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  • Thread starter rolo912011

Which car should be used for the one-make cup?

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has anyone else looked at the replays in any depth? forgive me as I am very tired after waiting for my son to get off the ps3 lol...but I did using the behind the car view as it highlights any cross country antics...as its my first real race I cant say a whole lot...but I would say that if I shunted somebody off at the final chicane on the last lap I would apologise....and that I make every effort to keep my car on the racing line...im not perfect by any shake of the stick but at least I keep 2 wheels between the lines...no ones perfect i'll give you that but to blatantly cut corners to keep up or get ahead is out of order...
again i'll say that im new around here and that I am very tired so if this reply is out of order in any way I apologise but I just needed to clear my throught...
We appreciate your efforts canyon but next time just pm the stewards , we are very fair .

Just tell us race and lap and corner if possible , we will look into it .

Great racing yesterday guys . Lets keep it up for the season .
A couple things; i was in bmw last season and altought i hated it it's not that slow as it showed yesterday, expecially on suzuka, where a decent driver with a decent tune can easily battle for podium. It's nowhere as slow as u guys drove it yesterday, and you can ask around; i'm an ff driver and i'm slow :D

Concerning the alfa/focus, i think that a 50kgs might even things a bit, expecially torward the srt4 that seems the slowest ff (might be biased, but i cant get better than 18.5 and mo that is freaking fast was around 18.0...) We know bmw is fast and championship winner in capable hands, red's car might be a lil heavy but look better than srt on suzuka. The mazda is scary! Wow paul gets so much out of it that i can't tell how is the car...

Lastly i run with aero and i am faster with it. Depends on setup.

Oh if a seriously fast guy could run a couple laps on srt4 i could understand how off _I_ am or if the car's just not so quick

I just had a look at the race results and the Ford and Alfa are certainly on par with each other. Not counting any bonus points, Alfa got 128 points and Ford got 133. There is however a slight problem in that Alfa were a car down in the last two races, that said, if I take off the last place Ford for race 2+3, Alfa had 128 and Ford 120. That's pretty good I reckon.

For some unknown reason Ford were much stronger in race 2+3. How much testing/practice had the Ford drivers done on Suzuka? Perhaps race 1 was their practice. :lol: I know that myself and canyon did loads of laps around Suzuka in preperation and for tuning the car which shows a little when you see the results. I still can't believe how well I did really. In comparison, I know that Stig was struggling a bit, despite his practising. The Ford was setting better lap times than the Alfa too, but that said, slipstream can make a big difference on lap time.

Shame that Red wasn't in the BMW, I know for a fact that he would have done much better than he did in the Chrysler. Hopefully the weight decrease of the Crossfire will close the gap to the Ford/Alfa.

If anyone can send me a Dodge, I'd love to give it a test. I haven't got one.Or if someone can put one on-loan so that I can borrow it for an hour that would be great. :)
I can bung you a Dodge.

And maybe it would be nice if some of the more experienced tuners could help out anyone who is struggling with their setup?
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We appreciate your efforts canyon but next time just pm the stewards , we are very fair .

Just tell us race and lap and corner if possible , we will look into it .

Great racing yesterday guys . Lets keep it up for the season .
no problems...I wasn't thinking too straight at 4 am...sorry
I see everyone is jumping to defend the BMW. Has anyone watched my 1st 4 laps of race 1 yet? or most of race 1 until i come out the pits and come straight off at T1 for that matter. I was keeping pace and even catching a lot of you through the bends and then when i put my power on i would start to close the gap a little then i could physically see when the other car was putting its power on as it would start to drive away from me. I am aware that i am not the fastest driver on GT and will never claim to be but in the same breath i am not the slowest by a long shot. I can keep up with some of you but just can't make any passing moves the second everyone has the power on i get mugged.

slipstream can make a big difference on lap time.

Yes slipstream can make a big difference on your lap time so long as you can stay close enough to the car in front to keep it and that is what the BMW can't do and then by the next bend you are too far away to have a real chance of a clean passing move. Suzuka should be a FR circuit but the lighter FF ran away with it and will be the whole season and nothing else has a shot at anything.

I am aware the BMW has been in your championship before but was it up against the same cars at the same weights?

I agree that maybe my power adding idea would be hard to police so not such a good idea but i think something needs to be done as the problem is only going to get worse at the rest of the tracks in the season. There seemed to be a 10mph difference at top end between the alfa/ford/mazda/dodge and the BMW at Suzuka! so how much will that gap be at monza? I would guess at least 20mph. This will mean that no matter how close you are at the start of the straight you will still be going slow enough that by the half way point of the straight you will no longer have slip stream and will lose even more time.

