Calling all Musicians, show off your compositions and covers here.Music 

  • Thread starter Skython
Spend the weekend making this Acoustic cover of Blink 182's song, Adams' Song.

I have pretty much re written most/all the guitar parts, so its probably not as good as the original.

Two minor musical milestones today - I hit 2000 plays on my SoundCloud account today after 9 months on the site :cheers: And, for the first time ever, I got someone asking me where they can buy some of my tracks :dopey: Unfortunately the answer to that is nowhere at the moment, and so I can only make them available for free just now... I also completed a four-track EP last night, all four tracks have been written and recorded in the last 5 days (except 'Liliana', which was written a couple of years ago)... :)
I like that. Reminds me, I must hook my keyboard up to my PC again! Though I intend to get a Roland GR55 Guitar synthesizer soon. Anyway.
Something basic I did. It's not perfect. Recorded with Guitar Rig 5 (demo version). Also it ends around 2:15. New to video making and it's too long!:dunce:

And an improvised piece. Took, ooh...10 minutes to do?

Also a demo. If someone wants to do something with it, be my guest.

Gotta keep practicing!

Love that sound in your guitar and the way you play! :D
Yep! I learned a lot of the basics of music on a whole messing about on Guitar Pro. I'm still only on GP5 but I might be able to get 6 sometime.
Nice, im on GP5 too and i dont think i will get to 6, ive seen it at my friend's laptop, too complicated and a bit different than GP5, not worth updating it as i only used GP to make the basis of my songs lol
Here's a piece of music for strings. The name is taken from a statue in Firenze, Italy that depicts when Polyxena is taken away to be sacrificed (murdered) at the end of the Trojan War. The sources are a bit iffy, but the rough outlines is that Polyxena (a Trojan princess) and Achilles (a Greek hero) were a couple. Having gained his trust, Polyxena learned about Achilles' vulnerable heel and subsequently Achilles got wounded there during battle and died. Wether or not Polyxena had been betraying Achilles is unknown, but the word on the street said that she had.

Some time later, the ghost of Achilles returned and demanded that Polyxena would be sacrificed (i.e. murdered) at his tomb. Why? Some say that it's because he wanted revenge, others says that he wanted to marry her - something he could only do that if they both were dead.

The Greek forces didn't care much for a reason though, they just did what Achilles told them to do so they abducted Polyxena, took her to Achilles' tomb and slit her throat. And that seems to have marked the end of the Trojan War.

The music is made with MuseScore, a free composing tool available at

First song attempt in my whole life. Recorded with sessionmode in Rocksmith. It still has quite a few errors but I am very pleased with it.
Good first effort 👍... I've not heard of Rocksmith before, what can you do with it?

Very impressive 👍 I have not heard of MuseScore before either... does it involve playing any instruments or do you create pieces by 'writing' them in the software?

Here's my latest effort:

and the (steadily growing) EP/album:
It's a shame you can't embed Soundcloud on forums yet (it works on facebook etc).

This is a song my band recorded a few months back, I play guitar and also did the recording/production.

Not sure how I missed this before.....

Great production and mixing! The musicianship and songwriting is great to, but the polished mixed was fantastic. Nicely done. What plugin's in general to you find you go to for mixing and mastering?
Good first effort 👍... I've not heard of Rocksmith before, what can you do with it?

Hi Touring Mars,

Rocksmith is a game that teaches you how to play guitar. It adapts to your level of playing and adds notes when you increase your performance. Next to that there is a session mode in which you can play with all kind of different band types and train your scales, chords etc. There are also many mini-games that work on the different techniques used when playing guitar and finally there are around 80 lessons and 50+ songs to learn.

A great allround guitarpackage!

Not sure how I missed this before.....

Great production and mixing! The musicianship and songwriting is great to, but the polished mixed was fantastic. Nicely done. What plugin's in general to you find you go to for mixing and mastering?

Generally, for single line vocals I will use Waves Rvox and if double tracking vocals or harmonies of the same line I will generally run them all through the same compressor feed, if they are seperate lines though I'l run them through a seperate Rvox compressor so that they aren't fighting over space... If I'm mixing a big selection of vocals (like a choir or similar) then I'l run them through a Waves C4 multiband compressor, this lets each individual voice breathe a little more and gives you massive control over the shape/presense of the sound... Then again though, if the quality of the performance is inconsistant I might just use a Rvox as it blends things together better (ironing out inconsistancies/flaws). EQ wise I tend to use Cubase's native EQ, it's really easy to do a frequency sweep with and find the sweet spots for your sound.

Effects wise I use a lot of delay on vocals (mostly Waves H-delay), sometimes use Cubase's own mono and double delays, rarely use reverb on vocals though, almost never outside of bigger choir type vocals or for extreme effect (like for example making a vocal part sound more like a synthesized part), I've always just liked delay more... on Guitar too.

Bass guitar, again I might use the Rvox but generally I'l use a C4 on the bass and do some heavy shaping to make it fit around everything else, usually use some tweaks to the basic EQ using the native EQ in Cubase too. Same goes for the guitars really, I often leave the guitar without any compression and just tweak the EQ (which is cut some top and bottom end off, the stuff you can't really hear), occasionally I might use a C4 but I generally get the guitar sounding where I like it with just the mic'ing process. For guitar solo's though or more lead type parts I might shape the EQ more, and use compression to really focus in on the parts, with a slight mid boost on the EQ in the recording. Drums are all mixed within the Superior Drummer 2 program, it has it's own built in plugins and it's easier to deal with routing and mixing of the overall kit if it's done within the vst plugin, always run the whole drumkit after SP2 through a basic Roomworks reverb plugin, just to take away a little dryness.

