TheCrackerWhat the BNP fail to mention is that immigrants, and when i say immigrants i really mean asylum seekers, .
TurboSmokeYour definitions are wrong. An immigrant and an asylum seeker are two completely different things.
Asylum seekers are fleeing persecution usually in thier home country. Immigrants are people who wish to migrate from one country to another, usually for economic reasons.
The UK is in dire need of immigrant workers in the health sector. We do not need asylum seekers however.
In a debate on immigration it is imperative that the two are not confused.
FamineThey are insidious racists.
Maybe you should ask yourself what 'monoculturalism' is, where you can find it, and what the implications of it are. I think you'll find that the ideals that the BNP push are nothing more than out and out racist ideals that don't actually make any sense. They speak as if they have the interests of British people at the core of their policies, and at the same time tell millions of British people that they aren't 'real Britons' at all and that they should 'go back to their countries of origin' (when infact that country of origin is actually the UK!).Celtic_Furyask yourself this... why is it that we have this idea called 'multiculturalism" where did it come from ?
Celtic_Furywhat's racism to you ? hating those not of your own race ?
Celtic_FuryI don't think the BNP are like that , but I think they are definately FOR putting the British People FIRST and it's about bloody time !
Celtic_Furybent on destroying any and every white living space...