BST V8 challenge S2 "The new breed" Reserves needed!

  • Thread starter Gedi69
Bit of a random idea the Wales v Ireland rugby match is fifty fifty with the bookies why not say Tom=Wales King=Ireland winner gets the spot?? told you it was random!!!:crazy:

Ironically I am half-welsh :D
I'm not 3H Material too => fair fight xD
I'm cool with your idea with the Rugby match. Loser get's the "honor" Steward (if a Steward misses a race he'll jump in).
I'm not 3H Material too => fair fight xD
I'm cool with your idea with the Rugby match. Loser get's the "honor" Steward (if a Steward misses a race he'll jump in).

Ok King you can be half German half Irish for the day.(Irishman??)👍 You happy with this Gedi Tom and King have agreed terms.:)
I haven't been following the Rugby World Cup so is it the final or just another game. I might watch for the Tom vs. King battle!.
I haven't been following the Rugby World Cup so is it the final or just another game. I might watch for the Tom vs. King battle!.

Quarter final, but is probably the hardest match to call, also bad news for me, Ireland match on saturday, Japan Grand Prix on Sunday. 6AM start for both.:ouch:
Ok King you can be half German half Irish for the day.(Irishman??)👍 You happy with this Gedi Tom and King have agreed terms.:)

If Tom and king are happy then so am I,as it is there battle.
When's the match?
Be careful JB, match starts at 6, not 6:30. England-France after, if Ireland win their match, I want England to beat France, which is probable, because Ireland can beat England.:D

~Probably best to leave now~
Be careful JB, match starts at 6, not 6:30. England-France after, if Ireland win their match, I want England to beat France, which is probable, because Ireland can beat England.:D

~Probably best to leave now~

:sly::sly::sly: Thanks for the heads up all the same.👍 France are so unpredictable who knows we will see.:)
At least you're not English right now. How embarrassing.

Half English, but live and support Ireland. Didn't like France anyway though after Mr. Handball so I hope Wales give 'em a good thrashing next week.👍
Does anyone know how to remove this poll?
Ive been trying for ages and asked one of the admin's but no response.
Does anyone know how to remove this poll?
Ive been trying for ages and asked one of the admin's but no response.

PM Jordan, site founder. Only he can remove polls.
well thats another race series off my list..... more time to focus on the Good racing series!