I hope by lively upping you don't mean to try and stir the pot in order to create a fanboy war?
These types of threads are always dangerous, because when your are being so non specific like asking what is "better"... or just saying "racing games"... both of which can mean so many different things to different people, which is how a lot of forum disagreements are started.
However, as Watevaman pointed out, one of the big advantages the PS3 has is support for 3rd party wheels, and not just an officially licensed one, which I think is fairly well documented to be significantly inferior to either the G25 and even the Driving Force GT & Pro wheels, among others.
In addition, in terms of games, if you exclude the multi-platform racing games that are available on both systems, like:
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles
- The Wheelman
- Burnout Paradise
- Need for Speed
- Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
- Stuntman: Ignition
- DiRT
- Sega Rally Revo
- Baja: Edge of Control
Depending on what you call a racing game, and what you consider "better", here are your choices for both the 360 and PS3 over the last couple years:
(listed by release date)
- Race Pro
- Project Gotham Racing 4
- FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
- Forza Motorsport 2
- Ferrari Challenge
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Initial D Extreme Stage
- Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
- Formula One: Championship Edition
- MotorStorm
- Ridge Racer 7
(I didn't include Gran Turismo HD as it is basically an early demo for GT5
, although respectfully much larger than any other racing demo for what it's worth)
Each and everyone of these 360 and PS3 exclusive and multi-platform racing games has at least one or more unique features and gameplay modes that distinguishes it from the others, and most have received excellent reviews, although I was very surprised to see even the official Xbox and X360 Magazines both gave Race Pro a very low score in their reviews of the game
(60 & 50 out of 100).
The PS3 also has more recent exclusive racing games. In fact, other than Race Pro, all of the games in the 360 list came out over a year ago in 2007, and in the case of Forza 2, nearly two years ago, and not much planned for in the future, although I'm sure we will hear something about Forza 3 and PGR5 this year.
On the other hand, most of the PS3 racing games on that list are less than a year old
(unless you snagged an early Japanese copy of GT5
) and Supercar Challenge and maybe even GT5
(although I'm not holding my breathe) will be available this year.
Bottom line, there are great racing games to be enjoyed on both the 360 and the PS3, so there is no need to worry about being left out because you have one console and not another... well... maybe not for Wii owners.
Which bring me to the Wii...
Uh... no thank you.