Can we expect GT5 in EU before NA release date?

If we looked back when prologue was release, first game was release in EU then month and half later in NA. If GT5 come in June in US then game should be on sale in mid-April in EU?đź’ˇ Sorry for my english...
To be honest I don't think it will be but if its only a month or two behind I won't mind. If its something stupid say 6 months then I will import it.
However to hold me over I will be using prologue, to gather all the cars I can before transfering them to GT5, playing Modern Warfare 2 for a good amount of time after christmas and perhaps the GT5 demo.
To answer the thread question: I don't know.
Europe is the biggest market for Gt but i think it will be released after Usa like gt4.
Pd cares only about Japan..bastards.
i think it might be simultaneous release in NA and EU , because it doesnt make sense delaying a EU version since its the same language as NA.

but then again didnt prologue release in europe first?
i think it might be simultaneous release in NA and EU , because it doesnt make sense delaying a EU version since its the same language as NA.

but then again didnt prologue release in europe first?

Are you not aware of the many other countries and languages in Europe?
Do you know French? Italian? Spanish? German? Portugese? Swedish? Polish? Dutch?
Are you not aware of the many other countries and languages in Europe?
Do you know French? Italian? Spanish? German? Portugese? Swedish? Polish? Dutch?
None of those will determine the release date. Do you know how long it takes to change a game's language? 10 minutes? half hour, tops?
i think it might be simultaneous release in NA and EU , because it doesnt make sense delaying a EU version since its the same language as NA.

but then again didnt prologue release in europe first?
It should be. I would say it could be a server issue, but just releasing it anywhere will probably crash the servers. Outside of Japan, anyway. One would hope it could hold that.
The way NA is getting shafted on stuff like GT Academy and the free GT promo with PSP Go, I sure do hope that trend continues with the release of GT5.
I have no faith in Sony anymore.
It makes me puke when I think we might get gt5 NEXT Christmas.
If GT arrives in the USA in summer, it's completely ******** it would arrive in Europe by Christmas. But I wouldn't mind playing a US import. But anyway, that's not likely to happen.. Like kaz said: the game will be finished at the same time, it's just a market decision... and if a game is ready in march, you don't let it to lay there till christmas, you want the profit for the work you've done.

and, i'm tired of all that speculating
I thought that PD said that it's going to be a global release?

Are you not aware of the many other countries and languages in Europe?
Do you know French? Italian? Spanish? German? Portugese? Swedish? Polish? Dutch?
What about ............. Flemish? :D
They don't bother with Dutch, they just keep that part English (the way it's supposed to be) because otherwise I wouldn't have a choice and be stuck with the crappy French version and we all know we both don't want that.
Not alot of games are translated to Dutch, and its not necessary either.
Most people in Holland can speak some English, and its better for the education of kids to keep the game in english.
But if they think its necessary to translate it, then atleast let me do it :P
(and keep a language selection option in the game, personaly i hate translated stuff, especially dubbed movies, or bad subtitled movies.)
Language? Let's put it simple: I'm brazilian, so theorethically we speak the same portuguese from Portugal, right? WRONG! It's terrible to understand technical terms, because here in our coutry we employ much more english language than our portuguese mates, we don't even translate technical terms, but the portuguese do and this makes the game harder to understand.

So, PD pleeeaaase, release a japanese and an english version, everyone can understand english. The other languages might be plugins, downloadable in later dates. Too hard to implement this? I'm sure that's not.
What happened to the WORLD WIDE RELEASE! I want a WORLD WIDE RELEASE or i'm not going to buy GT5, uhh until it comes out!!:sly:

Well europe got GT5 Prologue before the US and both the US and EU got GT PSP before Japan did.
I doubt it will be released over here before the USA. PAL optimisation has to be done for SD mode since not everyone has HD.
I'll bet because of the size of this game it is being/has been translated into the various European languages as they go along.

That said, i expect the release to be July 2010 for both NA and EU releases.

Although i want an April release, preferably by April 15th, because it are my birthday!!!!* :lol:

*The use of the word 'are' instead of 'is' is there for hilarity value. No AUP violation, Internet and/or Grammar Police accusations and/or investigations necessary, thank you for your time.
Maybe the date is on this upcoming demo, it's possible though.Not getting my hopes up.

That might be possible. But it might also just be possible that it says "Coming March 2010" or something of that kind, which we all know is absolutely nothing really :grumpy:
If the eu release it has to be on the 17th june(if it is scheduled for around then!) as that is my birthday-GT5's the perfect present!!
Well there's always hope..but I'd say July if I had to guess as we got GT4 a month after North America.