cities must be eased by the provision of greater incentives to use rail and bus transport instead of private cars. The first step is to end the crime and squalor that puts so many people off public transport. Motorists must not be made the scapegoats for government failure. Fuel tax should be cut, motorway speed limits raised, and hidden speed cameras should be banned. Far more must be done to encourage the development and use of cleaner fuels.

ENVIRONMENT - a cleaner, greener future!

Our ideal for Britain is that of a clean, beautiful country, free of pollution in all its forms. We will enforce standards to curb those practices, whether by business or the individual, which cause environmental damage. "The polluter pays to clean up the mess" must become a fact of life, not an electioneering slogan. In towns we would work to replace the brutalist modernism of 1960s-style-architecture with a blend of traditional local styles and materials and ensure that developments take place on a more human scale.

FOREIGN AID - time to spend our money on our own people!

We reject the idea that Britain must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid. We will link foreign aid with our voluntary resettlement policy, whereby those nations taking significant numbers of people back to their homelands will need cash to help absorb those returning. The billions of pounds saved every year by this policy will also be reallocated to vital services in Britain.

PENSIONERS - pensioners before asylum seekers!

The conditions in which many of Britain's old people are forced to live are a national disgrace. We are pledged to ensure that all our old folk are able to live in comfortable homes, and will restore the earnings link with pensions. Elderly people who have paid a lifetime of taxes and reared families should not have to sell their homes to pay for care.

NORTHERN IRELAND - an end to sectarianism!

Britain has shamefully allowed the terrorists in N.I. to come close to winning when the IRA could have been destroyed years ago. Government weakness has led to hundreds of deaths and given those same terrorists a share in government. We would end all attempts to force the people of Northern Ireland to accept foreign interference in their affairs and deal with terrorism - from whatever side - once and for all. No one with links to a terrorist organisation that refuses to lay down its arms should be allowed to enter government. We would abolish state-supported segregation in education. In the long run, we wish to end the conflict in Ireland by welcoming Eire as well as Ulster as equal partners in a federation of the nations of the British Isles.

DEFENCE - no more cuts!

Successive cuts in defence spending have left Britain's armed forces perilously weak. We will boost Britain's armed forces to ensure that they are able to deal with any emergency, and defend our homeland and our independence. We will bring our troops back from Germany and withdraw from NATO, since recent political developments make both commitments obsolete. We will close all foreign military bases on British soil, and refuse to risk British lives in meddling 'peace-keeping' missions in parts of the world where no British interests are at stake - a position of armed neutrality. We will also restore national service for our young with the option of civil or military service.

FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Britain's interests first!

Britain's foreign relations should be determined by the protection of our own national interest and not by our like or dislike of other nations' internal politics. We would have no quarrel with any nation that does not threaten British interests. We will maintain an independent foreign policy of our own, and not a spineless subservience to the USA, the 'international community', or any other country.

DEMOCRACY - letting the people decide!

The British people invented modern Parliamentary democracy. Yet in recent years the British people have been denied their democratic rights. On issue after issue, the views of the majority of British people have been ignored and overridden by a Politically Correct 'élite' which thinks it knows best. On immigration, on Capital Punishment, on the surrender of British sovereignty to the EU and in numerous other areas, democracy has been absent as Labour, Tories and Lib-Dems conspire in election after election to offer the British people no real choice on such vital issues. The BNP exists to give the British people, that choice, and thus to restore and defend the basic democratic rights we have all been denied. We favour more democracy, not less, not just at national but at regional and local level. Power should be devolved to the lowest level possible so that local communities can make decisions which affect them. We will remove legal curbs on freedom of speech imposed by successive Governments over the last 40 years. We will implement a Bill of Rights guaranteeing fundamental freedoms to the British people. We will ensure that ordinary British people have real democratic power over their own lives and that Government, local and national, is truly accountable to the people who elect it.

I'd vote for them.
By reading that you can udnerstand why some peopel would vote for them. It pushed all the buttons, puts forwarda lot of points that when first looked at few people would dispute (For example, removing all foreign bases on British soil... Brilliant, except then we'd probably lose military support form the USA).
And the fact that their points on the Ecconomy could never in a million years be financially viable and would bring the rest of their 'manifesto' down like a house of cards. 👎
Obviously, I wouldn't really vote for them. I was merely trying my hand at sarcasm, but I'm crap at it so forgive me. I wouldn't consider voting for them.
Britain would be in a sorry state if it wasn't for immigration - they seem to conveniently forget this. Voluntary resettlement? That makes me laugh... why should a family three generations deep, many with successful businesses and the vast majority in gainful employment, just up and leave because they're thrown a few quid by a bunch of racists who would sooner kick them out than offer them any cash at all? Impractical, impossible and unnecessary...

They'd be a bit screwed on 'Law and Order' too... Inciting racial hatred is a crime, so their policy would see the whole party behind bars before they even got started.

On Education, they seek to reverse the 'trends' of sexual and racial equality and gay rights, and indoctrinate our children in the ways of true 'Britishness'... super.

NORTHERN IRELAND - an end to sectarianism!