I just can't help but think that with a better top end in the BMW it would be able to be competitive but as it is it can't show its full potential.
I cant comment on the bmw yet mikey but i will look into the replays and let you know my views over the weekend .
Please do as i would like to continue to race but cant help but feel it will be pointless as the best hope for a good result was Suzuka. :)

And i can handle it if you all think i am just slow XD
And to add the 330i has won a championship here and many many races.

I have just looked and it hasn't won a championship since season 2 best it has done since is with Red_Leader to 2nd and a lot of respect to him for achieving that as i know it would not have been easy.
Regarding the Ford's weight.. I think that to be honest - it's completely fine. It's been on 1200kg since Season 4 (when I started) and it's always been competitive (apart from mine)! Regarding the Dodge - it's also pretty damn quick!

EDIT: I'm not going to be in at Monza next week... Got some stuff on! But should be back for Round 3! :D
I would be more than happy to help with anyones set ups...all I would need is the car of their choice to race alongside...we can do some practice together and as we would be both using the same car (your car) I would tell you what improvements I have made...if any...so far I have the alfa,the bmw,the crossfire,the ford,but not the mazda or the srt4... as they say...two heads are better than one...ask ian he knows...lol...
There seemed to be a 10mph difference at top end between the alfa/ford/mazda/dodge and the BMW at Suzuka! so how much will that gap be at monza? I would guess at least 20mph. This will mean that no matter how close you are at the start of the straight you will still be going slow enough that by the half way point of the straight you will no longer have slip stream and will lose even more time.

I just can't help but think that with a better top end in the BMW it would be able to be competitive but as it is it can't show its full potential.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the bmw but I do know that there is a 5 mph difference between the alfa at full chat down both straights at Monza and the crossfire...I hit 150 right at the braking point into the chicane in my alfa and 145 in the crossfire...now bearing in mind just how many hours went into the alfa set up and the fact that the crossfire is a slapped together 20 min jobby im sure if I worked on the gearing I could get it a lot closer so I really cant believe that there will be a 20 mph difference
I would add that the fr cars could do with a little less weight to help them keep up with the FF cars...I have followed the fr cars thru the bends and can keep up but they don't stand a chance with slipstream I get and pull past them with ease down the straights...sorry guys buts its true...not a massive amount off but some would benefit them..
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I don't know about the bmw but I do know that there is a 5 mph difference between the alfa at full chat down both straights at Monza and the crossfire...I hit 150 right at the braking point into the chicane in my alfa and 145 in the crossfire...now bearing in mind just how many hours went into the alfa set up and the fact that the crossfire is a slapped together 20 min jobby im sure if I worked on the gearing I could get it a lot closer so I really cant believe that there will be a 20 mph difference
I would add that the fr cars could do with a little less weight to help them keep up with the FF cars...I have followed the fr cars thru the bends and can keep up but they don't stand a chance with slipstream I get and pull past them with ease down the straights...sorry guys buts its true...not a massive amount off but some would benefit them..

OK so I am probably going too far to say 20mph at Monza, I cant be sure as i haven't tested but my biggest problem is that as soon as myself and Dj realized we were going to have a big problem with straight line speed (and this was very quick) 90% of our effort went on the gearbox to ensure we had the best gearing as we could (I will also add that Dj is a bit of a wizard with gearing) and yet even on pull off we (well I) left the line very well and were still passed by i think you into T1 as we could not hold you back (and as you know i did try to make the car as wide as poss without being unfair or blatant blocking)
OK so I am probably going too far to say 20mph at Monza, I cant be sure as i haven't tested but my biggest problem is that as soon as myself and Dj realized we were going to have a big problem with straight line speed (and this was very quick) 90% of our effort went on the gearbox to ensure we had the best gearing as we could (I will also add that Dj is a bit of a wizard with gearing) and yet even on pull off we (well I) left the line very well and were still passed by i think you into T1 as we could not hold you back (and as you know i did try to make the car as wide as poss without being unfair or blatant blocking)

yes mate that was me... and yeah you defended perfectly...like I said earlier I got the slipstream and it just catapulted me past ya... so I do agree that you guys could do with going on a diet...but also like ian has pointed out...that bmw can be a beast like at cape ring south where during a test with red it dominated ...so its down to tuning and the ability to extract the atmost from the particular car...im far faster using the alfa then I am using the bmw but then I haven't spent anywhere near as long driving and or tuning it....its difficult because if I start spending all my time tuning a rwd car and not driving my ff i'll be slower as they handle and are driven in completely different ways....perhaps red can help you out?
I tested the bmw a bit and what i noticed is that overdriving it or pushing too hard would cost me more time than anything else .

