Can we just, like, fire everyone in Congress?

  • Thread starter Tornado
I see his ideas as too radical and all it would do is further divide the country, even more so then it is now.

Radical is good every now and then.

The Constitution - make of it what you will - was a radical concept and founded 200 years of unrivalled growth and prosperity. If that radical idea had never been realised, you'd probably still be our subjects...

But I guess the old ways will never go away, I still get people harassing me that I'm dating a Jewish girl and I'm not Jewish. Oy gevalt :indiff:
Radical is good every now and then.

The Constitution - make of it what you will - was a radical concept and founded 200 years of unrivalled growth and prosperity. If that radical idea had never been realised, you'd probably still be our subjects...

Without breaking away from the UK, the USA would have probably ended up much like Canada did.

I am trying to figure out our reasoning for quoting my point about dating a Jewish girl though. Am I missing something? There is nothing radical about it to my knowledge other then by the older folks I talk to who just do not understand. If you are making a point, I just don't want to be missing it.
Without breaking away from the UK, the USA would have probably ended up much like Canada did.

Being automatically enrolled in 2 World Wars? Being "british subjects" until 1947? Not having a constitution or bill of rights until 1982?

I think the way you guys went about it was much better...
Hmmm, it certainly seems that with the exception of the occasional sweeping victory (in election), America will continue to be bogged down in the lumbering nature of democracy. Worse still, it contains a conflict fought with little moral regard and even less purity of principle... Over here in the UK, it's not much better. But hope is, as ever, present so that the polluted and immature nature of government 'debates' and the endless slew of words with little or no meaning, will be left behind as they eventually come to realise who they work for...

I have no problem with democracy, since it is flexible to the will of the people. But, when it is bogged down by spinsters, liars, thieves, religion and cults of personality (to name but a few corrupting forces), you can't help but wonder if this would all be easier with a morally astute, wise, principled and socially responsible dictator!

But of course any system, whatever its mechanics or ideals, requires the intellectually ineffective (and psychos) to be refused entry of office (by direct or indirect public decree)... Easy :S
To answer the question of the tread title. Unfortunately, no.
Here are the first and best principles to go by:
1) Stay out of war.
2) Stay out of debt.

I agree.
If I'm not mistaken, roughly 1.4 trillion dollars were spent on the war in Iraq in 2008. How long have we been involved?
I agree.
If I'm not mistaken, roughly 1.4 trillion dollars were spent on the war in Iraq in 2008. How long have we been involved?

According to a study done by the Congressional Research Services, linked here, we have spent about $750 Billion on the war in Iraq since 2001.

I also found this National Priorities Project web site that has a counter which shows a similar total cost for the Iraq War since 2001.

According to a study done by the Congressional Research Services, linked here, we have spent about $750 Billion on the war in Iraq since 2001.

I also found this National Priorities Project web site that has a counter which shows a similar total cost for the Iraq War since 2001.


I guess I just remembered the information incorrectly. Thank you for correcting me. That's still a hefty sum though....
.... That's still a hefty sum though....

Yes, I agree.

$750 Billion is a huge number. A bit more than what was estimated by the Bush Administration back in 2002/2003 during the run-up to the Iraq War. Though we must remember that Congress has been approving the spending budgets each year ever since.
