Can we just, like, fire everyone in Congress?

  • Thread starter Tornado
Like any politicians from any other political party is going to do anything different. Libertarians, Green Party, Constitution Party, The US Communist Party, whatever they are all going to be corrupted in some way.
Joey, we get it.

I don't agree with Ron Paul's principals at all. I might have been brainwashed by all the rhetoric surrounding him during the 2008 campaign, but when I explored what really matters to me I found that I didn't agree with him at all. I wouldn't vote for anyone that shares the same ideals as him either, but that's the beauty of America isn't it? We vote for who we want to.
I don't see how "I disagree with his principles" is the same thing as "He doesn't have principles."
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Here's my take on any "Bill" (I'm not gay don't care if someone is as long as they don't hit on me) Vote on the "Bill" No this No that vote on one "Bill" yea/nay. Yes they would be more bills to vote for but we could save billions of dollars not having to pay for stupid riders.
Just a stupid opinion from "That Crazy opelgt guy" :dunce:
Sure you have a great idea that will restore liberty and justice to America, but how many people are you going to screw over in the process to get there that have depended on X for so many years.

So, since the South's 18th- and 19th-century economies were based on slavery, and the plantation owners had depended on this for many many years, we should not have fought our Civil War because we were "screwing them over" to restore liberty and justice?

C'mon, Joey, you can do better than that.
So, since the South's 18th- and 19th-century economies were based on slavery, and the plantation owners had depended on this for many many years, we should not have fought our Civil War because we were "screwing them over" to restore liberty and justice?

C'mon, Joey, you can do better than that.

Duke you sound like slavery only occurred in the south but history says the "North" also had slaves.
well I guess the Republicans tactic is almost working - to oppose everything, waste time whining then complain nothing gets done.
this all feels very petty, no doubt frustrating for those that finally vote in a better party only to face such inept opposition.
That must explain why some Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid voted against it?
Democrats have a large majority, so if things don't pass you can't blame it all on just the minority party.

Then you're just going to have tri-partisanship or quad-partisanship and a whole giant cluster of people arguing over who's more right.
I totally expect my leaders to not debate over who might be more right. It is best if they just do whatever gets them re-elected. Oh wait...

I have a feeling that didn't come across the way you meant it to.

Duke you sound like slavery only occurred in the south but history says the "North" also had slaves.
But the north's economy was not agricultural based. People in the north had slaves but could afford to give them up. Many of the southern plantation owners lost their farms after the war because their entire profit was based on the fact that they didn't pay for their labor.
But the north's economy was not agricultural based. People in the north had slaves but could afford to give them up. Many of the southern plantation owners lost their farms after the war because their entire profit was based on the fact that they didn't pay for their labor.

Regardless, Duke's point still stands.

I'm tired of losing money on every paycheque to government services I will never use. I lose money to EI every cheque, but if I get "laid off" from washing dishes I'm not eligible to (also just plain wouldn't) get EI. It's ridiculous.
...So, in regards to the actual topic at hand...

I'm rather angry about all of it because it is so personally frustrating. Especially when LGBT rights are something that I do care deeply about. What makes it so stupid, at least from where I'm coming from, is that it makes too much sense to repeal it... And yet, our leaders are kicking and screaming about it. Listening to John McCain talking about it the other night made me want to stick my fist through the car radio and slap the guy around. He's past his prime, time to put him out to pasture.

The Republicans stand to lose the most here, from what I can tell. Time will tell, of course.
I'm not familiar with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", but reading up on it, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Just to be sure I've got this straight (no pun intended)...

The armed forces are not allowed to ask your sexual preferences.
If, at any point, you tell another member of the armed forces that you are straight, nothing happens.
If, at any point, you tell another member of the armed forces that you are gay, you may be immediately court-martialled and discharged.

And this is supposed to be legislation promoting equality?
I'm not familiar with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", but reading up on it, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Just to be sure I've got this straight (no pun intended)...

The armed forces are not allowed to ask your sexual preferences.
If, at any point, you tell another member of the armed forces that you are straight, nothing happens.
If, at any point, you tell another member of the armed forces that you are gay, you may be immediately court-martialled and discharged.

And this is supposed to be legislation promoting equality?

The American armed forces are of course the zenith of competence and perfected righteousness on the globe today. Orderly commerce and exploitation of all Earth's resources depends entirely on Americans telling everyone else what to do and enforcing it at the point of a gun. Surely you and every other man jack understands this. This is otherwise known as "the System". ALL other organizations on the globe of whatever nature are subservient. Accordingly, policies such as those of which you inquire are mandated from time to time to assure the smooth functioning of our one mighty tool. Smite the laughable term "equality" and substitute "superiority", or perhaps "dominance".

