SLS analysis:
At Le mans I had many fast sections to draft along to keep me up there and drafted with nel and jb. I was quite a bit off the Toads in practice times.
At Daytona I had the draft to help around the oval sections, but was again off the practice times.
At Monza I had... what's that boys & girls? "THE DRAFT!" Yes!! I made a mistake in race 1 and had to wait for the person I'd hit to recover, finishing 7th. Race 2 was more drafting to stay with people, and bumpdrafting with nel. Once again quite a bit off the frontrunning practice times.
For Suzuka I remember benefiting a lot from some pileups and others' general mistakes. Lambo tyre wear in race 2 also saved me from losing a few places. The track was the second hardest so far to overtake at for me.
And now Grand Valley. Very hard to overtake, and only 1 place to properly draft. I find the SLS struggles exiting slow corners compared to every other car (this is at every track); I only ever get 2 kinds of exit from slow corners- slow and steady, or instant power oversteer. The power oversteer sent me sideways/into the wall many times in 2 corners throughout both races, and I got on the grass into turn 1 in race 1 and took out JB. Here I was once again 2 seconds off the frontrunning pace, but gained places here and there from the mistakes of others (offs etc).
So what have we learned? I'm consistantly 2 seconds off the frontrunning times at every track so far, but have been kept in it by the draft and the mistakes of others.