Now, please inform me on another president who managed to make grades plummet in schools, make the economy go into recession twice(01-03,07-who knows), granted there are others to blame but he takes majority.
Assuming the president had the power to influence the economy that heavily (hint: he doesn't) you cannot blame Bush for the 01-03 recession. The market began its crash in August of 2000, a full two months before Bush was even elected. Blaming Bush for that recession would be like blaming Obama for the current recession. If you want to blame a single leader for that one blame the guy who was in office when it began, Clinton.
As for the current situation we have often discussed on this site governmental policies that have been going on for 30 years that eventually led to the housing crisis. We could blame every president since Carter for this one. If it can be placed on any one man's shoulders it would be Alan Greenspan, and then you can blame every president who kept him in place while he led the Fed.
Not sure, I was 15 at the time so I couldn't vote. Also yes I do blame him since he is in charge, it's his job to make sure the country doesn't fall down into the state that it's in.
I will blame your age for your lack of understanding. President is not the same a dictator. There are three branches of the government in order to provide checks and balances to prevent any one branch from leading us to ruin. Nothing the president wants to do can be done without the support of Congress, and still anything that does pass that does not meet Constitutional standards is supposed to be rejected by the Supreme Court, the members of which are appointed by the president and approved by the Congress.
Now, with that bit of middle school social studies out of the way, please explain again how the president is completely in charge and the state of the country falls squarely on his shoulders.
Depends on your interpretation of what his policies were actually meant to do.
If we are going by intent then Bush should be held very high, as Bush was doing what he thought was best. That is what I will give Bush credit for. When he saw something that he thought was for the best he stuck to it, even if it was unpopular. I would take a person that stands by unpopular principles over one that will change hairstyles based on polls.
Even if I disagree with those principles and think they are an idiot for having them they will still earn my respect as a person. That said, I would prefer someone that followed popular opinion and actually did good, but as popular opinion rarely leads to that I doubt it will ever happen.
Uhhh, OK. I think you'll find many of us hold similar beliefs, and I've certainly found Sage more than capable of thinking for himself. I can't take credit for Dan, Famine, FK, or even really Sage - they are all independent thinkers who have arrived at mostly the same conclusions I have.
My beliefs have always been close to what they are today, and it wasn't until reading Atlas Shrugged that I had a philosophy to give them a name. Over the years some things have been tweaked a bit, but my base principles are the same as always. The only credit I can give to any people on this board is Danoff for directing me to a few more good books, like Milton Friedman's
Free to choose.
I mean 'inconsistent with what the vast majority of people believe.' This forum may well be renamed 'The Crazy Zone.' Like I said, good for the occasional laugh, and little else.
If Crazy means not signing on to the mainstream two-party system that is constantly failing to do any good, then I will gladly allow myself to be labeled crazy. At least I know I have my principles and haven't stepped away from them just to be a part of the popular group(s).
I have been labeled crazy by friends and family for my political beliefs, but I am still not going to back off from them.
I do find it odd how the crazy people are the ones that can quote the Constitution to defend their beliefs.
Regarding the topic of Bush's Legacy, I think down the road he will be viewed fairly middle of the road.