Viper Zero
I guess this video isn't very nice to the President.
I'll be voting for Bush, because I don't want another 767 crashing through a building.
Another 767 crashing through a building? You live in central California; your town has less than 64,000 people. Rudy Giuliani might not need Michael Moore to tell him about 9/11; I don't need
YOU to tell me about 767s crashing through buildings. I'm three blocks from Wall Street - if it hits, it hits
me. You can watch on the TV. It won't change the fact that I'm voting for the Democrat. Not because I like him, but because I can't stand Bush supporters - mainly yourself, in fact. And while you live in a state that's going to the Democrats, I'm registering in Michigan next month. That's a swing state, ladies and gentlemen!
Takumi Fujiwara
Unemployment is at its highest rate in my lifetime, and probably most of yours. What they keep referring to is "Job Growth", or the number of new jobs created. However, what "job growth" does NOT take into account, is the number of jobs LOST! Not only does the number of jobs outnumber those created by a large margin, but those gained, on average, are substantially lower-paying than those gained!
You're off. Didn't you listen to President Clinton when he was campaigning, for God's sake? A lost factory job puts workers in a place when they have to find new work. This could be good - they get an education and get a higher-paying job, for instance. A real job - there's a lot of technical institutions (two year things, the kind of place advertising on TV) that give you a computer-based education so you can find work to replace the factory job you lost. Incidentally, it's hard to create a job that's lower-paying than a previous job, if you go by wages. I'd like to see statistics to back you up, anyway.
If our economy isn't falling, why is it that every nation that doesn't depend on the US economy has rising currency values and rising economies, and every country that's tied into the US economy, for business and trade (Canada, Japan, for example) is plumetting?
Are you trying to blame President Bush for rising currency values, "rising economies" (which sounds like a good thing - the kind of thing central African countries strive for), and plummeting business and trade
in Canada and Japan? Listen to yourself. Freaking absurd. One man affects the economic scale, policies, and conditions of each and every person and country in the world! Yaay! Impossible!
You aren't as bad as the damn Bush supporters, but crap. All of you.