Can we expect GT5 in EU before NA release date?

None of those will determine the release date. Do you know how long it takes to change a game's language? 10 minutes? half hour, tops?

Actually, I dont think your 100% right. You can't just do a direct translation from Japanese to any other language and make look professonal. For example the box art of Japanese and US versions will differ. The US version is more likely to talk about NASCAR, than the Japanese version. It happened with FM3, I live in New Zealand and the TV ads talked about the V8 Supercars. Why? Because it is popular in NZ and Australia, unlike USA.
Not alot of games are translated to Dutch, and its not necessary either.
Most people in Holland can speak some English, and its better for the education of kids to keep the game in english.
But if they think its necessary to translate it, then atleast let me do it :P
(and keep a language selection option in the game, personaly i hate translated stuff, especially dubbed movies, or bad subtitled movies.)

I don't know what the situation is in Holland, but here in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium we absolutely HATE Dutch voice acting in games (or Dutch dubs in animation movies for that matter). Fortunately almost every movies, serie, game or whatever is in English over here, or at least has that option.
Language? Let's put it simple: I'm brazilian, so theorethically we speak the same portuguese from Portugal, right? WRONG! It's terrible to understand technical terms, because here in our coutry we employ much more english language than our portuguese mates, we don't even translate technical terms, but the portuguese do and this makes the game harder to understand.

Considering the population of Brasil is many times that of Portugal, PD should translate the game to Brazilian dialect.

Personally i picked up on Portugese(Brazilian) as a 4th language but i agree i can understand Brazilian Portugese much more than euro-Portugese.
I don't know what the situation is in Holland, but here in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium we absolutely HATE Dutch voice acting in games (or Dutch dubs in animation movies for that matter). Fortunately almost every movies, serie, game or whatever is in English over here, or at least has that option.
Yep, same here, though I had a great laugh playing Uncharted in Dutch, just because the translation is so bad.:sly:
But GT5 will probably be translated to Dutch, prologue is also Dutch, but that does mean they should have an important part of the translation finished.
i think it's worry over nothing. Talk of July etc for release dates is silly. Why release a demo flor something 7 months before its release? Wouldn't make sense. I think it will be released everywhere through March and April.
Considering the population of Brasil is many times that of Portugal, PD should translate the game to Brazilian dialect.

Personally i picked up on Portugese(Brazilian) as a 4th language but i agree i can understand Brazilian Portugese much more than euro-Portugese.

Portugal : 10.6M
Brazil : 190M :sly:

Note: We didn't ever have a PSN service here, and sincerely the PS3 has sold very well over here. I just can't understand why Sony ignores Brazil, since everyone here loves GT ( but almost everyone here owns illegal copies of GT games ), the PS3 blu-ray illegal copy protection system is very effective, and I'm sure if they produce the consoles here Sony would have better sales results.
If we looked back when prologue was release, first game was release in EU then month and half later in NA. If GT5 come in June in US then game should be on sale in mid-April in EU?💡 Sorry for my english...

no problem for English.. i can't speak english too :)))) well my theory is little other, i think we in europe will get gt5 in septembar.. of course after N.A. realese.. this is just my opinion
None of those will determine the release date. Do you know how long it takes to change a game's language? 10 minutes? half hour, tops?
Have you seen GTPSP? *Every* single piece of text you see is changed, even all the long descriptions/stories for every car. It's a lot of text, and they use proper translators (a.k.a. human), not the crap you find all over the net.

Good thing is they did a lot of the work for GTPSP already. ;)

They don't bother with Dutch
Yes they do, GT5P is all Dutch, and so is GTPSP. As a matter of fact, I think there are hardly any other companies that support as many languages as Sony/PD.
Not alot of games are translated to Dutch, and its not necessary either.
Most people in Holland can speak some English, and its better for the education of kids to keep the game in english.

That's a shame lot's of developers don't take the time to convert to Dutch, has their been any confirmation that GT5 may be translated?
That's a shame lot's of developers don't take the time to convert to Dutch, has their been any confirmation that GT5 may be translated?
As said before, most Dutch gamers rather play their games in English. This is because Dutch sounds very boring most of the time.
However, GT5 is the only game I wouldn't mind to play in Dutch, since the translation is well done (in prologue), and all the text is written, while most other games have spoken parts.
Well yeah, GT might very be the last game that's translated in many languages due to the fact that most of it is text so that's easy and doesn't take that much space on the disc :P I'd imagine they'd translate the audio part of things only in the primary languages but we all know English will be the better out of all :P
all the text is written, while most other games have spoken parts.

I'd imagine they'd translate the audio part of things only in the primary languages

Actually, in GTPSP, the spoken parts are translated as well (e.g. the commentary/help when doing license tests). Only the 'start' and 'finish' are in English.
Really? Nice :D

Either way I'll never play another GT game in French again, I played the first 3 in French, eww! :P English is king!
Well, if you're used to a Liège accent then...... :-)

Personally I don't mind playing games like GT in French as it's only a text translation. I found games like MGS worse as even if the voice acting is good I have to concentrate too much to keep up.

Anyway, PD will have their policy on translation so it doesn't really matter what we think.
I still have hopes that GT5 will be released worlwide at the same time or "shortly after" Japan. Meaning April / May at the latest :)
And that Europe will have it at the same time or before the US, as happened with GT5p
don't believe the news like that "us release in summer" , last year a manager from sony talk about chris. release but not happened, the uk official site says march 2010, also Kazunori said that we want worldwide release, I reckon JP and PAL at same time, us version at last 1 week difference

That I also saw march 2010 but that is not Japan release date, It"s also look for me as worldwide release date.:cheers:
Lots of Dutch posts in here :) YAY.. Good thing about Holland and Belgium is that a LOT of people speak English. Movies and TV shows dont get dubbed over here (luckily!!). Countries like Germany and Italy still dub movies if Im not mistaken (Anyone from Germany or Italy correct me if im wrong). I do know Spain dubs movies and TV shows as well from the last time I was there... I just play everything in English... sounds better and sometimes watching TV here the subtitles are just WAY off... Especially with numbers... and when they convert Miles to kilometers... its just usually WRONG.. very strange.
Are you not aware of the many other countries and languages in Europe?
Do you know French? Italian? Spanish? German? Portugese? Swedish? Polish? Dutch?

it doesn't mean nothing... yamauchi told that every kind of gt5 will be finish in the same time... isn't a translate problem, it's a marketing problem
Can someone complain with 1 million thread to release simultaneous world wide release for GT5? As someone said before, complaining works! Just like in damage issue. Let's do it the American way of complaining. I bet PD will push their worker to get GT5 out of production line :lol:. But then let's hope it wont get rush.
I just hope it doesn't come out on the weekend of an (f1)grand prix.

As much as i love gt, the f1 takes priority.
I just hope it doesn't come out on the weekend of an (f1)grand prix.

As much as i love gt, the f1 takes priority.

I have to agree with this, Looking forward to the new season,the no refuelling rule and the possible return of mr f1.