• Thread starter Mr Devil

Mr Devil

****!!!! (sry gg) The Canadian Gp has been canceld 4 2004 and maybe more bcuz of the stupid ati tobbaco law DAMM!!!! I shall blow berni up :mad: :mad: :mad:

Lets pray guys.... lets pray!
All join the forum! Lets all delibarate and plz do what u can to save this Great Gp!

Le GP du Canada rayé en 2004
Normand Legault, président et chef de direction du Grand Prix du Canada, a annoncé jeudi que le Grand Prix du Canada disparaissait du calendrier 2004, lors d’une conférence de presse tenue à l’Hôtel Reine-Élizabeth, à Montréal.
Le Grand Prix ne sera pas présenté en 2004 en raison de la loi anti-tabac en vigueur au Québec. M. Legault n’a toutefois pas été en mesure de confirmer si une telle décision était définitive ou non.

Le Grand Prix de Belgique devrait prendre la place du Canada au calendrier.

M. Legault a précisé que le Grand Prix du Canada avait bénéficié d'une exemption du gouvernement pour une période de sept ans et que ce délai est maintenant venu à échéance.

also in english


Yall! Save this!

(gg if someone comes in and say stupid stuff and provokes me im sry but im not sure how ill react)

I hope I dint see my last Gp
Originally posted by Mr Devil
****!!!! (sry gg) The Canadian Gp has been canceld 4 2004 and maybe more bcuz of the stupid ati tobbaco law DAMM!!!! I shall blow berni up :mad: :mad: :mad:

Why would you blow Bernie up??? It isn't his fault that because of Canada's laws that some of the cars' can't have advertisements on them. I don't mean any offense to you because of this, but it's the truth . . . the only one to blame is the Canadian government for making the law. But at the same time you have to respect their views on tobacco and what it does to people, and how advertising helps the companies who make the tobacco products sell more of their products. And when you really get down to it . . . you can blame the tobacco companies because of them wanting to advertise their products on the F1 cars. It is rather sad that we the viewers of F1 basically get punished for companies' greed.
I haven't come here to gloat but i did say in the other thread that none of the races had been confirmed. It's sad this track will be missing but if they were willing to do it to Spa and Austria then it shouldn't shock that they've done it to Canada. I had no idea these laws were coming into effect. If they want to keep the GP they should see sense and move the ban to the same time as Europe. If this can be sorted before the calender is confirmed they'd have no problems keeping the GP as Bahrain is unlikely to go ahead after the track lost all it's government funding.
Is everything a conspiracy against the Canadians??? :lol: I'm just messing with you, but I think it sucks they might not have the Canadian GP.
This looks like it has some credibility. It would be a shame - I quite like the circuit, and I'd have thought with the push to get F1 into the US that the last thing the series needed was one less GP on the North American continent.

I guess there's an excess of venues at the moment, so if there's the slightest issue you'll get flicked.
Well losing the Canadian GP will really hurt the viewing in North America, as everything right now starts hear early in the morning and on a Sunday, when many people will be gearing to go to church. Or sleeping in.
i was shocked to hear canada getting the dreaded boot. one race next year would have to leave because of bahrain entering. i think the FIA used the tobacco laws to help boot canada to make way for bahrain. sounds quirky but that what i think is goin on
The North American issue is important to F1, especially since the whole of Notrh and SOuth America are covered under the same set of time zones, meaning you can hold a race in any country over those two continents and the timing will be right for all.

As Vat_Man says, there are too many circuits, and whilst Canada does produce some good racing, it's a buyer's market, and F1 can go where it wants. Bernie has been saying that Europe has to shape up over the tobacco ban or lose races, so he's obviously in a tough position to keep Canada in those circumstances.

However, as I've already said recently, the calendar isn't set until the final calendar comes out later in the year, so there is still time for some political manouvering.
I saw this on the news today. And it was over Tobacco crap. Which i feel is no reason to cancel a grand prix.

