Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II&III

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skill based match making has ruined it
Its best thing ever for competitive game. You always playing against strong opponents. Only problem is that you can't see you current relative rating, which makes it hard to measure are you better or worse than day before.
I've also been out of COD for a while now as well. Unfortunately, I havent found an FPS that gets the gunplay as good as them so that's been a bit disappointing.
Tarkov is getting PvP mode, Insurgency has decent gunplay.
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Its best thing ever for competitive game. You always playing against strong opponents. Only problem is that you can't see you current relative rating, which makes it hard to measure are you better or worse than day before.
It's absolute trash imo. I'd also argue that it's ruining FPS games as whole, since it's in everything now. I’m fine with playing people around my skill level, but what I really hate about this system is how it will throw you in a lobby against good players with high pings. It’s especially bad in Warzone when there's a lot of players, connection speed should be priority #1.
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Sledgehammer Games did an AMA on the MWIII sub yesterday, most questions were about the match making system and they were all ignored, lol. The fact that they don't want to be transparent about it tells me that there is something nefarious about it. Activision will use any under hand tactic they can get away with to squeeze more money out of players, that is a fact.

They also acknowledged that theirs some sort of bug with the mouse atm, It's hard to make small adjustments when aiming. The Gaia skin is also getting nerfed which is good to see.
DMZ butchered.
They butchered it for more warzone and zombies.

Thank God I left the Cod train. To make matters worse there is no proper Fps military shooters for console apart from Insurgency sandstorm.
Kinda. IMO, its not going to work well for franchise. Playerbase will be upset and leave into other games.
They cant try anything new at all. Its the same old stuff.

Thats the problem with cod they release a game every year when they put a new feature or something interesting they gut it already.

Cod should not be released yearly they should also look into more innovation and adding features that make the game better. Campaign for Cod mw3 was straight garbage.
Looking at the cod sub, I really don’t get the appeal of camo grinding. How do people enjoy doing this every year? It’s just a bunch of monotonous tasks that take over 50 hours to complete. All for what? A camo that tens or hundreds of thousands of people will have.

I tried it in MWII but gave up after gold, never again.
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Call of Duty®_20231206000856_1.jpg
Not really sure what I'm seeing wrong here. Your team sure did kill alot, but it looks like the other team was actually playing the objective more thoroughly, albeit dying more doing so. More or less how it should go.

You have 8 members contributing about 80%~ of your captures with just 31, while they have 9 members contributing 80%~ of their captures with 40.

Dont mind the analytics, I'm just extremely bored at work
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Mw3 is on sale on xbox although they dont seem to be advertising it.

Awesome game and its so easy to pick up if you played the original.
I’ve been playing the Sequel of Remake of 2004 CoDMW and it’s been a blast! The game looks amazing and plays just as smoothly as I hoped. Recently, I decided to try out eft cheats for Escape From Tarkov just to see how they work, and I have to say, I actually like them! They made a huge difference when I was struggling with certain missions. It’s not about taking the easy route for me, but more about enjoying the game without feeling frustrated every time I get ambushed. I can still challenge myself, but these cheats give me a bit of a buffer.
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Used to love DMZ, still do until you come across the hackers/hunters. I’ve been on teams where the “leader” drives across the entire map, jumps through a windows and immediately kicks open a bathroom door and mows the enemy operator down. I’ve had that happen to me to. They need to sort out the cheats big time.

It’s such a fun game mode but it’s just become hunt or be hunted with very little opportunity to complete missions. Nothing worse than dropping into a team of three, you’re the only one with a 3 plate and self revive, the other two had one plate and free loadout guns and just gun it straight for enemy operators. Loot up a little, at least find a two plate before you go in.

If that mode wasn’t part of the free portion, I think it wouldn’t be quite as bad because majority of the player base has turned it into team deathmatch.