Britain has shamefully allowed the terrorists in N.I. to come close to winning when the IRA could have been destroyed years ago. Government weakness has led to hundreds of deaths and given those same terrorists a share in government. We would end all attempts to force the people of Northern Ireland to accept foreign interference in their affairs and deal with terrorism - from whatever side - once and for all. No one with links to a terrorist organisation that refuses to lay down its arms should be allowed to enter government. We would abolish state-supported segregation in education. In the long run, we wish to end the conflict in Ireland by welcoming Eire as well as Ulster as equal partners in a federation of the nations of the British Isles.
Why didn't I think of that! Invite Ireland to become an 'equal partner' as part of Britain! :dunce: That's what they've spent the last couple of hundred years fighting about... And how, precisely, do they intend to go about ending 'foreign interference' in Northern Ireland, once and for all? By starting a war against Eire?

For me, the fundamental flaw in their arguments is that at their core, all of their policies are based on 'Britishness', and what it means to be British. First, you kick out the criminals (OK, good idea, they're baddies!), then you kick out the illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers (Hmm, OK, fair is fair, even if some have good reason to stay). Then you kick out the (legal) asylum seekers (but what if they are escaping tyranny or persecution?), then you kick out the ethnic minorities... (wait a minute, do you have to be 100% British to stay? What if I've lived here my whole life, and work here?). Then it starts to get silly. Where do you kick them to, if someone has lived here their whole lives, owns a UK Passport, owns property, pays tax, works etc. Send them back to the country of their ethnic origin?? Does that mean 1/16 of me has to go back to Ireland? Then what about gay people? Where do you send them??

At their root, their policies are based on xenophobia, as well as racial and sexual "ideals" that run counter-intuitively to the make-up of the modern world... Basically, unless you're white, you're out. And even if you are white, maybe you'll find that you're just not white enough for them...
Obviously, I wouldn't really vote for them. I was merely trying my hand at sarcasm, but I'm crap at it so forgive me. I wouldn't consider voting for them.

Your post coincided with a 2nd person voting that they'd vote for the BNP :odd:
Your post coincided with a 2nd person voting that they'd vote for the BNP :odd:

Is there any way I can check which button I pushed? I'm sure I hit no. Can mods do it?
Is there any way I can check which button I pushed? I'm sure I hit no. Can mods do it?
The option you voted for should now appear in italics...

Ironically, this is probably what the BNP are counting on, people voting for them by mistake :lol:

edit: oops!:embarrassed:
I think theres too much miss-information spread out with regards to immigration and immigrants in the UK, too many people go around saying, immigrants get this, immigrants get that. Yes they do get benefits, do they get too many, in the cases where one get's more than a Briton because he's an immigrant, I'd say yes, do they all get more? No. Do many get less? Yes.

That information from the BNP site pimpin posted does raise a lot of good points, very good points, such as the British becoming the ethenic minority, in Britain, a lot of people could see that happening.

Would I vote for them, not at all, do I dissagree with everything they say, no, but I don't agree with it all either, I don't agree with several things, especially what they're based on, which at it's core is racism.

There are some good point's made by the BNP, but the solutions are wrong, and there's a lot of exagerated information coming from them.

I have to say, I just read Touring Mars' last comment on the BNP, and I have to give him the 👍👍 for that one.
I think theres too much miss-information spread out with regards to immigration and immigrants in the UK, too many people go around saying, immigrants get this, immigrants get that. Yes they do get benefits, do they get too many, in the cases where one get's more than a Briton because he's an immigrant, I'd say yes, do they all get more? No. Do many get less? Yes.

What the BNP fail to mention is that immigrants, and when i say immigrants i really mean asylum seekers, are not allowed to be employed in the UK for something like 6-18 months after arriving. So of course they have to get benefits because otherwise they'll have no other access to money, with no money they would probably have to turn to crime to survive. Most of the benefits come in the form of food and clothing tokens which must be pretty humiliating to have to use. After having to sit around doing nothing for all this time i would have thought that a majority of asylum seekers would be gagging to get jobs and actually work. Sitting around all day and sponging off the state is a developed world's extravagance - its not something somebody from a developing country would even contemplate it would be such an alien concept to them. I'm not saying that immigrants would never do it, but they would only be copying what too many 'nationals' already do.

Ironicaly i bet the BNP gets a large percentage of its votes from uneducated state benefit spongers anyway.
So what exactly is a native Briton? :rolleyes:

Exactly, i bet most people in Britain are only a few generations away from some relative who originated in another country. What do they class as native Britons - Anglo-Saxons probably, but i notice they don't mention this since the Anglo-Saxons originated from the area now known as Germany - they try really hard to distance themselves from any Nazi connections. :dunce:
Exactly, i bet most people in Britain are only a few generations away from some relative who originated in another country. What do they class as native Britons - Anglo-Saxons probably, but i notice they don't mention this since the Anglo-Saxons originated from the area now known as Germany - they try really hard to distance themselves from any Nazi connections. :dunce:
A lot of Britons came from Denmark and Norway as well, and I believe the Dane's and Norwegian's came from Germany as well, you just have to suck it up, most of us came from Germany, but I don't mind, if I was a nazi I'd have only been a member of the master race:lol:.

I'd say a Brit is someone who was born here, simple as.