Shocked and appalled,
Regardless, Duke's point still stands.
I wasn't disagreeing with Duke.

And on topic, I saw this yesterday:

I wasn't disagreeing with Duke.

And on topic, I saw this yesterday:

I meant to quote opelgt.

But on the topic of that pic, I think it's very true. I just don't understand the rationale behind don't ask don't tell.
I'd prefer the worst guy in Congress to Christine O'Donnell. I hate her already, she has this "holier than thou" attitude that I hate in people.
I'd prefer the worst guy in Congress to Christine O'Donnell. I hate her already, she has this "holier than thou" attitude that I hate in people.

Careful, she's a witch. She might put a hex on you for saying that. :lol:
Careful, she's a witch. She might put a hex on you for saying that. :lol:

She practiced witchcraft and yet she is a reactionist (i.e. really, really conservative) Christian who thinks evolution is only a theory and that God will send you to Hell if you have sex outside of marriage.

Personally I think abstinence-till-marriage is a load of crap.
I'd prefer the worst guy in Congress to Christine O'Donnell. I hate her already, she has this "holier than thou" attitude that I hate in people.

Yeah, when she was running for local office, her platform was "God, Country, and a Vision". I noticed that bit got hidden away when she started getting delusions of grandeur.

Don't worry, she won't beat Chris Coons (with whom I went to middle and high school by the way; Delaware really is a small state) because Delaware is solidly in the Blue camp.

On another "brush with greatness", I shook hands with both of Delaware's senators on Friday, Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman.
I don't agree with Ron Paul's principals at all. I might have been brainwashed by all the rhetoric surrounding him during the 2008 campaign, but when I explored what really matters to me I found that I didn't agree with him at all. I wouldn't vote for anyone that shares the same ideals as him either, but that's the beauty of America isn't it? We vote for who we want to.

And who's to say power wouldn't corrupt a politician like that, because track records show that he would probably fall into it.

The very fact that Ron Paul is no friend of lobbyist and special interest on both the right and left pretty much tell how uncorruptable he is. Hell the fact the even the main Libertarian Party have shown itself to be in destain of Paul pretty further say it.

Overall for ron paul be corrupted would go against everything he for and ever spoke about, this when you consider fact he often chastise the corruption of washington.
She practiced witchcraft and yet she is a reactionist (i.e. really, really conservative) Christian who thinks evolution is only a theory and that God will send you to Hell if you have sex outside of marriage.

Personally I think abstinence-till-marriage is a load of crap.

Yeah, when she was running for local office, her platform was "God, Country, and a Vision". I noticed that bit got hidden away when she started getting delusions of grandeur.

Don't worry, she won't beat Chris Coons (with whom I went to middle and high school by the way; Delaware really is a small state) because Delaware is solidly in the Blue camp.

On another "brush with greatness", I shook hands with both of Delaware's senators on Friday, Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman.
I'm kind of put off that Ron Paul speaks positively about her, but then again he usually focuses on a candidate's good points rather than the bad. Still, the woman is crazy. She's definitely too far over the conservative line, and I'm not sure I'd ever vote for her even if she did speak about working for the Constitution.
I'm kind of put off that Ron Paul speaks positively about her, but then again he usually focuses on a candidate's good points rather than the bad. Still, the woman is crazy. She's definitely too far over the conservative line, and I'm not sure I'd ever vote for her even if she did speak about working for the Constitution.

She's a bit of a loose cannon, no doubt!
Ron Paul, on the other hand, is a thoroughgoing intellectual revolutionary. Without question, he would break some eggs in order to serve up an omelet.

$64,000 question: Is the situation bad enough yet to warrant revolutionary action? Elsewhere I recommended Friedman's head on a pike like Cromwell. But now the FBI is raiding peace activists with drawn guns. In a police state, we'll have to make do with papier mache.

The very fact that Ron Paul is no friend of lobbyist and special interest on both the right and left pretty much tell how uncorruptable he is. Hell the fact the even the main Libertarian Party have shown itself to be in destain of Paul pretty further say it.

Overall for ron paul be corrupted would go against everything he for and ever spoke about, this when you consider fact he often chastise the corruption of washington.

