Bush is a Moron.

  • Thread starter epic
United States
But why?

Well, just remember: you asked. First of all, you have this fool trying to establish an economic stimulus by cutting taxes for America's wealthiest 1%. Now, a fellow named Alexis de Tocqueville visited America during the birth of democracy, and he made several observations of American democracy (including the class system). In an essay, Tocqueville wrote about how the country's economy is literally controlled by the middle class. Middle class families work the hardest. Why? They're scared to be poor, and think that they're too close to poverty to take fifteen sick days a month at their jobs. In addition, the blue-collar middle class gets their money, and they immediately spend it. They buy their children school clothing from popular brands. They eat out at Burger King or Old Country Buffet once or twice a week. They watch movies at the theater on Fridays. They pay for babysitters frequently. Now, what does America's wealthiest 1% do with a paycheck? Toss it into the trust fund, hand it to their stockbroker, etc. Now, when they perform the tax cut, the wealthiest 1% won't even know they have extra money. That $72,000 extra they receive will end up in their sons' or daughters' trust funds for Harvard. The key here is to give the middle class more money to spend, not the wealthy. They have everything already; in their eyes, the middle class families never have enough, and they never will.

The funniest thing was when they interviewed this million-dollar lawyer, who said he agreed with the tax cut (surprise!). The interviewer asked him how he, a millionaire, could relate to the middle class and how the tax cut is beneficial to everyone. His response was that his father works for the USPS and his brother works at some electrical engineering company; both were laid off. He said, "Those are the type of people I represent." So what? Seriously...
Originally posted by epic
In an essay, Tocqueville wrote about how the country's economy is literally controlled by the middle class. Middle class families work the hardest. Why? They're scared to be poor, and think that they're too close to poverty to take fifteen sick days a month at their jobs.

They're not controlling it - they're trapped by it!

Wait - that's me!!! Ahhh!!!
Originally posted by epic
[BThey're scared to be poor, and think that they're too close to poverty to take fifteen sick days a month at their jobs.

The key here is to give the middle class more money to spend, not the wealthy. They have everything already; in their eyes, the middle class families never have enough, and they never will.[/B]
Man, if I could even get 2-3 sick-days off a month...I'd be in heaven. I guess you mean 15 days in a row, at one time.

Well, everyone wants more money to spend. Bush isn't being a moron, he knows who votes for him, he knows what benefits him and his economic supporters, and yet it's a shrewd move. I don't agree with it, however.

With all these tax-cuts promised and permitting many debts (such as Medicaid) wiped away, I don't see how the Bush administration is going to actually pay for things like roadways, national defence, education, healthcare, etc.

Just out of curiosity, why does everyone from Australia hate Bush? (Apart from the obvious...)
We think he's a war-mongoring moron - oh wait, that was the obvious, wasn't it. People here are very cynical about his real agenda on the Iraq thing.
So get rich and stop *****ing.

I'm probably part of the lower-middle-class and I've got nothing wrong with this tax break on dividends. Why the hell should the dividends be taxed twice, because they are. I know this tax break isn't going to stimulate the economy at all, but I've got nothing wrong with it. There are plenty of ways he could stimulate the economy, I guess his econimists or whoever makes the big decisions for him isn't working very hard.
Working on it.

I was astonished to find you guys still taxing stock dividends at a company level and again in the hands of the investor - our backward little economy's had that since the mid 80's, and New Zealand's had it since '82.

I've been following the level of layoffs occuring in the US since the dotcom crash of March 2000 and I'm astounded at the levels of redundancies. I think a lot of the issues the US currently faces (economically, that is) stem from the stockmarket boom going virtually unchecked in the late 90's, in the run up to the 2000 crash - Greenspan completely misread that. The reason there was low inflation was a combination of two things
1) cheaper manufactured goods
2) most spare cash was going into the stock market

Number 2 masked just how much money was actually around - traditionally this money's spent on goods and services, thereby causing inflation, your usual warning sign that things are overheating.

Problem for the ol' middle class salaried guy is that it's too easy to tax him. It's pretty easy to keep tabs on what he's earning, and therefore assess him for tax - same reason they love speed cameras here, it's easy money, you don't really have to work too hard for it.

The good ol' upper classes - they've got an army of lawyers and accountants figuring out ways to minimise their taxes - much too hard for a simple politician (who, if truth be told, is probably one of those upper class types - income speaking, of course) to work out how to legislate - especially when he's not motivated to do so.
Originally posted by vat_man
We think he's a war-mongoring moron - oh wait, that was the obvious, wasn't it. People here are very cynical about his real agenda on the Iraq thing.

Lets see Bush is a War Monger??? World Trade Center is gone and people are dead. okay dokey

Originally posted by frestkd
Lets see Bush is a War Monger??? World Trade Center is gone and people are dead. okay dokey


True, but what does that matter?

