Can GT5 be the saviour for the Playstation 3?

  • Thread starter aaron17
As you all know..GT3 was a mega hit on the PS2...
Since Sony records its loss in 14 years due to recession(PS3 suffers as well)..We all know that there has to be the game that can save the PS3..What are your thoughts about this?
Can gt5 pull it how GT3 did?

I think GT5 needs to bring back its fun factor like how GT3 had accomplished doing..
GT5 will be abig booster for ps3 for sure.

That said, everyone on this forum will be like "wtf you talking about ps3 needs saved" and then the thread will be locked.
It's the same story for pretty much every company at the moment.
Well, I can not imagine any other game right now, which is more important than GT5 for the ps3, even considering GOW 3 and Heavy Rain.
Sony have a great list of exclusives compared to nintendo and microsoft I guess we will see who have the best to offer at the E3
Even if GT5 sold 50million in it's 1st year it would not off-set losses from Sony but would none the less be a welcome cash boost.
I think the PS3 does need some help in the game department, it's a fantastic machine but I think it's really lacking as a gaming console. Honestly I can't think of a better media device though since it plays movies and connects to my computer to get all the crap off of that. GT5 should defiantly help out the gaming aspect of the PS3, barring it's a good game.
Last time i checked the PS3 was outselling the Xbox360 in month to month sales since launch, so i guess its fine.
The loss of SONYs gamingdivision is smaller than last year, though the cash cow PS2 was selling 40% less consoles, i guess the PS3 doesnt need to be saved.

But GT5 will increase the Sales drasticly, i know 4 guys that are just waiting for GT5 to be released to buy a PS3. I guess many are waiting for a price cut and GT5, since it is one of the defining games of the Playstation brand as a whole.
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I think it will help, but it won't save a whole company.

Sony has been lacking the exclusives to draw gamers like me who really only play racing games. So far they have Motorstorm and an old version on an F1 game.
Well the PS3 does not really need saving, yet at least. However GT5 is certainly not going to hurt the PS3 is it. :sly:
SCEI have lost close to $4 billion over the past 3 years, but the reality is that Sony as a company have made a profit every year for the last 14 years....including their best ever profits in 07/08; even when SCEI lost $1.16 billion.

It's just so sad and pathetic that some people like to pin all Sony's problems on the PS3, without understanding that even when SCEI were losing billions, Sony itself was still raking in the profit.

The only problem is is now that Sony Corp. have lost money (because of a strong yen and other factors that I'm sure we're all well aware of), it enables a whole slew of sensationalist headlines somehow blaming the PS3, which is completely misguided, sad, and most of all completely tiresome.

However you want to cut it, the PS3 isn't doing too badly when it has sold nearly 23 million when it has been the most expensive console on the market; and for the past 8 months been twice the price of the 360.

Sony say the PS3 is going to be around for 10 years, and I believe them. There is plenty of room for PS3 growth and potential to be had out of the system.

GT5 is a system seller whichever way you want to look at it...all four main versions have sold at least 10 million, and with GT5 arguably being the most anticipated, I'd say it will come close to exceeding the 14.89 million that GT3 sold.

But it still does not change the fact that the PS3 simply does not need "saving".
As you all know..GT3 was a mega hit on the PS2...
Since Sony records its loss in 14 years due to recession(PS3 suffers as well)..We all know that there has to be the game that can save the PS3..What are your thoughts about this?
Can gt5 pull it how GT3 did?

I think GT5 needs to bring back its fun factor like how GT3 had accomplished doing..

Sure GT5 alone will move consoles, but allready PS3 does not need any saving really, It already won Console Wars in 2008, and for sure it will win again in 2009, sure there might be less consoles then xbox or wii, but it delivers more solid exclusives. PS3 does not need any saving, it just needs more steps to walk on, it's not hanging from the cliff awaiting a helping hand.
Can GT5 be the saviour for the Playstation 3?

Not this again.

I think the PS3 does need some help in the game department, it's a fantastic machine but I think it's really lacking as a gaming console.

Maybe in 2007, but not in 2008 and certainly not now, and certainly not this year either compared to what has been announced.

Sony has been lacking the exclusives to draw gamers like me who really only play racing games. So far they have Motorstorm and an old version on an F1 game.

Uh... for someone who likes racing games you apparently are not familiar with all the choices:

I hope by lively upping you don't mean to try and stir the pot in order to create a fanboy war? :ouch:

These types of threads are always dangerous, because when your are being so non specific like asking what is "better"... or just saying "racing games"... both of which can mean so many different things to different people, which is how a lot of forum disagreements are started. :indiff:

However, as Watevaman pointed out, one of the big advantages the PS3 has is support for 3rd party wheels, and not just an officially licensed one, which I think is fairly well documented to be significantly inferior to either the G25 and even the Driving Force GT & Pro wheels, among others.