Once I've got a good clean mix with everything nicely balanced I will usually mixdown a 24bit Wav file and master that in Wavelab 6, again using some of the Waves plugins (dithering/mastering compression plugins, L2, L3, IDR etc..), there is also a really nice EQ I like in for mastering in Wavelab, think it's called Paragraphic EQ if my memory is correct, it may be native to the program I'm not sure, it has a moveable ball that you can move around that changes the EQ and makes it really easy to find the master EQ you're looking for. I'l generally run it side by side with reference track and find the sound I'm looking for. Generally though I end up going a little on the safe side with my masters, I usually find the sound I'm looking for and then dial it back a little bit, which ultimately ends up as almost identical to the original mix, but louder and a little more glued together (due to the mastering compression).
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I've been writing songs since I was 9 years old (I'll turn 31 this year)

I recently started a youtube channel to share some of my works & hopefully not get hated to death.

The videos (so far) is quite newbie looking since I just started to get into animation, editing & VFX, but I'm proud of my songs.

Genres heavily varies, but I mainly write punk rock, ska & metalcore/screamo.

Check it out if you want, it'd make me happy :)
Wrote and recorded this little song in 2 hours this morning.

Don't be picky about the slightly off vocals and guitar, I didn't have much time to polish the notes (if that makes sense).
Very interesting mixture of genres! I'm not a big fan of 'screamo' to be honest, but your band sounds tight...! Love the Western Chase Theme :cool:

Thank you! It's kind of cheating tho when triggering drums so you can get them perfect ;)

Unless you meant TomorrowsTheSame, that one is real instruments all the way through :)

More videos are in the works. Hopefully I will have a new song up in the middle of next week :)
I should post something;

Laying myself bare here... feedback appreciated ;)

Wow! That's really excellent 👍 Piano is reminiscent of early Elton John (i.e. his good stuff), and your vocals are spot on as well... will check out the rest of your stuff after work when I've got more time, looking forward to it :)

Oh man, that's good! You Glasgae based? Might PM you next time I'm nor'ward and see if you're playing anywhere!

Yep, I'm based in Glasgow... I'm part of the Edinburgh ex-pat community here. I'm not playing any gigs yet but I am thinking about it... do you play any gigs yourself?
Yep, I'm based in Glasgow... I'm part of the Edinburgh ex-pat community here. I'm not playing any gigs yet but I am thinking about it... do you play any gigs yourself?

Thank you for your kind comments :)

I don't at the moment, just getting settled full-time in Manchester and then getting into it. Found a few nice open-mic places recently so just starting to hang around there ;)

EDIT: And good spot... Elton John (early) was very much an inspiration when I was younger. You've got to cut through a lot of cheese (like anything that's ever trended in pop) but there's some really excellent stuff in there. Sometimes hard to explain to non-musos just how technically good he can be.

I have to say, I'm loving the atmosphere you've managed to create in these songs with the layered guitars & vocals.

I wish I could do anywhere near as good acoustic songs :P

Great work man! The first song "I can't give you what you want", around the 1.10 mark I got goosebumps! I'm not kidding!

In the second song, "Viewforth" you've managed to write this really nice catchy guitarpart that plays throughout the song that I really like.

The third link doesn't work :/

Anyway, keep up the good work! I don't know if you're aiming for it, but your songwriting may very well get you somewhere someday :)

I should post something;

Laying myself bare here... feedback appreciated ;)

One word: Wow!

Great playing, great voice, great song! Are you using a real piano for the recording or are you using VSTi's? Anyway, just: Wow!
One word: Wow!

Great playing, great voice, great song! Are you using a real piano for the recording or are you using VSTi's? Anyway, just: Wow!

Bloody hell, thank you very much :D

That's a Yamaha DGX640, the piano sample on it is really nice, I actually prefer it to some 'better' brands despite the keybed being a little scrunchy sometimes. I normally use my unweighted-M50 for piano parts but on this track needed the weighted keys for a bit more, well, weight :)
I'd play something on the harmonica but I have nothing to record it with.

Funny thing about the harmonica, its one of the easiest instruments to play but one of the hardest to master. It took me a whole year to learn how to bend on mine.
I'd play something on the harmonica but I have nothing to record it with.

Funny thing about the harmonica, its one of the easiest instruments to play but one of the hardest to master. It took me a whole year to learn how to bend on mine.

Don't you have a mic on your laptop or PC?

If not, you can get very cheap mics on the web, and then use Audacity (a free music recording and editing software package) and record using that... sound quality won't be great, but unless you are doing overdubs/multitrack, it's good enough usually.

Just finished working on a new track, massive project and really I would have liked more work on it but we've spent months with it on and off, came a time where we had to just say "ok this is done" and finish it.
Wow, that's great! It's not necessarily my kind of music, but the production and musicianship is in a different league 👍 I can see why you guys spent so long on it!