Calling All GT Sport Livery Editors: Williams Esports Wants Your Skills

My mate got an email which detailed which decals were required, which sponsors etc. and none of them were what are on the current F1 car.

Your livery is slick, but I'm guessing is not meeting the criteria that Williams emailed out to those who have made it to stage 2 of the competition.

Hope I'm wrong and yours gets a look in.
@WilliamsEsports#williamsesports Gr.3 2019.0ver 296
decal layers and over 3 hours of hard work Please like
and share in#GTSport game for more thenk you.

Check out my profile for full livery

GT SPORT livery owner PSN: ChaBoyyHD_95

My mate got an email which detailed which decals were required, which sponsors etc. and none of them were what are on the current F1 car.

Your livery is slick, but I'm guessing is not meeting the criteria that Williams emailed out to those who have made it to stage 2 of the competition.

Hope I'm wrong and yours gets a look in.
I have been tweeting with them they have not finished picking the five winners the day they stop picking the winners is at the last day on the 17th of this weekend so they are still selecting the remaining of the five winners

My mate got an email which detailed which decals were required, which sponsors etc. and none of them were what are on the current F1 car.

Your livery is slick, but I'm guessing is not meeting the criteria that Williams emailed out to those who have made it to stage 2 of the competition.

Hope I'm wrong and yours gets a look in.
Which decals are they asking for to use on the car are you able to tell me?


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No, as I think I'd be in breach of the forum rules (I posted an image the other day of one decal but was asked to take it down).

My mate got an email from Williams E-Sports telling him which decals they wanted to see on the car and they sent him image files of the real world sponsors, which he then had to convert to SVG to use in GTS. One file was 1MB and he has been unable to get it down to the 15kb size GTS needs, so he's ad to make do without it. Closing date is tomorrow for his entry, so he's submitting them without the decal.
No, as I think I'd be in breach of the forum rules (I posted an image the other day of one decal but was asked to take it down).

My mate got an email from Williams E-Sports telling him which decals they wanted to see on the car and they sent him image files of the real world sponsors, which he then had to convert to SVG to use in GTS. One file was 1MB and he has been unable to get it down to the 15kb size GTS needs, so he's ad to make do without it. Closing date is tomorrow for his entry, so he's submitting them without the decal.
1MB that's messed up lol
I believe all F1 teams have an Esports team, at least for Formula 1.

Could you tell me more about each of 'em? I know that McLaren has that Shadow Project, and before that, the World's Fastest Gamer. But what about all the other ones? Obviously, we can see Williams' team here, but that leaves around eight others I'm curious about - possibly seven, if what I've heard about Ferrari being out of the picture is true.
Could you tell me more about each of 'em? I know that McLaren has that Shadow Project, and before that, the World's Fastest Gamer. But what about all the other ones? Obviously, we can see Williams' team here, but that leaves around eight others I'm curious about - possibly seven, if what I've heard about Ferrari being out of the picture is true.

Team details are here.
they sent him image files of the real world sponsors, which he then had to convert to SVG to use in GTS. One file was 1MB and he has been unable to get it down to the 15kb size GTS needs, so he's ad to make do without it.
Perhaps that's part of the test.

I'd have been curious to see the image to see if it could be made into a 15kb SVG, or split up into a few different SVGs.
Livery has been revealed. The decal in question is the blue pattern on the back of the Ferrari. Congratulations to everyone who made stage 2 and well done to the winning entry.
Perhaps that's part of the test.

I'd have been curious to see the image to see if it could be made into a 15kb SVG, or split up into a few different SVGs.

No, Wiiliams eSports confirmed to my mate they were not aware of the 15kb SVG limitation in GTS for decals. Nice to see they did their research about the game, lol. Think they thought the templates could be done like in iRacing.

Initially they just kept sending him examples of iRacing liveries showing the decal in question (what was the point of that) until they caved in and admitted about not knowing the SVG limit of GTS.

