British Nationalist Party

  • Thread starter Poverty

Would you vote for the BNP?

  • Yes I would vote for the BNP

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • No I wouldnt vote for the BNP

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
English is even a Germanic language (As opposed to a latin or Celtic based language)...

.. So perhaps the BNP should support the revival of Welsh and Gaelic then :dopey:
I voted no.

To be honest when the time comes again, I'm not sure how I might vote, kind of get the impression the end result will be similar whoever is in power.

I think the people who are considering voting for them just dont know which way to turn anymore, the complete shambles that is out current government is not helping the issue.

Obvious reasons aside, Im not sure the BNP are really mature enough to have a serious go at running the country.

On the other hand, what do I know about politics!


Your definitions are wrong. An immigrant and an asylum seeker are two completely different things.

Asylum seekers are fleeing persecution usually in thier home country. Immigrants are people who wish to migrate from one country to another, usually for economic reasons.

The UK is in dire need of immigrant workers in the health sector. We do not need asylum seekers however.

In a debate on immigration it is imperative that the two are not confused.

What the BNP fail to mention is that immigrants, and when i say immigrants i really mean asylum seekers, .
As my wife is Anglo-Indian (my mother in law came to the UK in 1952 from India as part of a drive supported and paid for by the British government).

Guess what I voted.

No, never in a million years and I recall having an 'interesting' conversation with a BNP supporter after they tried to put a flyer through my door a few years back.

They seemed to think they did not have to leave my property when asked, quite amazing.


Your definitions are wrong. An immigrant and an asylum seeker are two completely different things.

Asylum seekers are fleeing persecution usually in thier home country. Immigrants are people who wish to migrate from one country to another, usually for economic reasons.

The UK is in dire need of immigrant workers in the health sector. We do not need asylum seekers however.

In a debate on immigration it is imperative that the two are not confused.

I'm well aware of the differences between an asylum seeker and a immigrant - but the BNP don't differentiate between the two, so neither do i for this arguement.
They are insidious racists.

what's racism to you ? hating those not of your own race ?

I don't think the BNP are like that , but I think they are definately FOR putting the British People FIRST and it's about bloody time !

ask yourself this... why is it that we have this idea called 'multiculturalism" where did it come from ?

To me it's a cult like religeon repleat with moronic delusional wacko's as it's preists and comisars who are bent on destroying any and every white living space... for example do you think the japanese would embrace this nation wrecking "cult" religeon ? do you think the japanese should import 500,000 or 100,000,000 bantu's or white people into their nation for the sake of being a multi-culti Nation ?
No...of course not , the Japanese want to preserve their culture and way of life free from outside interference and good for them ! so why are europeans the exception to this rule ???
ask yourself this... why is it that we have this idea called 'multiculturalism" where did it come from ?
Maybe you should ask yourself what 'monoculturalism' is, where you can find it, and what the implications of it are. I think you'll find that the ideals that the BNP push are nothing more than out and out racist ideals that don't actually make any sense. They speak as if they have the interests of British people at the core of their policies, and at the same time tell millions of British people that they aren't 'real Britons' at all and that they should 'go back to their countries of origin' (when infact that country of origin is actually the UK!).

The world is multi-cultural... the world's largest, most exciting and cosmopolitan cities - such as London and New York, are multi-cultural. But does living in a multicultural city such as London make you any less British? Not at all. And what would happen if the BNP got their way and removed everyone they deemed to be not quite British enough? Would the country bond together in a new-found brotherhood of White Britannia? The answer is an emphatic no. All that would actually happen is that the differences within the community that was left behind would become amplified, and a new/different type of multiculturalism would take it's place. That's the major problem with the insular mind-set of the BNP... where does it stop?? Modern British people are not mono-dimensional, Union-jack clad neanderthals. Modern British people are creative, diverse, multi-faceted, multi-dimensional people who do not possess a strict set of criteria by which they live their lives. And modern British people will not stand for a bunch of bolshy racist thugs attempting to impose a strict, mono-dimensional agenda for 'being British'.

Their policies and their ideals simply do not reflect the nature of the modern world... and their popularity (or should I say lack of popularity) at the polls proves it. The fact that they get any votes at all is down to the fact that they continually appeal to the lowest common denominator, their true colours, which are preying upon people's insecurities, anxieties, prejudices and ignorances with regards to immigration and other issues concerning race.
what's racism to you ? hating those not of your own race ?

Hating people because of their race.

I don't think the BNP are like that , but I think they are definately FOR putting the British People FIRST and it's about bloody time !

Please tell me what a British Person is, and what they look like.

bent on destroying any and every white living space...

What is a "white living space"?
It's a shame that the BNP are nothing but backwards racist thugs, as some of the stuff they say makes sense. From what I can tell though, they try to hide their racist ideals behind common sense policys.

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