In addition, in terms of games, if you exclude the multi-platform racing games that are available on both systems, like:
  • Midnight Club: Los Angeles
  • The Wheelman
  • NASCAR 09
  • Burnout Paradise
  • GRID
  • Need for Speed
  • Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
  • Stuntman: Ignition
  • DiRT
  • Sega Rally Revo
  • Baja: Edge of Control

Depending on what you call a racing game, and what you consider "better", here are your choices for both the 360 and PS3 over the last couple years:

(listed by release date)

  • Race Pro
  • Project Gotham Racing 4
  • FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
  • Forza Motorsport 2

  • Ferrari Challenge
  • MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  • Initial D Extreme Stage
  • Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
  • Formula One: Championship Edition
  • MotorStorm
  • Ridge Racer 7
(I didn't include Gran Turismo HD as it is basically an early demo for GT5:P, although respectfully much larger than any other racing demo for what it's worth)

Each and everyone of these 360 and PS3 exclusive and multi-platform racing games has at least one or more unique features and gameplay modes that distinguishes it from the others, and most have received excellent reviews, although I was very surprised to see even the official Xbox and X360 Magazines both gave Race Pro a very low score in their reviews of the game (60 & 50 out of 100). :odd:

The PS3 also has more recent exclusive racing games. In fact, other than Race Pro, all of the games in the 360 list came out over a year ago in 2007, and in the case of Forza 2, nearly two years ago, and not much planned for in the future, although I'm sure we will hear something about Forza 3 and PGR5 this year.

On the other hand, most of the PS3 racing games on that list are less than a year old (unless you snagged an early Japanese copy of GT5:P) and Supercar Challenge and maybe even GT5 (although I'm not holding my breathe) will be available this year.

Bottom line, there are great racing games to be enjoyed on both the 360 and the PS3, so there is no need to worry about being left out because you have one console and not another... well... maybe not for Wii owners. ;)

Which bring me to the Wii...


Uh... no thank you. ;)

It's such a personal taste based on a lot of different subjective criteria, but as others have mentioned, as far as a very pleasant contrast to GT5P, I have really enjoyed Burnout Paradise, and as far as a very good sim game that when first came out was very underrated IMO is Formula One: Championship Edition.

Also MotorStorm: Pacific Drift is a great game that I have only barely scratched the surface in terms of gameplay, so definitely add that to your short list... it is especially fun to play it with friends! 👍

I had a great time playing DiRT as it has very well thought out gameplay modes with excellent simulation except for the driving physics which are VERY floaty for a simulation, but more realistic than a pure arcade game. The crash damage graphics and physics are excellent, and if you set the options for it, can severely impact the performance of your car, adding to the realism... something GT5 desperately needs to add IMO.

I also recently bought Ferrari Challenge based on recommendations... and Amazon had it on sale for less than $15 brand new, but I have yet to play around with it enough to have a reasonable opinion about it.

If it helps though, Metacritic compiles numerous published reviews and gives games an average score based on that, as well as links to those reviews for specific reasons why it received the scores it did at the time it was reviewed.

So if it helps, here is how Metacritic ranked all the racing games that I am aware of for the PS3:
  1. Burnout Paradise
  2. GRiD
  3. MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  4. MotorStorm
  5. Pure
  6. DiRT
  7. Midnight Club: Los Angeles
  8. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
  9. Ridge Racer 7
  10. Stuntman: Ignition
  11. Sega Rally Revo
  12. Need for Speed Carbon
  13. Formula One Championship Edition
  14. Need for Speed ProStreet
  15. Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
  16. Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
  17. MX vs. ATV Untamed
  18. Full Auto 2: Battlelines
  19. The Wheelman
  20. NASCAR 09
  21. Moto GP 08
  22. Baja: Edge of Control
  23. Need for Speed Undercover
  24. NASCAR 08

I Left out PSN games like:
  • Calling All Cars
  • Championship Sprint
  • Fatal Inertia EX
  • Gran Turismo HD Concept
  • GripShift
  • GTI Club+: Rally Côte d'Azur
  • PixelJunk Racers
  • Smash Cars (coming soon)
  • Toy Home
  • WipeoutHD (great racing game... but not cars)

Basically there is no shortage of racing games for the PS3, in which you'll likely find a lot of contrasting personal opinions about, but maybe this will give you some more to think about and help you find some great games. 👍

GT5 is very likely going to sell well and push the hardware, but anyone who says the PS3 is lacking in exclusives, racing games, and a large library of highly rated games is either not familiar with the library of PS3 games, or is purposefully trying to mislead people. :ouch:
That's your opinion, frankly I think the PS3's game selection sucks.

