Hey Mr Latte,
So.. If I am sticking with 1 mono tactile (for now, for a while) then the Advance is the recommended one over the Gamer2 - basically, it is worth the upgrade? Knowing I will be running the GamePod GT2 EVO (I ordered the Rubber Isolation bushes also).
And later on I was thinking rather than going stereo tactile I can add a BK MiniLFE and run it off the BKA300-4 for under the Pedal Positioning System ?
Thanks, frede
Are you for using the GT Evo Buttkicker seat bracket?
The Advance is a better quality of tactile, more impact at lower volumes and larger units like it and the biggest LFE model can disperse the effect much further. Having tactile on the pedals, gearstick is nice but personally I would recommend a stereo configuration and the larger "Advance" model for LFE, then see about the pedals etc.
Left/Centre/Right (past testing) wooden inserts were used in the gap to help transfer tactile into the seat base.
My own build uses the Gamepod BK plate but modified with the nicer Cobra seat mounts also attached. Still got lots of more testing coming soon myself and will work with various placements before I decide on the final set configuration.
Cobra mounts attached to the Gamepod base mount.
It very much is trial and error but I will give you whatever help from just experience I've gathered in the past with my own messing around with things and different tactile models.
Current testing is using the "Dayton Puck" this can slide up in below the cover on the front sides and the shoulder sections of the seat. They need some form of rubber pocket cover and secure mounting to prevent rattling. The Clarke TST209 produces more detailed tactile and more midrange but has less impact than the Mini LFE models.
I've found some models react differently and suit different roles too. The Dayton Pucks are great for fitting into small places but certainly will need fine tuning to tone down their annoying sound. They are really noisy if used on stereo so work better with LFE restricted to a low HZ setting and minimal power. Great for enhancing tactile already in place, well that's my latest plan. They provide an excellent solution if controlled to get your tactile to reach places it may be hard to with other models.
Just an example of my latest plans:
The BK LFE isn't attached here yet but may end up going on the metal Gamepod mount as a good foundation for the whole seat. It is possible if all goes to plan the seat will have 12-13 tactile. I'm not convinced with the "Centre Mini LFE" in below and the 4x Pucks are on trial, they are a recent addition.
Not wanting to take over this thread just wanting to inspire some of you and the above can be deleted if it offends or causes issues. Please do not ask me about my own build here, PM thanks.