Power corrupts, Ron Paul is still human although I know some would think he is a scaled down (or perhaps not) version of Jesus. If Paul was elected president I would say he would be no different then anyone else, maybe even get less done due to an incorporative Congress based on his principals.

Political division is what is ruining this county in my opinion. And I don't care what parties are involves, they are all guilty and we are becoming more divided. What ever happened to united we stand, divided we fall?
Power corrupts, Ron Paul is still human although I know some would think he is a scaled down (or perhaps not) version of Jesus. If Paul was elected president I would say he would be no different then anyone else, maybe even get less done due to an incorporative Congress based on his principals.

Political division is what is ruining this county in my opinion. And I don't care what parties are involves, they are all guilty and we are becoming more divided. What ever happened to united we stand, divided we fall?

Joey, don't worry - Ron Paul will never be elected. Boo hoo.

I agree with your remark about political division, with the proviso that it is preceded by social division. In the 50's this country was never so united. Since then, for better and worse, we have undergone numerous earth-shattering revolutions, with the effect of reducing unity.
1) In the 60's we had the civil rights movement, the youth movement, the drug movement, and the little matter of Vietnam.
2) In the 70's came Fem Lib, off the gold standard, crazy inflation and oil scares.
3) In the 80's came the dread triple "D"s: a permanent culture of deregulation, debt and deficit.
4) Clinton brought us outsourcing and offshoring in the 90's.
5) Crazy speculation and leveraging by both rich and poor put the final nail in the coffin of unity in the '00's.

Political division is what is ruining this county in my opinion. And I don't care what parties are involves, they are all guilty and we are becoming more divided. What ever happened to united we stand, divided we fall?
George Washington willingly stepped down after two terms. After that you had Adams vs Jefferson, and the political division has been going strong ever since.
George Washington willingly stepped down after two terms. After that you had Adams vs Jefferson, and the political division has been going strong ever since.

Before GW were Whigs and Tories. Before them it was Roundheads and Cavaliers. 'Twas ever thus.
Joey, don't worry - Ron Paul will never be elected. Boo hoo.

I frankly think that's a good thing. I see his ideas as too radical and all it would do is further divide the country, even more so then it is now.

The revolution we need is one the gets with the modern times and looking to the future. Instead of debating about homosexuals in the military we should be focusing on bettering the country. I honestly do not understand the unwillingness to accept the fact that our culture is forever changing. I mean really it's 2010, should homosexuals really be scary now?

But I guess the old ways will never go away, I still get people harassing me that I'm dating a Jewish girl and I'm not Jewish, like seriously? :indiff:
Joey, if Dr. Paul were actually to get elected you're right, he wouldn't do much because he's the President and he's not allowed to right laws. That's Congress's job. And you can bet they wouldn't get along too well either.

The one thing he would do is be more able to get the message out to the entire country. He'd be a model spokesperson and I imagine most Americans would take very well to the idea of smaller, more responsible government that doesn't intrude in their lives nearly as much. People wouldn't be able to be confused by the media if the president himself is saying those things and raising issues and fighting the congress publicly. Basically doing what he does now. He's not Jesus, he's just one exceptionally principled man who has devoted himself to these causes through personal experience.

Just like a guy determined to start his own business, Paul is determined to get his message across.

I still don't understand how logic and reason is radical. What you're telling me is that the Constitution is a radical idea. Is that what you think? Do you think Thomas Jefferson was a radical? Also, I don't understand why you speak of stupid things like the gay debate or whatever while you're talking about Ron Paul. That's one thing that's great about him, he doesn't dwell on the trivial stuff like everyone else. He focuses on the philosophic side of things. The principles of most politicians are all messed up, so of course any decision they make is going to be incomplete from the get-go. In order to make a good decision you have to base it on a good principle. Is that a radical idea?
While I would love to respond I just know it will end up with a bunch of people telling me how I'm wrong and hate human rights or some equally BS thing.

I think the Constitution is outdated. I know I'm wrong in all of your eyes. There we go, no more discussion.
Yeah, the Romans gave the whole progressivism thing a try too. Didn't work out too well.
I think the Constitution is outdated.
No one I know that says this can explain it with anything more than "times have changed."

I would love to know how it is outdated.
No one I know that says this can explain it with anything more than "times have changed."

I would love to know how it is outdated.

And I would love to be able to have a discussion that doesn't involve my opinion being belittled....but sadly I cannot. Guess you'll just have to go another day without hearing an answer. I do have more of an answer then times have changed, as do most people I've spoke with on the subject.