I think they sent him several image files of decals they wanted to be used, but none of them were in SVG format. He managed to convert the others (or already had them) apart from the 1MB file.
No, Wiiliams eSports confirmed to my mate they were not aware of the 15kb SVG limitation in GTS for decals. Nice to see they did their research about the game, lol. Think they thought the templates could be done like in iRacing.

Initially they just kept sending him examples of iRacing liveries showing the decal in question (what was the point of that) until they caved in and admitted about not knowing the SVG limit of GTS.

I think they sent him several image files of decals they wanted to be used, but none of them were in SVG format. He managed to convert the others (or already had them) apart from the 1MB file.
That's ludicrous.

But then, they can't even get a car ready for an F1 season...
What a crock this competition has been for GTS players.

Whoever is selected from the shortlist of 10 GTS designers won't actually see their design make it on to the cars in GTS. What Williams eSports want them to do is recreate the winning iRacing design in GTS.

So the designs that the GTS designers have worked hard on and submitted have basically been used as an audition to see if they are capable to recreate someone else's iRacing design in GTS.
Way to go guys !
It's no surprise. Cytoria is a real inspiration to all of us and every time the bear posts up it's like a folio presentation.
I'm lovin' the intial iracing livery. It follows the design ethos of the parent companys' fade white to blue livery with the title sponsors twist on the design.

On a personal note from what I've read, I joined in a little late - no deadline i thought (and from what I see, others as well- they're still posting up quality images @ WilliamsEsports).
I've had very few likes (no fan base :) but they've come from industry professionals (Cytoria for one ) and the title sponsor (and since I posted [3 days ago] the F1 Rokit images @ #WilliamsEsports/#WilliamsEsports are one to the first things I see when logging onto their site. (I'm surprised because it's a radical design in a very conservative environment)
So I've got that going for me : ) : (

I'll be more prepared the next time.
Again, way to guys for jumping on an opportunity.
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What a crock this competition has been for GTS players.

Whoever is selected from the shortlist of 10 GTS designers won't actually see their design make it on to the cars in GTS. What Williams eSports want them to do is recreate the winning iRacing design in GTS.

So the designs that the GTS designers have worked hard on and submitted have basically been used as an audition to see if they are capable to recreate someone else's iRacing design in GTS.

Suddenly all those people who were slated for only submitting replicas don't look so stupid now! It's just a shame that Williams didn't select any for the final :rolleyes:

Being able to 'design' a livery using other people's decals from Discover is one thing, but being able to make decal from scratch within the limits of what you can do with an SVG whilst keeping it all under 15kb takes a lot more (sadly unrecognized by the wider community) skill.
So the designs that the GTS designers have worked hard on and submitted have basically been used as an audition to see if they are capable to recreate someone else's iRacing design in GTS.

Which is basically how you choose an artist for a communication job. You like what he has done in the past, then you ask him to create something according to YOUR specifications.

But nobody knows yet what they will take so I will wait until the reveal to make any judgement.

I must admit it wasn't clear in their communication, so @Azabear6 and I made the same choice (without consulting each other) of creating one "replica" of the example they send us next to our original designs.

They said the GT Sport design will be "something different" from the iRacing design, but I can also understand that a brand want a unique identity through different supports (although I'd rather see something original winning the contest).

I'm more concerned about what they will expect from the winner. As the GT Sport editor doesn't work like the ones they are familiar with, will they say "thank you for creating this, now we take care of replicate it with your files", or will they ask the winner to create the designs for each car which they will need through the season ?

I've had very few likes (no fan base :) but they've come from industry professionals (Cytoria for one)
I’m very flattered by your message but you may be surprised to know that actually I’m a building site manager. :D

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Congrats to Cytoria and Azabear6 :cheers:

But also congrats to Maveriki57 and Endless_GTExD, other two among the teenth artists selected by Williams .
They are members of GTExD , italian Gran Turismo (and PCARS) Board/forum .

