BST | See You All On GT6 For Season 9!

  • Thread starter Gedi69
O'Rama'a good racer. Unless it is Spa's La Source hairpin ;)

Pfffft, Niop checked up and put a wheel on the astro turf. I merely helped him into his inevitable spin :P You know, get it over and done with quicker for him.

Seriously though, that was rustyness and not paying attention to my surrounds, I've learnt from my mistakes, only one penalty in 2 years of GTP
Pfffft, Niop checked up and put a wheel on the astro turf. I merely helped him into his inevitable spin :P You know, get it over and done with quicker for him.

Seriously though, that was rustyness and not paying attention to my surrounds, I've learnt from my mistakes, only one penalty in 2 years of GTP

Clean slate same as everyone else O'Rama don't worry.:lol:
Can only laugh at everyones bad luck in race 2:ouch: I'd rather have finished where I did than have to suffer what Skeng did heading down the straight for the final time.:yuck: I wonder if so many cars have ever pitted with a lap to go in GT5 history.:dopey:

Theres been 1 or 2 things pointed out during the viewing of the replays since the drivers effected haven't reported it BST rules are we wont be following them up. Its safe to say the odd warning would have been dished out by the sounds of things. So if you feel wronged don't sit on it and stew pop a quick pm through to myself or Gedi we and the stewards will do our upmost to follow it through.👍
Didnt hurt that bad because i saw most of the top runners had the same issue but it sucks to only be off by 1 liter .
Didnt hurt that bad because i saw most of the top runners had the same issue but it sucks to only be off by 1 liter .

Well the good news is we are all aware now:dunce: I shall post Lexus figures asap any info you guys collect be sure to share it with the family please.:)

To ease most of our pain there will be a dropped score this season if it isn't in place already cant remember, but I cant see it in the OP i'll update it in a bit. Im sure Toad Leader will have no objections.
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The tires really do go off with this stronger wear , I think a 2 stop will be needed on some tracks .
How many laps is Indy was about to do a test :P

Nel im in the middle of sorting it now its looking like 25+1 the Lexus is much more friendly all round compared to the SLS. I will post results here and in the social group so if any of you haven't joined nows a good time to do so.:)💡
The sls was horrible but it was pretty stable once you got the hang of it ( on good tires )

I didnt like the 7 speed box and i had a lot of inconsistency with heavy braking in turn 1 and the fuji f chicane .
The sls was horrible but it was pretty stable once you got the hang of it ( on good tires )

I didnt like the 7 speed box and i had a lot of inconsistency with heavy braking in turn 1 and the fuji f chicane .

You wont need all the ISF gears that's for sure.:sly:
Lexus Info Guide​

Right fellas the Lexus uses between 4/5 litres of fuel a lap more often than not its 5. Half a tank will cover you for 10 laps my calculations mean if you choose to stop on lap 13 (25+1 lap race) putting in 15 litres will/should:nervous: cover you for a 1 stop race.:)
Some of you guys may choose a different strategy im sure you can work things out using the information above:crazy: If you want to get things down to a fine art goodluck i'll leave that to the individual my head already hurts.:odd:
Everyones right foot is a little different so do test for yourself .

Quite right its a guide no more than that. I asked in a previous post if we burn fuel at different rates I still have no idea. Above is reference only.
Quite right its a guide no more than that. I asked in a previous post if we burn fuel at different rates I still have no idea. Above is reference only.

Yeh drivers seem to have diff fuel rates , some of us use throttle while braking and some dont , drafting also changes fuel rate as well .
Neljack stewards please.x

*Horny drivers will in future receive a warning OP rules have been amended*

More fallout news from Fuji to follow.
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Also remember drafting alot impacts fuel wear, thats what caught me out on le mans with WRS :/
Less. Unless you are running flat to floor where it uses more...

Ah right ofcourse:dopey: Well i'll be sticking more in than I assume is necessary I guess.:nervous:

On another note anybody who's sure they can't make the Lexus event can you let us know asap I fear we will be standing some of you fine gentleman down.:indiff::guilty:
Yeah, although le mans is pretty much a draft circuit it is basically the extreme example, in draft I done 4 liters a lap and out of it I done 12 :/