Who's to say Bush didn't know the event was going to happen? It could easily have been prevented if we wanted it to be. Having 3000 Americans being killed by a dozen Arabs is a good way to get the American public on your side when you want to start a war. Don't you think? I mean, he can't just start a war over absolutely nothing, can he? There is just too much money to be made by him and the rest of his friends if we go into a small little controlled war. Hell, maybe I'm just crazy, or maybe I'm not. At least I'm keeping an open mind about this. Even if my theory is a little far fetched.
Originally posted by frestkd
Lets see Bush is a War Monger??? World Trade Center is gone and people are dead. okay dokey


Yes - blown up by a group of Saudi dissidents based in Afghanistan. Not Iraq.
The fact that banking and long-term bond interest is taxed is rather pathetic. But there is away to get around the capital gains taxes: don't trade any stock until you've owned it for more than one year. The income tax you pay on any stock you own for over a year is a lot less than if you held it for say, 3 months.

more can be seen at the link below. I don't have a big problem with the guy other than he's about as sharp as a globe,.... wich in turn makes these things even funnier, LOL. :D

Thank God I'm not the President of the U.S. I would've NUKED Mecca a long time ago. I had a friend say to me that Adolf Hitler was on the right direction, but he killed the wrong group of people. He should've killed those damn Mideast Islamic Ragheads. I thought he was a little looney, but now I'm starting to agree with him. We should disarm the Ragheads and throw'em into the Indian Ocean.


P.S. Oh let the fun begin! :dunce: :crazy: 🤬 :mad:
Now why do you have to go and say things like that? Here I see you have the wisdom to not be anti-gun, draconian legislation, and then you make a remark like that. Don't you see that contributes to the perception of intellectual, and so on, superiority that people on the left the world over, even the non-American right, have?
Right, kill a couple billion people because a few thousand are terrorists. Okay. I bet there are more terrorists living the in United States, some with high positions, than in Mecca (?), actually.

Anyway, you can't just go around and nuke some place, because that'll pretty much begin our countdown to the end of the world. 'Nucular' war isn't somethign that you want to be starting unless you don't care about the extinction of the human race.

You make me sad to be an American.
Originally posted by frestkd
Thank God I'm not the President of the U.S. I would've NUKED Mecca a long time ago. I had a friend say to me that Adolf Hitler was on the right direction, but he killed the wrong group of people. He should've killed those damn Mideast Islamic Ragheads. I thought he was a little looney, but now I'm starting to agree with him. We should disarm the Ragheads and throw'em into the Indian Ocean.


P.S. Oh let the fun begin! :dunce: :crazy: 🤬 :mad:

I'm muslim, are you gonna throw me into the Indian Ocean too?? Islam has tolerated almost every religion its been in contact with. Now a few jackasses from Afganistan, who happen to be Muslim, are terrorists attack the WTC and take it out. I would see why you would want to "nuke" those few people, hell I do to, but to nuke everyone that practice the same religon as them is just stupid. Now you're talking about Hitler being in the right direction! If the terrorists that caused so much pain in 9/11 were hebrews, would you be threating to kill all of them also? Let me guess, you also thought slavery was okay to? People like you should really take a second look at your actions and words. You make me sick, and I hope I never meet someone like you in my life. Racists are the bane of the human race and that, my friend, includes you.

Originally posted by duo17
I'm muslim, are you gonna throw me into the Indian Ocean too....
Ha! That went in the hole without touching the sides - good for you duo17.

I think you'll find the hijackers were predominantly Saudi, though.
Originally posted by duo17
I'm muslim, are you gonna throw me into the Indian Ocean too?? Islam has tolerated almost every religion its been in contact with. Now a few jackasses from Afganistan, who happen to be Muslim, are terrorists attack the WTC and take it out. I would see why you would want to "nuke" those few people, hell I do to, but to nuke everyone that practice the same religon as them is just stupid. Now you're talking about Hitler being in the right direction! If the terrorists that caused so much pain in 9/11 were hebrews, would you be threating to kill all of them also? Let me guess, you also thought slavery was okay to? People like you should really take a second look at your actions and words. You make me sick, and I hope I never meet someone like you in my life. Racists are the bane of the human race and that, my friend, includes you.


Don't you love the First Amendment! :D I believe genocide is wrong. I just wanted to stir it up a little have a little fun a sick and twisted way. Wow I'm a racist let's see I'm white male, who is a Christian that owns guns, and a card carrying member of the NRA. duh I'm the most discriminated person in the U.S. It could be worse I could be a French Canadan. Well it looks like pissed off another group of people. Oh joy here we go again.


P.S. Send all hate mail to frestkd@yahoo.com
Originally posted by frestkd
...I'm white male, who is a Christian that owns guns, and a card carrying member of the NRA. duh I'm the most discriminated person in the U.S.
I think you're living in La-La-Land, not Mesa, Arizona. I'm so tired of hearing how white males in the USA are discriminated. If you want to loosen the oppession, why don't you take the white hood off your head and actually take a look around you.

You have it darn good, quite well, in fact. Stop complaing about how good you don't have it and wake up and do something about your life. You're acting like the slave you never wanted to be. If you're happy being who you are...don't complain about it!
Originally posted by pupik
I think you're living in La-La-Land, not Mesa, Arizona. I'm so tired of hearing how white males in the USA are discriminated. If you want to loosen the oppession, why don't you take the white hood off your head and actually take a look around you.

You have it darn good, quite well, in fact. Stop complaing about how good you don't have it and wake up and do something about your life. You're acting like the slave you never wanted to be. If you're happy being who you are...don't complain about it!

Na it's the Arizona Heat that fried my brain. I know that I'm one of the luckiest person living on this Planet. In the U.S. we have the right to say what ever one's chooses. Bush is not an Idiot, He is a successful business man, and so far he has doing a good job. A lot better than Clintlor or Bore would've ever done. If you want to put blame on a group for our economic problems blame the Democrats. They're a bunch of whinny little babies if they don't get thier way they all go into a temper tantrum. When did raising taxes ever increase economic growth?
