Bush Family Are Nazi?

  • Thread starter amp88
The thing that I dont like is that the democracy doesnt fully work. Bush is only president because of who his dad was and his family only came to power because of who they knew and that they were rich. Its kinda messed up because Bush junior was born to be president rather than being a average man wanted to change things for the better. Now we know why so many presidents etc screw up, because they have never really been around with "real" people and have "real" problems.
Between WWI and WWII Germany was not a very economically sound country, after WWI Germany was forced to pay heavy fines and to get rid of their airforce and navy. The fines Germany had to pay were bigge than they could afford, this is what eventually led to rise in power of the Nazi party. Germany was not an economically rising country then, they were economically very poor after WWI.
Bush is only president because of who his dad was and his family only came to power because of who they knew and that they were rich.

How can this be, more than just George HW Bush voted in the 2000 and 2004 US Presidential elections.
Bush is only president because he won more electoral college votes than his opponent.

Not to mention that FDR was a 5th cousin or so of Teddy Roosevelt (but obviously sharve the same last name), John Adams and John Quincy Adams were father and son, William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson. So GW is hardly the first or only Pres. to have former Presidents in is family tree.

Its kinda messed up because Bush junior was born to be president rather than being a average man wanted to change things for the better. Now we know why so many presidents etc screw up, because they have never really been around with "real" people and have "real" problems.

I disagree that you have to be around "real" people and have "real" problems to want to change things for the better or even do a great job as a leader. I also disagree with your inferred claim that an average man wouldn't screw up because they're real people with real problems.

A good leader surrounds himself with a good team.

Germany was not an economically rising country then, they were economically very poor after WWI.

Don't confuse 1920's-1933 hyper-inflation, 35% unemployment, crushing under the weight and shame of reparations Germany with the Germany of the 1930s. Germany was a very fast growing economy, building the machinery of war through goverment subsidized industries in the 30's having all but eliminated unemployment and stopped paying their reparations.

Oops posted a bit in this thread that belongs in the Hitler visited America? thread. :dunce:
The thing that I dont like is that the democracy doesnt fully work.

*Off Topic* this is not a democracy. this is a Republican democracy. there is a major difference. ok, I'm done (retreats into hole in the ground)
I disagree that you have to be around "real" people and have "real" problems to want to change things for the better or even do a great job as a leader. I also disagree with your inferred claim that an average man wouldn't screw up because they're real people with real problems.

A good leader surrounds himself with a good team.

How can you have a leader who has had a sheltered life. I dont think Bush fully understands how the world works for the average person. He has never had a struggle once in his life, and therefore such things as invading Iraq could be said as his opportunity to go down in history.

How can this be, more than just George HW Bush voted in the 2000 and 2004 US Presidential elections.
Bush is only president because he won more electoral college votes than his opponent.

Not to mention that FDR was a 5th cousin or so of Teddy Roosevelt (but obviously sharve the same last name), John Adams and John Quincy Adams were father and son, William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson. So GW is hardly the first or only Pres. to have former Presidents in is family tree.

It seems that america is infatuated with celebs and voted for the more popular man, around the globe, when the news got round that bush was re-elected everyone was in shock. I know that Bush wasnt the first to have a family history of presidents, I just dont agree with it, a great leader would inevitably bring up his children to be great leaders, but the Bush family was never that in the first place, money is the ultimate factor of who gets elected and it surpasses the greater good of all people.
How can you have a leader who has had a sheltered life. I dont think Bush fully understands how the world works for the average person. He has never had a struggle once in his life, and therefore such things as invading Iraq could be said as his opportunity to go down in history.

It seems that america is infatuated with celebs and voted for the more popular man, around the globe, when the news got round that bush was re-elected everyone was in shock. I know that Bush wasnt the first to have a family history of presidents, I just dont agree with it, a great leader would inevitably bring up his children to be great leaders, but the Bush family was never that in the first place, money is the ultimate factor of who gets elected and it surpasses the greater good of all people.
I... I... I was going to respond to this post, but I really can't bring myself to do it. All I will say is this: grow up.
First or second paragraph. Please dont say both.
Mostly the second paragraph. But I will say that the idea of a world leader being totally out of touch with the life of an average person was invented about 2 days after the idea of politics itself was invented. So really, Bush is far from unique, even among current world leaders, and far far from being the guiltiest leader in that regard.
He has never had a struggle once in his life
News Flash to Poverty: The vast majority of our presidents have come from wealthy families, and haven't had to claw their way out of the gutter.
News Flash to Poverty: The vast majority of our presidents have come from wealthy families, and haven't had to claw their way out of the gutter.

As with the majority of other world leaders. Especially those from more technologically advanced counrtries.
Hmm, the point of the video, at least at the outset wasn't to infer that George W. Bush was a Nazi or engaged in any type of genocide (though there was a definite shift at the end). It was to link the fortune of the Bush family to the Nazi war-machine and suggest that they made their money as a result of the liquidation of assets from a banking and holding firm set up to profit from and channel money into Germany.

Though amp's choice of thread title and disclaimer's did more to encourage people not to watch and discuss the vid than anything else.

Well, if that's the intent, it's still not pertinent enough for me to want to watch, if ever, at this time
How can anyone know the personal suffering of any individual if they have not walked the proverbial mile in their shoes? Being wealthy only lessens the chances that some forms of suffering occurred. Has not the Kenneday family suffered multiple tragedies?
That's debatable.
How can you debate a fact? The court in the state of Florida found that Bush won the popular vote in that state and as a result won all the Electoral College seats for that state giving him more Electoral college seats than his opponent and thus the Presidency.

What is there to debate? The decision of the court? If that's it, then my rebuttal is his opponent, Al Gore conceded the election.

