Why you should vote for Bush...

  • Thread starter Pako
What freedom? You're censorship laws are more draconian than some dictatorships, everything is owned by the few and the proletariat have nothing not even a health service.

Just like the good old UK then;) Don't forget the lack of a viable state pension and the council tax rising faster than inflation :)

I think in Afghanistan and Iraq, there was quite alot of slaughtering innocents before the US got any where near. And since you mention Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) if the US are such a bunch of unfeeling warmongers, then why didn't they just drop a nuke on Iraq. It would have been much cheaper (they have loads lying around doing nothing ) and it would have risked fewer US lives. Seems to me that they went to great lengths to avoid killing non-combatants.
After what happened this past 4 years with him in office...i don't see how people can vote for him again. Kerry may not be the best...but he's a hell of a lot better than bush is. Besides...i like Edwards a lot more than Chaney...Have any of you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
What freedom? You're censorship laws are more draconian than some dictatorships, <SNIP>.

Are these the same "draconian laws" that allowed US media outlets to break the most negative stories regarding coalition occupation in Iraq we've heard thus far?

Please explain how the prison abuse scandal story got past the draconian censors? How about the recent report by the Lancet on civilian casualties? Surely a draconian law designed by the government to protect itself against negative publicity would have caught these stories?

That is unless there are no such laws.

Are these the same "draconian laws" that allowed US media outlets to break the most negative stories regarding coalition occupation in Iraq we've heard thus far?

Please explain how the prison absue scandal story got past the draconian censors? How about the recent report by the Lancet on civilian casualties? Surely a draconian law designed by the government to protect itself against negative publicity would have caught these stories?

That is unless there are no such laws.


Ghost C and okoj = match made in heaven. :lol:
Ghost C and okoj = match made in heaven. :lol:

Not even. See, that guy posts the standard "THE UNITED STATES SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!11111111ONEONE!111" rhetoric. I'm actually capable of using my brain, and know how to form my own opinion. Completely opposite.
Ghost C
Not even. See, that guy posts the standard "THE UNITED STATES SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!11111111ONEONE!111" rhetoric. I'm actually capable of using my brain, and know how to form my own opinion. Completely opposite.

Originally Posted by Ghost C:
The goal of the terrorists is to wipe out the United States because they don't like our freedom. That's all. You know how you negotiate with people hell bent on slaughtering innocents? You kill them. End of story.

Reply by okoj
What freedom? You're censorship laws are more draconian than some dictatorships, everything is owned by the few and the proletariat have nothing not even a health service.

And talking about slaughtering innocents what about Hiroshima, Korea, Vietnam, most of South America, Afghanistan, Iraq to name but a few?
It's so much more peaceful here without wellyrn... :) (Breathes in fresh air)

Hiroshima was a small price to pay vs. the price of Japanese and american lives had the allies invaded japan. But, this was discussed already in the "does the end justify the means?" thread. :)

Okoj, you live in The United Kingdom, the British weren't so kind to the people of India and africa, the lands they conquered, were they? FYI, there are 240 million Americans who have health care.

I think in Afghanistan and Iraq, there was quite alot of slaughtering innocents before the US got any where near.

Well, if One Considers stoning women and Gassing thousands, then, yes, there were.
:confused: am I missing something here?

Yes the exploitation of mineral ores in most South American countries by American corporations which devasted economies not too mention ripped apart families due to the thousands of uncompensated deaths and terminal illnesses. Also trade agreements (such as the pan-american agreement) and the support of dictatorships.

In more recent times they are still being exploited by American companies (such as Coca-Cola, responsible for a large number of deaths in Columbia) who prefer cheap labour to responsible employment.

As for the empire, I agree it is a blight on British history. I'm not saying the British are blameless but most British led atrocities where committed either under monarchies or right-wing governments.

As for Abu-Ghraib the information was witheld for several months by the US government whilst they tried to cover it up. It only came to light when information was leaked to international press. The people who repress this kind of information are not the kind of people who need to worry about laws, if it is deemed 'in the interest of national security' anything can be justified apparently.

