<- BTCC -> Renault Megane Trophy - Skeng wins his fourth title!Finished 

  • Thread starter rolo912011
Had a session with True blue and tried running less power. With a 30bhp reduction I could keep up with draft, without draft was more difficult and I estimate about a 7 or 8 tenths slower per lap, which is good going on a short track.

I think that we need to be looking at a +30bhp drop for the fastest cars, the original 24bhp isn't going to be enough. The cars are easier to handle at lower power, so with less power it's possible to be more consistent over the duration of a race and that's hugely important.

Didn't try the new slipstream option, I'll leave that for later tonight when we have more cars on track.

On a more personal note, I'm not running with the driving line anymore (always used it in GT5 even if I didn't rely on it) and I've turned the speed indicator off too as I didn't trust it. I have no idea what effect this will have once in traffic, hopefully my driving doesn't suffer as a result. Time will tell. :)

Thanks to Rolo for making me a steward for this season, I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully there won't be too many problems to deal with as we're all here for a good clean race.... I will be accepting bribes. Pm me with the details. Lol
no, he's just hungry lool ;) maybe for a christmas special we could race in the snow!? haha, can you imagine ;)

Chamonix, anyone? :sly:

How about trialling 36hp, 30, 24, 18, 12? We'll have chance for another test session on January 2nd at somewhere like Fuji where the effect would be more pronounced.
Sounds good Rolo, I think that drop should be manageable, certainly on the slower tracks.

We need to either find the PP for each HP, or see whether or not we can 'check-in' using the HP.
Incidentally, what were people's lap times at Motegi? Need to know laps and pit for tonight.

I must admit to not having run at all yet!

No idea, hopefully 10 but I really don't know who's coming and who isn't except for you, MadBean, True and Street. Skeng, Ian and canyon will probably show too.
No worries, I guess who shows shows for the time being.

I've not ran online yet let alone the car! I'm hoping it feels the same as offline or I could be in even more trouble!
Doesn't look like ill be along tonight then, turned PS3 off, signed out, done everything, still can't join.

The moment I try to join it says the room is full, which obviously it isn't :banghead:
I looked everywhere for a room number and it proved fruitless.

There's a REALLY annoying bug where if you leave your own lounge you simply cannot find it again, so you always have to open a new server (with me as host so I know that won't help you...) :banghead:
It says there's 5 people in the lobby yet when I try to join it says it's full? :S

I've had that same issue with one of the guys on my friends list. Whenever he host I get the room full error even though it clearly isn't. No idea what's causing it.
Yeah mate, really enjoying GT at the mo so my break as been worth it.

Lots of new guys which is good for the series, but bad for me! Overall quality of the grid is higher than the last time I raced with you!