<- BTCC -> Renault Megane Trophy - Skeng wins his fourth title!Finished 

  • Thread starter rolo912011
Please all shout me for i'm an idiot...

I discovered why the car was such an impossible mess to keep in the track during yesterday night training.

I started testing megane before getting wheel and i had changed brake balance for racing with pad... Well i never switched it back since i never alter it since i have a wheel so i haven't looked at it at all. :( well car now is driveable, so i should be able to bring home a few more points.

It's gonna be more important to keep it on track now with the super-glue run offs! :scared:

I'm glad to see you've found some extra competitiveness! You need a little bit extra to get yourself definitely locked-in for Round 1 of BTCC-7. Here are the current locked-in drivers (who have signed up for BTCC-7):

  1. neljack (+steward)
  2. skengdigi (+steward)
  3. rolo912011 (+steward)
  4. qrtintheshade (+steward)
  5. Street-King-07
  6. canyondrifter
  7. True-blue-8
  8. karsten_beoulve
  9. CptMadBean
  10. ....actually not 10 drivers who have re-signed up, so it's currently up for grabs! glenn_cullen looks the favourite if he a) shows up and b) keeps racing. priesty is the earliest signatory to benefit otherwise.
@mrbrendon999 @sibbystiggy @Dimse91 @unitedstomper @priesty_lfc any of you interested in filling up the 2 Megane seats for the last three rounds of the series? Getting you up to speed (again) in racing with us before next season? Locked-in position for Round 1 of BTCC-7 is up for grabs... (i.e. you won't have to qualify)


Incidentally, does the time of day have an effect on tyre temperature/car performance? Or is that down to the track temp? Is that a feature in this game?
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It's gonna be more important to keep it on track now with the super-glue run offs! :scared:

I'm glad to see you've found some extra competitiveness! You need a little bit extra to get yourself definitely locked-in for Round 1 of BTCC-7. Here are the current locked-in drivers (who have signed up for BTCC-7):

  1. neljack (+steward)
  2. skengdigi (+steward)
  3. rolo912011 (+steward)
  4. qrtintheshade (+steward)
  5. Street-King-07
  6. canyondrifter
  7. True-blue-8
  8. karsten_beoulve
  9. CptMadBean
  10. ....actually not 10 drivers who have re-signed up, so it's currently up for grabs! glenn_cullen looks the favourite if he a) shows up and b) keeps racing. priesty is the earliest signatory to benefit otherwise.
@mrbrendon999 @sibbystiggy @Dimse91 @unitedstomper @priesty_lfc any of you interested in filling up the 2 Megane seats for the last three rounds of the series? Getting you up to speed (again) in racing with us before next season? Locked-in position for Round 1 of BTCC-7 is up for grabs... (i.e. you won't have to qualify)


Incidentally, does the time of day have an effect on tyre temperature/car performance? Or is that down to the track temp? Is that a feature in this game?

These probably are features of the game but they are also probably bugged :lol:
I've been working 10pm-6am shifts all week so I still haven't driven the car or 1.04 yet! I'm up early for a practice though so I'll be on about 6ish
Tonight's Top Gear top tip!

Lets, never, ever, ever race at Willow Springs again.

Other than turn 1 there was no room to race, and that last turn is about as forgiving as the games bugs are.
Not sure if we'll race Willow again... that quicksand is causing too much trouble... small taps have massive consequences.

I forgot to save the Race 2 replay... so if anyone can help me out with the Fastest Lap and Lap Leaders, much appreciated! :)

Again, apologies for my massive Race 1 douche in failing to let quade through with any competence whatsoever... so much chaos.... I may become the series 'bad boy' after this week.... on probation possibly.... :scared:
Very disppointing results. Finally got back to a track I'm good at and was able to get pole for R1. The game started me off in reverse, after watching the replay I'm certain I didn't accidentally shift. Then Rolo and I had our problems.:P Somehow salvaged a third. Race 2 was a complete disaster. I got spun into the pits and then it was over for me after that. Solid R3 but still really disappointing as I should have been fighting for a win in all 3 races.
Then Rolo and I had our problems.:P .

Yeah really sorry for knocking you off, I've learned a lesson not to attempt a pass up the inside in to the last corner... not worth it at all....

Then I don't know what happened. I slowed to let you by, then you didn't come past, but about 4 others did, so I tried again, got off the line, then aivo decided to go up the inside of me when I was way off line, so he hit the dirt and spun out... crazy :scared:

What a fail, honestly.

When is the next race dates I'm up for getting some practice for the btcc-7

You literally just missed tonight's racing. Next round is next Thursday, 7pm at Silverstone International 👍
You literally just missed tonight's racing. Next round is next Thursday, 7pm at Silverstone International 👍[/quote]

Typical put me down for next Thursday
Yeah really sorry for knocking you off, I've learned a lesson not to attempt a pass up the inside in to the last corner... not worth it at all....

Then I don't know what happened. I slowed to let you by, then you didn't come past, but about 4 others did, so I tried again, got off the line, then aivo decided to go up the inside of me when I was way off line, so he hit the dirt and spun out... crazy :scared:

What a fail, honestly.

You literally just missed tonight's racing. Next round is next Thursday, 7pm at Silverstone International 👍
Yeah I was trying not to pull out in front of anyone at 20 mph in a 110 mph corner. But then did it anyway. Lol. At least you tried to let me by. More than what other people did.
Wow that track was fun but hard work, race 1 well little unhappen with king putting me offline.
Race 2 not sure if I helped push you out quade, seem to remember me being pushed from side and rear lol.

Race 3 let quade past well tried to give you room, on that left bend that come off the hill.
You got past fine but I went off track :(

I try and look at replys tomorrow once home from work.
Hard track, over taking can be at high risk but I had liked it.
Race 2 lap leaders: Street King 07, CaptMadBean, Powwa25, True - Blue8, Rolo

FL. Skeng 1.18.840

Cheers nel :cheers:

Also, a quick note for future reference - skeng also lead a lap because he won the race, and therefore he lead the final lap across the line, if you see. So the winner of each race actually gets 21 points, not 20.
Cheers nel :cheers:

Also, a quick note for future reference - skeng also lead a lap because he won the race, and therefore he lead the final lap across the line, if you see. So the winner of each race actually gets 21 points, not 20.

*facepalm* yeah just didnt notice :lol:
Again, a very up-and-down meeting. Got completely distracted in R1 when the sound from my chair lost the bass, which I fixed afterwards, a satisfactory 2nd place in R2 despite having a potential win snatched from me, and quite a disappointing R3 which is hurting Chivas-PAR's chances to climb to 2nd place in the teams points
I liked that track. :D

With you on that, we just have a gumpy lot.
They seem to blame track or updates never they driving and just pushing them limits a little to far.

We all have the same problems to deal with on track.
Like qualifying I think 6 cars landed on my car then my car went 15ft in the air.
Never seen my car roof so battered in lol
yeah i did like the track. altough i was 5th and 6th i did quite well, managed to look after tires. i would lose it as there was just no room to overtake. but i'd like to return there
Hahahahaha about the roof battered in .

I think we all push a bit too hard , im usually faster in races than qualy because im pushing harder

I did enjoy the racing probably more than the track i just dont think its a good track for sprint races