It seems to be a very sensitive car in terms of getting the maximum out of it .
Thanks for backing me up that something needs to be done but the problem is that i agree with it's weight or else it will just get too fast in the bends. But with the straight line difference as it is I think it doesn't matter how fast you are through the bends because as soon as you get to a slight straight all the hard work gets undone and your behind again.

The most irritating thing for us was that it was almost better to be slower through some bends to allow a following FF through early on the straight to try and get his slip early and try to stay there for the whole straight than to hammer through the bends and give the following FF a high speed slip because the FF would come past like we are going backwards and then by the time you get the chance to try and get the slip back past they are too far away to get a slip at all.
I tested the bmw a bit and what i noticed is that overdriving it or pushing too hard would cost me more time than anything else .

It seems to be a very sensitive car in terms of getting the maximum out of it .

I didn't have a problem with over-driving would make me slower as such except when trying to drive too fast and making a mistake having to try to do 9 'qualifying' style laps in a row and in traffic because if I don't then i lose more time in the bends and am even further away when we all hit the loud pedal.
yeah the loud pedal is pressed that little too soon or a little too hard and you can lose loads of time drifting out of a corner rather then driving it out...suspension tweeks and the lsd play a major role as does the gearing...but at the end of the day its how you drive the car however its tuned... i'll generally run lets say a 6 on front dampers extension and rear but the compression is set to 5 on the front and 6 rear...with anti roles set to a 4 front and a 6 rear...I feel the grip better for turn in using that set up or close to it...
I felt like i have plenty of grip on the way out the corners, yes i did make some mistakes trying to get the power on too early but these things happen to us all at times :)

Just we could see when a FF did put it's power on as it would instantly start to pull away.
Just run some laps at monza with the Mazda, nice little car, surprised more people aren't using it
Had a full season on bmw with same regs and i wasn't that desperate or off pace... It took me like 5 race to understand how to drive it and how to sent rear wheels camber and toes along with lsd to get a good balance.

It wasn't that bad on monza too... That said from one that hated that season and car. Lol
I agree that some of our issue will be driver skill and setup and we would both be very thankful to anyone who knows the BMW well if they could maybe arrange with us a test/setup session to try to help us understand our problems else where but the fact remains that there is very little you can do with setup that will improve the top speed and acceleration other than the gearing and we have worked very hard to perfect that so unless there a secret that we don't know then I'm not sure that it will make much difference.
Ford/Alfa weight increase, any views?

we came out of a few corners along side before the straights and I had the advantage on the straight even when you used a little slip stream to get passed, so I think there needs to be some changes to one of the two cars, you should reduce the weights of cars that are struggling instead of adding weight to cars with the advantage, thats my view 💡
I can bung you a Dodge.

And maybe it would be nice if some of the more experienced tuners could help out anyone who is struggling with their setup?

Cheers mate, that would be very useful. :)

I'll have a go at tuning the Dodge, I'm not a master at tuning cars, but for some strange reason I'm fairly good at FF cars and gearing.

Dodge owners - What lap times can you set around Monza without slipstream and with the room settings correct (i.e: grip/tyre wear etc.)? If I can come up with something quicker we can compare notes. ;)

you should reduce the weights of cars that are struggling instead of adding weight to cars with the advantage, thats my view

Careful now....that's clever. :dopey:

I agree that some of our issue will be driver skill and setup and we would both be very thankful to anyone who knows the BMW well if they could maybe arrange with us a test/setup session to try to help us understand our problems

You really need to speak to ROB regarding the BMW. His is seriously fast, some of it is down to the tune, but I think that he has also learnt how to 'drive' the BMW to its potential. The racing line is critical when driving a slower car like the BM and I suggest that you ask whether you can follow him around a couple of tracks. ;) I'm not saying that you can't drive, but perhaps he can make you better than you are.
I agree that some of our issue will be driver skill and setup and we would both be very thankful to anyone who knows the BMW well if they could maybe arrange with us a test/setup session to try to help us understand our problems else where but the fact remains that there is very little you can do with setup that will improve the top speed and acceleration other than the gearing and we have worked very hard to perfect that so unless there a secret that we don't know then I'm not sure that it will make much difference.
I will add you as a friend, knock up an exact replica of mine and send it you with instructions for shifting and adjusting the gears. Just don't expect much from Monza. I bombed there last season. It's just the way it is.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for a good setup for my Alfa?

I'm not the best but it all helps. I would appreciate anyone giving me some driving tuition if anyone has spare time to do so?
Can anyone point me in the right direction for a good setup for my Alfa?

I'm not the best but it all helps. I would appreciate anyone giving me some driving tuition if anyone has spare time to do so?

I would be more then happy to help you out ...add me and ill try to get online when you can and see if we cant improve that car