Buttkicker Mini LFE

  • Thread starter kris8583
United Kingdom
Grimsby, UK
Hi guys,

Was looking at getting a gamer 2 but have seen the mini lfe. Can the lfe be connected straight to my surround amp running the lfe and subwoofer together. sub is rated at 1.3ohm, the mini is rated at 4ohm or will i still need a seperate buttkicker amp. Only asking as the lfe is about £55 cheaper here in uk. Surround is sony htss1100. Cheers
The short answer is no!

Tactile transducers require a lot more power than audible subwoofers so to get the appropriate level each needs a seperate amplifier. Also, the ohm rating of the transducer needs to match the rating of the amp.

The Mini LFE is a bigger unit than the Gamer so needs a bigger amp. The Buttkicker amps have a good reputation, but are expensive, especially in the UK. The Mini LFE will give you a bigger effect. If you decide to go with the Mini LFE I suggest using a suitable subwoofer amp such as the one in the link below which can provide 150 w at 8 ohm or 240 w RMS at 4 ohm.


I have had good results with a couple of Conrad subwoofer amps (50 w 8 ohm model) which I use to get stereo rumble via the PS3 multiout option connected to two Aura Pro shakers and two Sinus Live Bass Pump 3 shakers.
The Sinus Live bass Pump 3 shakers are less than £20 each and I have been very impressed with mine - you could fit one or two to your rig powered by a £70 subwoofer amp and get a good rumble effect for the money.

Good luck with whatever route you decide - I am sure that once you have dipped your toe into tactile you will never want to play a driving game without it!
Thanks for the replies, I will have a look for the sinus 3s. I would be really grateful for your guidance as I have no idea when it comes to tactile. My budget is the same as a Gamer 2 (around £150), the amp will need to be small as space on my frame is limited with the 5.1 amp and sub are to be incorporated into the base along with whatever tactile is decided. It will be run from the RCa plugs via PS3 multiout, optical is used for surround.
@Kris - I have two of the following amps, which are rated at 80w 4 ohm or 50w 8 ohm. One of these will power two Sinus Live Bass Pump 3 or two Aura Pro. To get an 8 ohm load wire the shakers in series - there are wiring diagrams which explain series, parrallel, and series-parrallel setups and also an installation guide on the Parts Express.Com website (search for Bass Shakers and look under Aura Pro).



Bear in mind that I am not an expert on this subject - just interested in it and have been trying to get reasonable effects for a low cost. There are lots of users of this forum who are experts such as Mr Latte, but he has a higher budget than me - he has assured me however, that with tactile if you pay more you get a better effect.

If you go the Buttkicker Gamer route you will have a nice simple install with all the bits included that you need to be up and running. The amp is very compact - about the size of a Wii console, plus you have the advantage of a wired remote. You have the option of running off the LFE channel - there is a Y connector included in the pack. Or you could use the PS3 multiout. Your logical upgrade in the future would be to add a second Gamer 2 on your pedals or have a Gamer two on each side of your rig and a third on the pedals. (it quickly becomes an expensive hobby!).

If you go with the Conrad subwoofer amp you will need to make an enclosure if you want it to look nice - it is designed to convert passive subs into active or as a replacement for failed amps so doesn't have an enclosure other than a plastic box and a metal front face plate.

If you don't opt for a Buttkicker, your options with the shakers if you live in the UK and don't want to import the Aura Pro from America are limited to the Sinus Live Bass Pump 3(£20), the Reckhorn BS100 (£45)(from the Shaker Centre) or the Sinus live Big Bass Pumping (£40 from Conrad).

The suggested amp will power 2 Aura Pros, or 2 Bass Pump 3's, or 1 Reckhorn BS100 or 1 Big Bass Pumping.

You will need to isolate your rig with rubber feet - the Penn Elcom 9106 is the best low cost option ($1.60). I am trying to get relatives to bring me a box of those from the USA. I used solid rubber door stops which are 1 inch diameter and 1 inch high (£1 from local hardware shop).

The Bass Pump 3's are supplied with 3 mounting screws with spring washers. These are ok when mounting onto wood, but they are better mounted using 3 M4 countersunk bolts with Nylok nuts and mudguard washers. You will also need speaker cable - I used 1.5mm 2x130 strand (anything bigger might not fit) - plus twin male RCA cable to go from the PS3 multiout to the amp or a Y splitter and male RCA cable if going from the LFE out shared with your subwoofer - try each and see which gives the best effect!.

Must get back to work desperately trying to finish my 3 channel shaker system in time for Christmas and repair the dining furniture in time for the big feast :)
Thanks for the replies, sorry been busy with christmas. Still cant dcide on the sinus or a gamer 2. With the sinus i presume i will have a l and r channel like audio so vibration is either side specific or will they just both work together? Also are they more powerful than the gamer and yes my rig is to be redesigned to incorporate a wood frame under the seat
Kris - I am sure that the BK Gamer 2 will give a stronger effect, but I have never tried one.

You will only get a stereo effect if you use two subwoofer amplifiers or a stereo amp such as the Thomann T amp E400, but if you use one of those you will need a stereo graphic equaliser such as the Behringer 3102.

I recommend that you consider either a BK Gamer 2 or one subwoofer amp connected to two Bass Pump 3's. Wire them in series to create a load to match the capabilities of the amp so that you don't blow either device. You will have the option of both under the seat (mono) or one under the seat and one under the pedals - I think that would seriously improve your immersion in the game.

If you want to go with stereo rumble it starts to become expensive because you will need a second amp (and possibly two more Bass Pump 3's if you want to match the load to the amp), plus you will only be using one channel to each amp via the PS3 multiout and I have found that the signal strength is weakened and requires pre-amping for a strong effect via a graphic equaliser or headphone amp.

