But if you are Final Fantasy Fan and dont already own a PS3 or 360, will you really buy a 360 instead of the PS3 to play it?
Don't forget about FF XIII Versus Exclusive to PS3, so you get 2 FF13 games for PS3 over Xbox.
But if you are Final Fantasy Fan and dont already own a PS3 or 360, will you really buy a 360 instead of the PS3 to play it?
That's your opinion, frankly I think the PS3's game selection sucks.
Well, Joey's posts are a good reason why PC and console gamers see things so differently. The only RPGs on PC I have any inclination for are MMORPGs, and only one, Anarchy Online. Fortunately it doesn't eat my soul like World of Warcraft does so many.
While the PS3 does need more RPGs, especially JRPGs, they're coming. I expect the buzz around the planet is going to revolve mostly around SONY's upcoming games such as Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank Future ACIT, God of War III, MAG, inFamous, Final Fantasy XIII and GT5. And when these games hit the shelves, especially GT5, PS3s are going to go with them. But no, it doesn't need any saving.
Edit: Also to those who say the PS3 doesn't need saving, this says otherwise.
You're basing that on one month's sales figures? In America?
The PS3 sold 23 million units while being the most expensive console on the market. And everyone is acting like the PS3 will never see a price cut. And even though the PS3 is still a little higher, with a price drop it would be well within the margin of the 360 when it was supposedly selling like tacos. Which, sorry, but after the 30% failure rate fiasco, I don't believe anything MS says anymore.
I'm not the least bit worried. The world doesn't love PC gaming, and the market where the 360 is flourishing is the west, America, the UK, Down Undah. And it appears the 360 is loosing steam, like the market is saturating. And of course, the Playstation market is still wide open. The RPGs are doing poorly on the 360. Playstation game seriess mostly bomb. 360 players want more Halo, GEARS!, Madden, NFS, Burnout and Forza, the kinds of games college frat boys play. Meanwhile, Playstation games, games with more worldwide appeal, are selling globally.
By the way, no one has a clue when FF XIII will appear for the 360. Rumors are that the thing could be delayed a long time. But other than that, Halo Tactics, Forza 3 and Alan Wake, I'm unaware of much buzz for any 360 game.
GT5, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, MAG... there are several games people are looking forward to personally for PS3. And the library of games from the previous two and a half years are chock full of goodies for new PS3 buyers. But what's going to get the PS3 to sell a lot isn't a game, but a measly $50 price cut.
No, I'm not worried.
GT would have had to come out much earlier to make any differense in system sales.
That is exactly what the manager of my local gamestation store told me.I believe that Gran Turismo 5 is the only game left for which people are waiting to buy a PS3. Price drop or not, there will be a huge sales spike when GT5 ships. And you can add to that a lot of Logitech and Fanatec racing wheels.
Wow... I know this is anecdotal, but this is the only game I've heard this level of excitement for. Many of us here feel the same way.I asked a friend of mine what would you pay for GT5 should it cost more than the average game. He replied money is no object and would pay over £100!!
This is rubbish. FUD created by fanboys. Going by reviews the PS3 is second to none in terms of exclusives quality. The PS3 already has more exclusive games averaging 80%+ than Xbox even though the Xbox has been out a year longer and also 90%+. Reading different game forums the patterns are always the same every game from Sonys huge 1st party is trolled like mad and must suxxorz. But invariably are normally very good games. But they dont count according to the Xbox fanboy...I think the PS3 does need some help in the game department, it's a fantastic machine but I think it's really lacking as a gaming console. Honestly I can't think of a better media device though since it plays movies and connects to my computer to get all the crap off of that. GT5 should defiantly help out the gaming aspect of the PS3, barring it's a good game.
All I can say is a lot of PS3's are going to be sold as of NOW just because of that GT5 E3 trailer.
You do realize GT5P is the #1 selling game on the PS3 right?I love Gran Turismo as much as the next guy.... most people like first person shooters. Until you can buy a G25 and a compact stand for less than $100, racing games will not be the best games nor will they save a console. After I got my G25 I sold all my other games, including some pov shooters. The host of E3 on G4 could've cared less about racing games, just like most gamers. GT5 will be a big hit for sim racers and racing game lovers.... not "gamers."
The way i see it the PS3 does not, and never will need saving. Sony established thier clientel with the Playstation. I'm pretty sure that most of those who had the PS one bought a PS2. And who ever had A PS2 bought A PS3. So for that reason, unless sony where to shoot themselves in the foot i really don't think the PS3 or even any next generation console from sony will need saving.