Bush & Blair WMD coverup

I decided before the war broke out that when I want the same end goal as another person, and they can actually get the job done, Im gonna let them keep on doing what I wanted from the get-go.

Funk the wmds.

I care more about the people of kurdish villages who are mutated thanks to a "chemical weapons cocktail" saddam used to suppress an uprising.(hallabjah anyone?)
I care more about the victims of rape.
The victims of a conscript army.
The victims of saddam.

I don't give a **** about wmds.
Never did.
Originally posted by darklegion_ca
It just all sounds like a coverup to me that's all.

what???....a cover up...

man, Blair said that Saddam could launch biochemical WMD at the west within 45 minutes.

Bush said that there was a threat so bad to the west that Miltary action was the only way to prevent an attack. He couldnt wait til the inspectors finished....so dangerous were these weapons...

Blair and Bush now say that they were victims of misleading intellegence....

i cant see a cover up...can you?
It seems to me that the Inquiries that Bush and Blair have launched are a deliberate attempt to whitewash the whole issue by finding a scapegoat within each country's Intelligence Service.

I'm not sure that it's a cover-up, but it does indicate to me an intention to pass the buck.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
finding a scapegoat within each country's Intelligence Service.

exactly...blame the people whose identity youre not allowed to reveal.

its a perfect plan...it seems to have sorted itself...

whe will the govt take responsibility for its own actions...?
It looks like bush and blare are trying to coverup the fact that they knew there were no WMD's in Iraq. They just wanted to go to war to get saddam out of power what are you thoughs on this.

Why would they want to go to war under the pretense of WMD threats if they knew that afterward they would not find them. Sounds like political suicide to me. I don't think it would be in either of thier best interest.
Originally posted by danoff
Why would they want to go to war under the pretense of WMD threats if they knew that afterward they would not find them. Sounds like political suicide to me. I don't think it would be in either of their best interest.
...and I seriously doubt it is going to be in either of their best interests. I doubt either one will survive their next elections, based mostly on this very issue.

There are two things to remember about this war:

1) It was justifiable strictly on the basis of Hussein's human rights atrocities, not to mention the 10+ years' failure of economic sanctions in forcing Iraq to comply with the surrender terms from the 1991 war;

2) If Hussein really didn't have a WMD program, all he had to do was cooperate fully with UN inspections teams, demonstrate that he didn't have anything, and it would have been game over, case closed, sorry we bothered you.

But for whatever reason, he played 12 years of cat-and-mouse, refusing to comply with surrender terms and refusing UN access to much of the country. Since the invasion, I've assumed he did it in a form of political martyrdom, deliberately, to embarrass the west (particularly the US) when no large quantities of WMD were found.
I think the complaints against the CIA, etc., have been around since well before Gul War 2. If the complaints are legitimate, than they should be plausibly to blame in part for the war. It's possible that reports were "sexed" up, but the findings of Kay and the history of the agencies lends some credibility to blaming them in large part. It's not akin to saying the sun was in my eyes when it's overcast.
ahhh..so it was the intellegence service's fault....thats that solved.

still, never mind eh...

right lads, whos for a trip to mars..?

we can see what you're trying to do Mr Bush...
ahhh..so it was the intellegence service's fault....thats that solved.

still, never mind eh...

right lads, whos for a trip to mars..?

The intelligence service does not have to get invovled for a justification for the war. It is justifiable without any reconnisance.

Bush's Mars bit is a reaction to columbia (and a bid for re-election)?

Don't go looking for conspiracies before you facts line up. For Bush to have participated in the conspiracy that has been laid out, he'd have to have wanted to hang himself politically.
perhaps he wasnt bright enough or had the foresight to think that far ahead..

...right. It's not at the forefront of every president's thoughts to avoid any kind of scandal whatsoever during their term.
Every President since Slick Willie, anyway. Even he tried to avoid the actual scandal part, despite a tendency to scandalous behaviour.
Originally posted by neon_duke
2) If Hussein really didn't have a WMD program, all he had to do was cooperate fully with UN inspections teams, demonstrate that he didn't have anything, and it would have been game over, case closed, sorry we bothered you.

You know, there are people fairly convinced that Saddam played the cat-n-mouse games because he actually wanted the Arab world to think he did have a signifigant WMD program. He was supposedly movivated to do this to maintain some illusion that Iraq was a powerful and dangerous nation ... to other Arab countries.

In short, Saddam was 'postering' for his neighbors and simply miscalculated that Dubya was serious enough to roll tanks into Bagdad.

There are severl interesting articles I read recent about this... I wish I can remember where they are... <goes to look>

Personally, I don't know why people are uptight about not having found the WMDs yet. The place is as big as Texas... and who's to say there still even there? I'm sure fleeing loyalists took a few with them.

Originally posted by TurboSmoke
if you want people to take your topic seriously, it is of fundamental importance that you take the time to spell people's names properly.
I though that's how his name was spelled so sue me;)
I corrected the thread title and the first post's subject a while back; let's not worry about it anymore.