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Is this the actual Williams team, as in F1 or a totally different outfit?

It's the official Esports team of Williams F1.

Check here >

Which is basically how you choose an artist for a communication job. You like what he has done in the past, then you ask him to create something according to YOUR specifications.

But nobody knows yet what they will take so I will wait until the reveal to make any judgement.

I must admit it wasn't clear in their communication, so @Azabear6 and I made the same choice (without consulting each other) of creating one "replica" of the example they send us next to our original designs.

They said the GT Sport design will be "something different" from the iRacing design, but I can also understand that a brand want a unique identity through different supports (although I'd rather see something original winning the contest).

I'm more concerned about what they will expect from the winner. As the GT Sport editor doesn't work like the ones they are familiar with, will they say "thank you for creating this, now we take care of replicate it with your files", or will they ask the winner to create the designs for each car which they will need through the season ?

I’m very flattered by your message but you may be surprised to know that actually I’m a building site manager. :D


Hey Cytoria!

Do not get me wrong, but the iR designer had the same PDF we sent to all GT Sport drivers. He had last week to submit his designs and, as he is our official iR design since months ago, we worked hard with him to make the official Williams Esports livery which we will use in all sims.

¿Why do we need a GT Sport designer?
We need someone able to work images as the electric blue pattern on GT Sport. I know it's hard to change a 1mb photo to 15kb svg, but as the competitions says, we want someone who can help the team creating those liveries and be able to work this images and logos on svg.

It's obvious that the GT Sport winner designer, who will go to Step 3, will need to recreate the iR version on GT Sport (not the PDF, as it was a digital graphic design from months ago).

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Hello @Javielmaqui and welcome here!

I’m not complaining, as I understand that I work for a « client » (even if it’s just for fun).

Thanks for the clarification and the informations!
Hey Cytoria!

Do not get me wrong, but the iR designer had the same PDF we sent to all GT Sport drivers. He had last week to submit his designs and, as he is our official iR design since months ago, we worked hard with him to make the official Williams Esports livery which we will use in all sims.

¿Why do we need a GT Sport designer?
We need someone able to work images as the electric blue pattern on GT Sport. I know it's hard to change a 1mb photo to 15kb svg, but as the competitions says, we want someone who can help the team creating those liveries and be able to work this images and logos on svg.

It's obvious that the GT Sport winner designer, who will go to Step 3, will need to recreate the iR version on GT Sport (not the PDF, as it was a digital graphic design from months ago).

Perhaps it would have been a good idea to reach out to the livery making community beforehand to get the decals you require made to spec, or at least warn potential entrants that they'd be required to make their own.

People like @Cytoria are more than capable of doing what's required, but as I said above, many livery 'designers' don't make their own decals and wouldn't even know where to start.

There are many guys on here who produce amazing work but do not even possess a computer or the software necessary (let alone the knowledge required for detailed vector illustration) to make the decals they require and rely heavily on the game's discover section and the work of the brilliant people that actively help out in the SVG Request Thread (
Following all messages and opinions (some of these, pretty curious messages) I will leave you some clarification regarding our Williams Esports GT Sport competition here:

1.- GT Sport Competition.
As the introduction/image says, we are looking for a GT Sport designer, no a Williams Esports car design. We already had a brief design which it was the one we went to all top10 finalists (Step2).

2.- Official Williams Esports livery.
As it's easier to make HD photos and videos, we decided to use iRacing to make our official livery design, similar as the PDF, but not equal, as we decided to add more light blue and some sponsors.
The iRacing design was made by our official iRacing designer (@iLiveries - Twitter). This is our official design and we will recplicate this one to all sims and cars that the team will use along this season. (It's obvious all sims have their own designing style and might be slightly different as iRacing).