Your opinion, for me untill now PS3 game rock! I love all the exclusives I own, no other console beats it.

Yeah everyone has their own preferences.
Your opinion, for me untill now PS3 game rock! I love all the exclusives I own, no other console beats it.

Yeah everyone has their own preferences.

I know it's my opinion hence the "I think" part of my statement.

I really think the PS3 needs some stronger exclusives, especially in the RPG department. Although console RPG's will always be meh compared to PC RPG's.
Well, Joey's posts are a good reason why PC and console gamers see things so differently. The only RPGs on PC I have any inclination for are MMORPGs, and only one, Anarchy Online. Fortunately it doesn't eat my soul like World of Warcraft does so many. :P

While the PS3 does need more RPGs, especially JRPGs, they're coming. I expect the buzz around the planet is going to revolve mostly around SONY's upcoming games such as Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank Future ACIT, God of War III, MAG, inFamous, Final Fantasy XIII and GT5. And when these games hit the shelves, especially GT5, PS3s are going to go with them. But no, it doesn't need any saving.
Well, Joey's posts are a good reason why PC and console gamers see things so differently. The only RPGs on PC I have any inclination for are MMORPGs, and only one, Anarchy Online. Fortunately it doesn't eat my soul like World of Warcraft does so many. :P

While the PS3 does need more RPGs, especially JRPGs, they're coming. I expect the buzz around the planet is going to revolve mostly around SONY's upcoming games such as Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank Future ACIT, God of War III, MAG, inFamous, Final Fantasy XIII and GT5. And when these games hit the shelves, especially GT5, PS3s are going to go with them. But no, it doesn't need any saving.
FF13 isn't an exclusive as it's also going to be on the 360.

Edit: Also to those who say the PS3 doesn't need saving, this says otherwise.
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Sure FF13 is also going to be on Xbox360, but luck to only ONE Doulbe Layer DVD there might be a chance that Xbox version might be bit smaller or less quality. But only a small rumor.

Also FF13 Versus is exclusive to PS3 only.

But I am more excited about White Knight.
Also to those who say the PS3 doesn't need saving, this says otherwise.
You're basing that on one month's sales figures? In America? :P

The PS3 sold 23 million units while being the most expensive console on the market. And everyone is acting like the PS3 will never see a price cut. And even though the PS3 is still a little higher, with a price drop it would be well within the margin of the 360 when it was supposedly selling like tacos. Which, sorry, but after the 30% failure rate fiasco, I don't believe anything MS says anymore.

I'm not the least bit worried. The world doesn't love PC gaming, and the market where the 360 is flourishing is the west, America, the UK, Down Undah. And it appears the 360 is loosing steam, like the market is saturating. And of course, the Playstation market is still wide open. The RPGs are doing poorly on the 360. Playstation game seriess mostly bomb. 360 players want more Halo, GEARS!, Madden, NFS, Burnout and Forza, the kinds of games college frat boys play. Meanwhile, Playstation games, games with more worldwide appeal, are selling globally.

By the way, no one has a clue when FF XIII will appear for the 360. Rumors are that the thing could be delayed a long time. But other than that, Halo Tactics, Forza 3 and Alan Wake, I'm unaware of much buzz for any 360 game.

GT5, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, MAG... there are several games people are looking forward to personally for PS3. And the library of games from the previous two and a half years are chock full of goodies for new PS3 buyers. But what's going to get the PS3 to sell a lot isn't a game, but a measly $50 price cut.

No, I'm not worried.
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FF13 isn't an exclusive as it's also going to be on the 360.

Edit: Also to those who say the PS3 doesn't need saving, this says otherwise.

Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive to the PS3 where it matters - JAPAN

Its going to send PS3s flying off the shelves in Japan

It will be released on the PS3 and 360 in North America and I'm sure everywhere else.

But if you are Final Fantasy Fan and dont already own a PS3 or 360, will you really buy a 360 instead of the PS3 to play it? I doubt it. Even if they already have a 360, I can see them using FFXIII as an excuse to get a PS3, as the PS3 is much more then just FFXIII, and if you played the other FF games on other Sony consoles you no doubt played other Sony franchises and would like to play them again
just a question but hasnt it been said since a lil after 3 months when the PS3 was released that it needed saving and a game needed to come along and save it? really if it needed saving it would have died by now. when i think saving i think a system that unless they have a massive turn around there wont be another one. perfect example would be dreamcast. now THAT needed saving. sony is in the black with the PS3 with total number of sales in hardware and software outweighing development costs if my numbers are right. though then again the original Xbox never came out of the red and still had a second console. so will people quit using the word 'saved' and start with using a word like 'increase sales'. yes im sure GT5 will easily increase sales for the console but save? you cant save whats not needed to be saved.