Calling all Musicians, show off your compositions and covers here.Music 

  • Thread starter Skython
Here's my stuff:

I play for One Way State. Canadian Alt-Indie Rock. Some of our newest tracks are there on the website.


Been playing 14 years, love what I do.
I just finished my next track. I call it Cloudy Days. If you're a Netsky fan, I think you'll like it!:
Sounds good, but maybe speed up the drumming? It got to 0:51 and I was like yeaaaah here we go!! Then it dropped back. I do understand it's not the final copy yet. Unless you're trying to make a minimal type tune like this one;

Feedback is appreciated.

Sounds good. Really in to that type of genre of old school rave/trance, that and the more progressive style of new-age trance as well. If you have some time.. (It's not my own music) can you check out my mini-mix I made?

Sounds good. Really in to that type of genre of old school rave/trance, that and the more progressive style of new-age trance as well. If you have some time.. (It's not my own music) can you check out my mini-mix I made?


Thanks for the comment, pal. I just listened to your mini-mix. :)

I haven't heard anything what is in your mix before, after giving it a listen I must say that is good work and the tracks are quite alright. 👍
Thanks for the comment, pal. I just listened to your mini-mix. :)

I haven't heard anything what is in your mix before, after giving it a listen I must say that is good work and the tracks are quite alright. 👍

No problem. Thanks for the feedback! :)

I did a vocal cover of a song you may have heard of before, Beyond the Realms of Death - Judas Priest. It would be nice to get some feedback on my voice. Hint, hint. :P At the end to sort of fill the empty void I just went as high as I could, and I think I hit a really high B. And in the solo I got bored and decided to go low, which didn't turn out too nicely, but nonetheless, I am really happy with that B. I also don't know why I keep putting my hand by my face, it just happens.
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↑Those are pretty nice, good production quality. 👍

A short Goa/Psychedelic Trance clip I made just a while ago.

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I did a vocal cover of a song you may have heard of before, Beyond the Realms of Death - Judas Priest. It would be nice to get some feedback on my voice. Hint, hint. :P At the end to sort of fill the empty void I just went as high as I could, and I think I hit a really high B. And in the solo I got bored and decided to go low, which didn't turn out too nicely, but nonetheless, I am really happy with that B. I also don't know why I keep putting my hand by my face, it just happens.

Very nice. I can't sing, so I play the other instruments XD
Very nice. I can't sing, so I play the other instruments XD

Thanks, I'm working on getting more power out of my voice now because it's mostly not all that powerful, so I'm doing sit ups so that I can push my abs more. It's all in the technique, and the working out your gut. :P

I'm also playing drums now, all up I've spent about 5-6 hours total on the drums across the last 3 weeks and a bit and quickly gotten to one of the better within the school. I'm not going to take lessons because teachers will try and make me drum like everyone else, but to be notable in your area you need to stand out, and having a different style is the way to go.

So over this year and half of next year drums will be worked on as much as singing (almost every day). Then I'll cut back on drums and work on guitar, and I'll probably get my brother to teach me, because he is a master guitarist. Then since I'll be able to play guitar, bass will be extremely simplistic to pick up. And then I'll be able to record my own songs without needing other instrumentalists. :D
Interesting mashup of different pieces, I still struggle with how they actually seperate each audio track and single them out from a song. Using the Gangnam vocal at about 1:58 didn't match up quite so well though compared to the rest. Still though, nice work.

Now for something not quite so nice. :lol: I released a song about ponies! Even if you don't like ponies, don't fear because if you don't look at the backing image, you wouldn't even know it's about ponies. There are no references in there whatsoever, which is sort of how I work.

Edit: Oh yeah, greatest thread killer who ever lived. :sly:
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I wrote a short instrumental song last night and recorded some vocals over it today... the keyboard riff that the song is based on is a shameless pastiche of Roger Hodgson/Supertramp, but I don't think the end product sounds anything like Supertramp... as with all my recordings thus far, it needs to be polished and re-recorded, especially the drums, although it is still in the early stages of development, having only existed since around midnight last night...

(headphones recommended ;) )

Anyway, any and all feedback is welcome on this or any of my songs here.

I've been working on this a little bit almost every day for probably around 3 or 4 months. I realize there are a lot of bad transitions and drum fills, but this is basically how I want it. Eventually I want to rearrange some things and change a couple parts, as well as transitions. So please let me know what you think.

Also, I only used keyboards because it was easier for me, as a non guitarist or bassist. I can play (kinda) mallet percussion so I at least know notes somewhat. Eventually I want to play this in real life, with me on drums and other people on guitar/bass.
Unfortunately, I have very little musical talent other that playing my sax, which I have n recordings of. I'll try to post some improv or jazz licks later on, but until then, here's a video of one of the kids in my school. He is a rapper and I think he could get some positive attention from someone who knows what they're doing so he can make it big. It's what he wants to do. So all I can do is pass it along and hope that someone sees this and contacts him or knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy what knows a guys cousin and so on. So here's his latest:

👍 A pretty complex tune once it gets going - sounds like it would be quite a challenge to play in real life, but definitely would be interested to hear what a 'real life' version turned out like!

I've kind of cheated and created a second SoundCloud account for my more 'experimental' stuff, basically a collaboration between myself and a friend who plays hand drums/bongos etc., although we haven't recorded any stuff yet - I've recorded a few basic ideas and hope to play them 'for real' and record some real drums in the next few weeks - at the moment I am using a keyboard to play the drums myself using the old finger-drumming technique... here's what I managed to record last night...
I managed to make some music. It's nothing special really but I like it. I accept both critique and compliments. :)

[997Kb/s 48KHz FLAC] [Download only]
[224Kb/s 44.1KHz MP3] [Stream and download]

EDIT: Sorry about that loud sound @ 0:47, I forgot. I'll fix it and update the links soon. :guilty:
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👍 A pretty complex tune once it gets going - sounds like it would be quite a challenge to play in real life, but definitely would be interested to hear what a 'real life' version turned out like!

I've kind of cheated and created a second SoundCloud account for my more 'experimental' stuff, basically a collaboration between myself and a friend who plays hand drums/bongos etc., although we haven't recorded any stuff yet - I've recorded a few basic ideas and hope to play them 'for real' and record some real drums in the next few weeks - at the moment I am using a keyboard to play the drums myself using the old finger-drumming technique... here's what I managed to record last night...

I like that. Reminds me, I must hook my keyboard up to my PC again! Though I intend to get a Roland GR55 Guitar synthesizer soon. Anyway.
Something basic I did. It's not perfect. Recorded with Guitar Rig 5 (demo version). Also it ends around 2:15. New to video making and it's too long!:dunce:

And an improvised piece. Took, ooh...10 minutes to do?

Also a demo. If someone wants to do something with it, be my guest.

Gotta keep practicing!
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I made a remix of a battle theme from an old RPG called Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals..
This took me 2 years to make it sound like this.. lots of improvements made since 2 years ago because I was new to making music.


I did a 15 second guitar riff for Instagram Video. Me and a couple of friends have started to get a hashtag going called #Instariff - basically grouping together guitarists posting themselves playing on Instagram video. 10 points if anyone can recognise the song. :D