Oh and for anyone who thinks that I am saying USA=bad Britain=good, that is not the case. Our major export is still weapons (as is the US's) and, yes, the British government has a lot to be ashamed about.

To quote Bill Hicks, "How de we (the US) know they (Iraq) have weapons? Well, we kept the receipts."

And for the person who mentioned the Falklands, that was a disgrace and would not have been fought if there wasn't an election.
Viper Zero - It's funny how people get played by a fat guy with a camera and a bad haircut.

Almost as funny as a nation getting played by a cerebrally challenged red neck, his pops and his brother.

Viper Zero
Too bad it's only your opinion and not fact. Oh, the horror of it all.

So all those people who were denied the right to vote in Florida are lying? They weren't struck of the electoral register for non-existant reasons and then prevented from entering polling stations?

Glad you cleared that up.
Ah, my head is spinning out of control.

No one has been denied to vote. If some voters had problems, it's most likely their own fault.
So all those people who were denied the right to vote in Florida are lying? They weren't struck of the electoral register for non-existant reasons and then prevented from entering polling stations?

Glad you cleared that up.
They were allowed to vote. They were to stupid to vote properly, so their votes didn't count. That's the way it should be.
Improperly filling out their voter registration, unable to prove their identity, incapable of voting properly (voting more than once, more than one candidate, etc.).
Yes but what about the people who were unfairly struck off the electoral register? They weren't informed of this until they tried to vote.

Surely that's not the way it should be in a 'free' democracy?
Viper Zero
What about this?! What about that?! I'm a sore loser.

So you're not refuting it?

I'm not American, I don't live in America and so therefore didn't take part in the elections. I'm just asking you to back up your claims. Maybe you're next post will be more informed?! Maybe not?!
Viper Zero
No, it's just lame that you refuse to listen to anyone else.

Prove me worng then. I'm perfectly willing to listen to facts.

You haven't actually answered my original question of people being denied the right to vote, I didn't mention the fiasco of the polling slips. You just assumed.
Viper Zero
No one has been denied the right to vote.

Can I go to bed now?

Once again thank you for clearing that up irrevocably with such unrefutable proof.

No-one is stopping you going to bed.
Comarade okoj , you made an accusation that people where unfairly struck from voter list and that people were denied thier right to vote. Do you have proof of this ? There are lawyers looking for this information. They have been looking for 4 years maybe you can help clear it up for them.
Comarade okoj , you made an accusation that people where unfairly struck from voter list and that people were denied thier right to vote. Do you have proof of this ? There are lawyers looking for this information. They have been looking for 4 years maybe you can help clear it up for them.

Have they been able to disprove it? The fact that a case has been filed would indicate that people feel they were denied this right.

And since when have freedom of speech or the right to vote been purely communist principles?
So all those people who were denied the right to vote in Florida are lying?
Yes. With freedom comes responsibility. If you fail to fulfill your responsibility in the voting process you forfiet your right to vote. You'd think people would be a little more careful and conscientious if voting is such a big deal to them.
You'd think people would be a little more careful and conscientious if voting is such a big deal to them.

This could also be said of the people who struck them off of the register (without informing the those involved) if they wanted a true representation of the masses opinion.
This could also be said of the people who struck them off of the register (without informing the those involved) if they wanted a true representation of the masses opinion.
But a true representation of the masses opinon is what we want. Only those that are of sound mind and judgment, along with the right to vote in this country, are allowed to vote in this country. Anybody who had the "right" to vote taken away never had the right to vote. Assuming you mean the illegal immigrants that discovered on voting day that they weren't allowed to vote. Or, do you mean something else? It's so hard to tell since you offer no details.
Solid Lifters
But a true representation of the masses opinon is what we want. Only those that are of sound mind and judgment, along with the right to vote in this country, are allowed to vote in this country. Anybody who had the "right" to vote taken away never had the right to vote. Assuming you mean the illegal immigrants that discovered on voting day that they weren't allowed to vote. Or, do you mean something else? It's so hard to tell since you offer no details.

I was referring to the people who were taken off the register because they had the same/similar name as convicted felons. The people in Florida as I did mention earlier.