I still disagree that you have to be the average man to formulate and implement good public policy (completely ignoring the fact that the Houses create most laws and bureaucracy figure out the best way to meet the objectives of the policy). I don't need to have worked a minimum wage job to study and formulate policy on the effect of changing minimum wage both from a macro and micro level. I don't discount it is important to gain the insights of your stakeholders, but I don't think you need to be a stakeholder in every issue to be a good or even effective leader. Nor do I think anyone can be an expert on every issue.

Finally, being a "real" man who was on medicaid and clawed my way out of the gutter and put myself through school does nothing to tell me whether personal income tax levels are too high, how to fix publicly funded pension plans, how to set environmental policy, and which policy tools to use even.
I find it very funny when Europeans attempt to school Americans on how politics should work. Keep in mind that we developed our system to be different than yours, hence the reason why ours has worked out so well for the past 230 years.

Gee-Dubya may not be liked by everyone in America, or around the world for that matter, but the facts still stand that we won the 2004 Election fair and sqaure, and thus he is our President until 2008.

My only solution is: Deal with it.

My family and I voted for Bush both in 2000 and in 2004, as he was what we felt to be the better choise at the time. Do we regret it? Not at all, as we have agreed (for the most part) with what he has done as a President since he was elected. We could really care less if Europe or Aisa doesn't care much for him, but then again, when was the last time an American President was really well-liked outside of the US?

Clinton? Questionable. Bush I? Doubt it. Regan? Nope. My best guess would be Kennedy, but even then, thats a stretch...
If you want facts ...check out Joe Kennedy and Charles lindburg..as close to American Nazis or nazi sympathisers as you will almost ever get in the US .
You all notice it says "Bush Family".

It does not mean George W. Bush is a Nazi. Yes, he is part of the family, but he is not the only capable of being a Nazi. Please watch the video at least so you have something to argue against. I havn't watched it, so I can't argue about it, but the current president is not the only part of the Bush family.
What a complete load of BS. All this proves is that the 'Bush' family supported Hitler pre-war, when he was actually publicly doing great things for the country. At the time, it was a perfectly acceptable thing to support Hitler, as he was bringing Germany out of it's post-WWI depression, and apparently rebuilding the economy. It wasn't until later that Hitler's true plans came to light, so no, I don't believe that the Bush family are Nazis.
...If you watch the video, it alludes to the "fact" that George W. Bush, his father George H.W. Bush, and his Grandfather Herbert Walker are all Nazis.

Don't yell at us for not watching the video, as most of us did, and we all think it is absolutely obsurd.
I did watch the video, and I did not say anything about people not watching it.

I think that this needs to be taken with with a sizeable pinch of salt.
He's talking to perfect balance.

I watched it, once over (most of it), too. Other than being a bit long winded, citing familial ties that suggest associative guilt more than anything else, and some committee investigations that suggest possible corruption, I didn't see anything that convinces me Bush is a Nazi or sympathetic thereto. Buchanan gave nothing to validate his conclusion that GW Bush beliefs in all of what those groups allegedly believe in, or actually do. Who is he to say Bush is not sincerely Christian because his GRandfather might not have been? As for his last point, again, no matter the similarities given, the intent and reasoning behind a method must be challenged. Correlations between the invasion of Poland and the Reichstag (spelling?) fire and the invasion of Iraq and the events of 9/11, or any attack argued as an impetus to war do not prove like mindedness in the thinking of the two protagonists involved with the respective wars. If Bush's stated reasons are disingenuous, prove them thus, don't infer them as so because you perceive them to be comparable to what hitler did. That's unethical.
Is that considered libel or slander? I always get the two mixed up...
Hey, on the voting thing, I lived in Fl, and I can tell you, as a general whole, these people are to stupid to vote, and shouldnt be allowed to. and they get very mad when you crack jokes about how hard it is to punch a hole.

If George W. had been in Al Gore's shoes, first, he would have likely conceeded.
more importantly, he'd be mocked around the world, for being a sore loser, so let's be fair and treat Gore the same way. -> Point and laugh at the P***y!
Mostly the second paragraph. But I will say that the idea of a world leader being totally out of touch with the life of an average person was invented about 2 days after the idea of politics itself was invented. So really, Bush is far from unique, even among current world leaders, and far far from being the guiltiest leader in that regard.

Now this is just so true, too.
Frankly, from what I've seen, Dub-ya is the most down-to-earth Pres. or any leader I've seen yet.
but I'm 22, maybe that'll change, but I doubt it.
dude use the edit button.

but I'm 22, maybe that'll change, but I doubt it.
What? you wont turn 23?
No I think he meant that maybe in his life time he'll see a president he considers more down to earth than Bush.
Clinton seemed pretty detached from the "moral fabric" of America, but Bush is only pleasing half of the country.

I was watching FNC the other day, and I found it quite silly that they allready have people debating what is going to happen in the 2008 election. Apparently the Dem's "Take Back America" (sounds like the 3rd Reich doesn't it?) campaign startled a few folks, so then the question became who could win?

Surprise, it was not Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, or John Kerry. Nor was it John McCain, Newt Gingrich, or Jeb Bush. They said they did'nt know!

Amazingly both sides agreed that this may be the first time that a third party candidate could have a real shot at taking the White House. Because of the fact that no one likes those crazy left-wing nutcases, and no one likes the uptight right-wingers, a moderate choise may be the only one left.

...Joe Liberman came up, same with Rudy Guliani (sp?). Maybe if they run on a split ticket, they could win?
How can you debate a fact? The court in the state of Florida found that Bush won the popular vote in that state and as a result won all the Electoral College seats for that state giving him more Electoral college seats than his opponent and thus the Presidency.
Wrong, it was a supreme court ruling, not a Floridian one. Get you facts straight.