3.- Steps of the championship
  1. We asked all participants to share their previous GT Sport designs on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Earlier last week we selected a Top 5, but due to the amount of people participating, we were kind increased up to 10 and leave until Feb 17th to participate.
  2. Step 2. All 10 finalist got an email with a briefing explanation:
    • IDEA > Create their own Williams Esports concept/s based on the PDF design.
    • CONTENT > PDF (Basic 2019 concepts) Images and logos to be used.
    • DEADLINE > 17th February. (We left until Tuesday 19th for those we chose along the weekend)
    • CAR > Volkswagen Scirocco Gr.4
  3. Step 3? We will check all designs and concepts, and check who is able to work on the areas we consider important. The winner will be the only one who will go to this step and will manage to recreate the official Williams Esports design in all cars and liveries that we will need on the game (Working on team designs and individual designs for the FIA GT Nations races for drivers such as Coque López, Giorgio Mangano, Patrik Blazsán, Adam Suswillo, etc).
4.- SVG, 1MB photos and others
As the competition says, we are interested in a GT Sport designer able to work on different formats, using official layout provided by the client (in this case Williams Esports) and ideas, which it is basically a resume of Step 2.
It's good to get all the stuff on svg and photos on the right size, but we are looking for a designer who is able to do that on his own too, that's why we required to use the electric pattern on Stage 2, as it will be also needed on the official GT Sport designs.

I believe there is some people who are not able to use the blue electric pattern, and we accepted to get some new concepts without it, some of them I have to say were really good and professional.

Btw, I have to say this will be not the last one. Seeing all the great participation we had, we are already thinking to do some more stuff like this but with different prizes.

Thanks to all those GT Planet guys who have participated and congrats for those finalist, Good luck for tomorrow! :D
Which is basically how you choose an artist for a communication job. You like what he has done in the past, then you ask him to create something according to YOUR specifications.

But nobody knows yet what they will take so I will wait until the reveal to make any judgement.

I must admit it wasn't clear in their communication, so @Azabear6 and I made the same choice (without consulting each other) of creating one "replica" of the example they send us next to our original designs.

They said the GT Sport design will be "something different" from the iRacing design, but I can also understand that a brand want a unique identity through different supports (although I'd rather see something original winning the contest).

I'm more concerned about what they will expect from the winner. As the GT Sport editor doesn't work like the ones they are familiar with, will they say "thank you for creating this, now we take care of replicate it with your files", or will they ask the winner to create the designs for each car which they will need through the season ?

I’m very flattered by your message but you may be surprised to know that actually I’m a building site manager. :D


Yes, I get that and it is a way of sifting out the better designers.

But it was misleading in that Williams didn't initially state the GTS design winner would be replicating a design.

Many folks I know we're under the impression the were creating a design for the competition that if it won would be the new GTS livery for Williams eSports.

This is clearly not the case.
Yes, I get that and it is a way of sifting out the better designers.

But it was misleading in that Williams didn't initially state the GTS design winner would be replicating a design.

Many folks I know we're under the impression the were creating a design for the competition that if it won would be the new GTS livery for Williams eSports.

This is clearly not the case.

Nope, sorry. It would not make sense to have different designs on all sims. In the opposite case, the iRacing and Forza designer would have to replicate the GT Sport design.

I guessed it was also clear with the PDF design, that's why why asked for concepts or different ones based on the PDF design, but not to be that one the official one. We could also have chosen one of the GT Sport designs to be our official one, but after working hard with our iR designer, we have decided to make the official base design on that sim.

You also have to understand that it is also our first time to do this "open competition", as it could have been very easy to contact by MD any GT Sport designer and ask him to replicate our designs on GT Sport, but we wanted to leave this opportunity open for everyone who is able to design in GT Sport. Is there, with hundred of participats, where we could find people complaining or disagree with the format of the competition, but it's very difficult to make everyone happy :)
It's always nice when the GT community gets asked for anything so thanks. Lots of really good livery designers out there so it makes sense to get their input, and it will be great for whoever you chose as you never know where these things lead.

BTW. I do really like the livery the williams esports team is using. It is a lot better than the one on the F1 car :)