Happy rumbling!

Do you recommend two under the seat, or one under the seat and one under the pedals? I have the 100W Dayton Audio amp and 2 Aura Pro Bass Shakers at 50W each.

I was thinking about getting the Clark TST209 as well but I may just stick with these for now.
Hi sick, i was looking at the pic of the amp linked above and thought i could connect the red and white rca from ps3 to give l and r audio and use the l and r hi level out terminals to connect two sinus3s to give l and r vibration. Getting confused now mught go for the buttkicker if its going to get too complicated. Can pick up 3 sinus and that amp for same price as buttkicker but if its going to need another amp then getting towards too much money.
Forgive my level of knowledge but could i do it like this;

Amp: http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/product/301043/Active-built-in-amplifier-module-80-W/1312055&ref=list

Sinus: http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/product/378284/Sinus-Live-Bass-Pump-III-8-OHM x2

And then wire up like this:


Appologies if still not correct but thought since they are 8 ohm each i wont need them jn series and could use both left and right input from ps3 and outputs to each bass shaker.
Anyone know if above will work, where have you gone sick?!?..... sorry guys dying to get something ordered so i can start thr rig rebuild :)

I suggest that you experiment with the position of the shakers and try two under the seat and also one under the seat and one under the pedals. If you make your mountings with extra holes it should be quite easy and quick to experiment with different setups until you find what suits you best. I can't really suggest anything other than to experiment with your shakers because seats vary and people have different preferences.

I have found that having a shaking effect on the pedals as well as the seat does increase the sense of realism.

Re the Clark TST209 - I have not tried one, but have read that the Clarks need a lot of power to give their full effect. If you want to upgrade your system in the future it might be better to just get an extra Dayton amp and two more Aura Pro shakers - you could then have a stereo effect with one each side of the seat and two under the pedals. For now I suggest you just experiment with the two shakers and one amp until you get a good effect.
Sorry Kris - I've been at work and just read your posts!

Sorry - your diagram will not work! Subwoofer amps are mono amps and cannot be wired to amplify a stereo signal unless you use two amps.

The hi level in and hi level out option often featured on these amps is to enable the wiring in of a subwoofer to a stereo system which does not feature a dedicated subwoofer output.

If you decide to go with a subwoofer amp, the wires which power the shaker(s) are the two wires which exit at the back of the unit. You use the line in for input to the amp. If you connect the PS3 multi-out to both line ins the amp will amplify both signals at once, but only produce a mono source to your shakers.

I suggest that you either go with the BK Gamer 2 which will be a plug and play option or one subwoofer amp and two shakers. However I note that you have been looking at the 8 ohm model (which was a lot more expensive) - to go with the Conrad amp you will need two 4 ohm shakers wired in series to present the amp with an 8 ohm load.

Kris - if you have any more questions, fire away! I will try and post up some pictures of my setup which may help you and G219.

happy New Year to one and all!
Thanks for the reply sick, will probably go for the above amp and 2 4ohm sinus 3s. At least i can change posistion of them and experiment. What is the difference between the 4 and 8 models as i could always go for 2 8ohms and run them in parallel. Just after most bang for the money.
Kris - I wouldn't recommend the 8 ohm model because wired in parralel they would create a 100w 4 ohm load, but the amp is rated at 80w 4 ohm. It is rated at 50w 8 ohm so would provide full power for two 50w 4 ohm shakers wired in series. Also last time I checked the 4 ohm model was under £20, but the 8 ohm was over £30.
Ok mate will go for the 4ohms. Out of curiosity what is the difference between the two? Thanks for you help mate, il post pics in my gtx thread when the build gets underway
Thanks Sick,

I currently have a 3/4" piece of oak wood underneath the seat. The screws sent with the bass shaker aren't long enough to get through, so I need to get some longer ones. I think I'm going to attach another piece underneath the pedals for the other one.

Do you think that 3/4" wood is sufficiently/too thick? What about for the pedals? How about the type of wood? I'm out of town now, but I'll post some pics when I get back and do some work.

Thanks for all your help and Happy New Year!
For a better bang for the buck you might be interested in This amp by Dayton which is 150 watts.

Wish I would have done that. I ended up with the 100W. Arrived about 3 weeks ago. I'm guessing the extra options would have been worth the extra $50.

To mount my Aura Pro's, instead of screws, I used M4 bolts with countersunk heads and Nylok nuts with mudguard washers (the extra wide ones).

With mounting the pedals, you will need to experiment. Chipboard is ok - I have used floor boards. If you are using a rig you may want to mount the pedals to a board and then isolate it from the main frame using rubber washers or doorstops - this will stop the shaking force being lost into the main frame and concentrate it into the pedal area.You will need to experiment a bit with mountings in order to get the best effect.

Check out Left888's rig to see what he has done with tactile transducers.

Happy New Year!
Didnt get round to ordering the other day sick been busy with Christmas etc, so please confirm that these are exactly what I need;

http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/product/376287/Sine-Live-Bass-Pump-III-4-Ohm X2

http://www.conrad-uk.com/ce/en/prod...SHOP_AREA_22499&promotionareaSearchDetail=005 X1

Sorry to be a pain mate just want to make sure I order the right parts and I know you sent links to 2 different amps, the one above is the 80w. I know there are various amps on the site and didnt know if I needed the 150W@89.99 or 80W@69.99.
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Cheers mate, should be here for early next week so will be updating my GTX thread and sharing my thoughts. Anyone got any ideas for the start date of the academy this year?
Hey sick its all arrived and the rebuild is in progress. Was wondering about putting the bass pumps actually in my chair by cutting out some of the foam. I did a quick demo to make sure everyrhing worked and laid them against the backrest and then sat in front of them and it felt really good. If not im going to try and isolate the seat from the wood frame.