BST | V-Spec Challenge | S8 Thread Up Soon

  • Thread starter Gedi69
I'm assuming most people are in the 1.40-1.42 bracket for Tokyo?
Hey all you mad V-Speccers :) I pm'ed Gedi about this topic but he asked me to present it in person, so here it is. I just wanted to say that with the great history and lifespan this series has (I can do nothing but be jealous) and the fact I've been racing with a few of you before, I just wanted to invite you all, the entire V-Spec community, for the Trial Mountain 2 Hour event in a little more than three weeks. It's a good chance if there's some spec to sort or you may want to try another car and at the same time win some big prizes (yes Gedi, you can win back that specific Level 24 ticket from "The Bavarian Trade" :lol: )
Hey all you mad V-Speccers :) I pm'ed Gedi about this topic but he asked me to present it in person, so here it is. I just wanted to say that with the great history and lifespan this series has (I can do nothing but be jealous) and the fact I've been racing with a few of you before, I just wanted to invite you all, the entire V-Spec community, for the Trial Mountain 2 Hour event in a little more than three weeks. It's a good chance if there's some spec to sort or you may want to try another car and at the same time win some big prizes (yes Gedi, you can win back that specific Level 24 ticket from "The Bavarian Trade" :lol: )

What kind of cars are competing?
Woah Toadvettes needing more work:crazy: Dragged it down to a 140.3** Hancs monster time feels out of sight........................for now mwhahahahahah:sly:
I looked on the replay too looks like minimal contact and king got on the throttle too soon and understeer got the better of him .

You gotta slide that 4wd :)

Yeh luck plays a role in everything , be grateful for good luck cuz bad luck is never nice .

I just want to hear the view of them official Stewards (Nel, JB, Cunny) on Gedi and my issue.
But thanks for your effort.

Don´t want to Trash-talk or anything else, just plain explanation from above mentioned persons.
What they say I´ll accept period.

If anybody wants my personal or my neutral-steward point of view I´ll post it though.

Race till there was good though, saw that skeng really struggled getting past me :D
3rd in the end was ok, should have raced R2 though.
Maybe I overreacted a bit.
I just want to hear the view of them official Stewards (Nel, JB, Cunny) on Gedi and my issue.
But thanks for your effort.

Don´t want to Trash-talk or anything else, just plain explanation from above mentioned persons.
What they say I´ll accept period.

If anybody wants my personal or my neutral-steward point of view I´ll post it though.

Race till there was good though, saw that skeng really struggled getting past me :D
3rd in the end was ok, should have raced R2 though.
Maybe I overreacted a bit.

King your last sentence summed it up mate tbh:grumpy: and from someone of your calibre it was a little disappointing:guilty:
I shot off straight away after race 2 it bothered me for most of it if im honest and had a look. There was some contact up the inside which we would see as exceptable after that i can understand Gedi's confusion he was pretty much passed you before you went off track:crazy: Maybe it felt worse from inside your car but theres nothing there the stewards can award you im afraid:guilty: I think if you had held yourself together a bit better you could have taken the fight to Gedi.💡
All that said hope you can put it behind you and comeback fighting thought we may have lost ya!:scared:
I just want to hear the view of them official Stewards (Nel, JB, Cunny) on Gedi and my issue.
But thanks for your effort.

Don´t want to Trash-talk or anything else, just plain explanation from above mentioned persons.
What they say I´ll accept period.

If anybody wants my personal or my neutral-steward point of view I´ll post it though.

Race till there was good though, saw that skeng really struggled getting past me :D
3rd in the end was ok, should have raced R2 though.
Maybe I overreacted a bit.

Yeah you should of stayed for 2nd race we need the points.. We have such a good bunch of fair drivers this season even if there was an incident what caused you to loose a position i very much doubt it would of been intentional!
We live and we learn , look forward to a next lambo battle next week King , it is hard to pass you because we have the same pros and cons .
Yeah you should of stayed for 2nd race we need the points.. We have such a good bunch of fair drivers this season even if there was an incident what caused you to loose a position i very much doubt it would of been intentional!

Exactly:tup: Taking it up in the lobby is another no no while i remember absolutely zero need for it follow the procedures in place we will always listen you only harm your case otherwise.:irked:

SLS guys small weight drop coming your way (upon approval) not much you dont need much.:P

Is GTP on the blink a little for anyone else?:odd:
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Think so mate coz all the post times are messed up and I can't access my current threads
Gtp is acting up because of the gt6 buzz , i guess we will see v8 season 9 in gt6 ?
Gtp is acting up because of the gt6 buzz , i guess we will see v8 season 9 in gt6 ?

Oh really ofcourse that makes sense totally forgot:drool:. Could be season 8 not totally sure where we can go after this season.:nervous:
Gtp is acting up because of the gt6 buzz , i guess we will see v8 season 9 in gt6 ?

Wishfull thinking Skeng?

Honestly if people want it then I see no reason why BST can't be lifetime
SLS spec for the remainder of the season 1410kg/ 582bhp SC. You may need to remind us olds monday:dopey:
So the merc will go after the 458 now right?

10 kg will hardly make a diff to the 458

Oh you meant in checks , silly me

I might use the SLS next season though , it is probably the most stable car .