Sorry guys but my time in the BTCC has come to an end. I have tried in vain to establish a stable internet connection for playing GT6 and it simply isn't possible. Whether it's an issue with my connection itself of whether there is a conflict somewhere I don't know. I have tried 2 different routers and spent literally days trying to get the best possible internet connection I can. In the past 2 weeks I've sent over £200 purely on trying to improve my internet solely for the BTCC. I should have spent it on beer, but I had to try everything possible.
I'm so upset and frustrated I'm almost in tears whilst typing this. I've had a great time racing in the BTCC series, there have been ups and downs along the way and I've met some wonderful people whom I'm proud to have raced alongside. Thank you to everyone that has battled with me.
Sadly GT6 is not a quality game. It is riddled with faults throughout and the fact that PD can take so long to release a game that is unfinished is nothing short of disgusting. We are being used as beta testers while they continue to fiddle about trying to iron out the bugs.... If I bought a real brand new car I'd expect it to be built, working and free from defects.... The games industry are not doing that anymore, they are relying on updates to fix things, as opposed to making sure that the game is 100% prior to its launch. I feel sorry for anyone that buys the game and doesn't have internet access as they're being ripped off, we've all been ripped off a bit, because the game isn't complete or fault free yet we have paid top dollar for it. The mind boggles.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, my emotions are running high and I like to speak my mind.
Happy racing.
I feel for you m8 but me you canyon tested in rooms before, no lag even with on GT5 about 5 of us.
There 2 things with connection one you second the host.
But anyone else with a high ping can make the online play worse.
I play BF4 on the PC it also lets you see other pings, I can be ping 22 but someone being 300 ping means they can shoot me before I can even see them.
I've got Virgin down load speed 122mb upload in the 20s, It's great when it's good.
Also it costs me £33 a mouth.
Down to it being so crap between 17:00 to 21:00, I've now also got BT 80mb where I get 78mb down load speed with about 13 upload. (that will cost me £27 plus £15 line rent)
I was worried when I left my room the BT broadband also went down, but by the time ps3 restarted it had sorted it self back out.
Ok back to the weird world of PSN.
Now my virgin quick when it's good.
So your think when it good I would connect to someone in the uk well.
Nope fact is I don't most of europe I do just not England were I am?
That almost the same with BF4 on the pc.
But my new BT 0 jitter

connects in with england users well, weird yeah?
Bad bit Is I pay what £60 a month for broadband.
Good I can pick swap between 2.
Right today race I loved it as I love that track.
Car also one of the best to drive, why so many push to hard and blame the car?
If I took some players views on here I not race any games raced on GTP.
Rolo takes the time to work it all out and give all great racing.
You win you get it harder next race but it helps drivers like me move forward.
Still little thanks to rolo just moans.
Well r1 good lost the car twice I think.
R2 wow crazy start, think I pushed rolo off track not sure as once we got round first bend.
It was push push ram push.
Race 3 hmm well all good apart from me pitting.
I locked up and car span out in pit lane, Avio was right behind me, so we both lost 20/30 secs suck in pit lane?
Don't think I safed r3 rolo.
If you can get replys to work pls look at my pit stop in lap 4 or 5 as me not sure if it me or auto driver at fault.
I do question it as pit srceen came up when car lost it, I think so much going on.
Sometimes what you think in race not the case.
Oh dear second time my pitting come in to question, but I posted first this time
But what ever happened it cost Avio alot of time and as he finsind ahead of me not sure what you can do on it

That was grap as we where mid pack till the pits :/