Will this happen to the French and British GPs as well? Because they don't allow tobacco advertising.
I saw this on the news today. And it was over Tobacco crap. Which i feel is no reason to cancel a grand prix.

Will this happen to the French and British GPs as well? Because they don't allow tobacco advertising.
Bernie has today claimed that the dropping of the race is absolute nonsense and he has no idea what the calendar will be next year as he's too busy at the moment trying to sort out rule changes etc.
I've said on another forum that France and Britain aren't at risk of losing a race due to tobacco laws as they've run like this for several years and it didn't cause a problem when the adverts were banned. You will see Marlboro ads at silverstone (on the trackside) however due to a loophole that means existing contracts could continue, the first year they miss a race they won't be allowed back.
OK heres what i think and this is very interesting...

Bernie is in a billion dollar poker game... he sent the letter to see how the public would react (to see if its worth it) and also to try and influence the gov so they would bend the law!

Know that Bernie sais it aint true the media will ask the mtl guy to show the letter but he wont cuz it would prove bernie a ****ing liar and he would really thake the canadian gp out... Its a crazy game of bluff...
Bernie Ecclestone has denied axing next season’s Canadian Grand Prix, stating that he has no idea where these claims have come from.

It was announced yesterday that the race organiser, Normand Legault, received a letter from Formula One Management informing them that their grand prix had been wiped from the 2004 calendar due to tobacco advertising laws, which come into play on October 1.

However, Ecclestone is denying the story, and is in fact adamant that the calendar hasn’t been finalised for the season ahead.

"I've no idea where this story came from - the calendar for 2004 has not been put out yet or even considered,” he is quoted as saying according to Ananova.

“I don't know what's in my head at the moment, I'm so busy, but the calendar for 2004 is not out yet."

The announcement of the grand prix’s dismissal from Formula 1 has caused uproar in the local community, particularly with businessman, Benoit Labonte, who claims the economical repercussions would be ernie Ecclestone has denied axing next season’s Canadian Grand Prix, stating that he has no idea where these claims have come from.

It was announced yesterday that the race organiser, Normand Legault, received a letter from Formula One Management informing them that their grand prix had been wiped from the 2004 calendar due to tobacco advertising laws, which come into play on October 1.

However, Ecclestone is denying the story, and is in fact adamant that the calendar hasn’t been finalised for the season ahead.

"I've no idea where this story came from - the calendar for 2004 has not been put out yet or even considered,” he is quoted as saying according to Ananova.

“I don't know what's in my head at the moment, I'm so busy, but the calendar for 2004 is not out yet."

The announcement of the grand prix’s dismissal from Formula 1 has caused uproar in the local community, particularly with businessman, Benoit Labonte, who claims the economical repercussions would be disastrous
Heres what my dad had to say about it in the f1-live forums

I think anything that expresses our opinion is great

The ideal here is to be heard and in a very loud way!

Good ideal Isabelle thanks for the Tip about the petition.

B.E. said earlier today that the Canadian GP was NOT cancelled and he did not know what all these rumours were all about???

I think Bernie is playing a high stakes game of POKER with the Canadian Grand Prix org and the Canadian Gov. look at the facts boys and girls;

1- this is almost the same week as B.E. showed his famous 'Belgum Hug' where he was able to convince the Belguin Goverment that they HAD TO cancel there tabaco law to get F1 back at SPA.

2- this started with rumours going back and fourth from fairly solide sources!

3- August 3rd following all these rumours B.E. calls in Christian Tortora (famous F1 reporter very well known in Montreal! and the voice of our sunday GPs!) for an unpresendented private meeting and shows under strick limited confidential rules the sched of the 2004 F1 seasons that INCLUDES the Canadian GP.

4- on the same DAY B.E. was talking to Normand Legeault indicating to him that it was OUT because of the Canadian Tabaco rules and in accordance to a optional clause in the F1 GP agreement with Montreal he was pulling the plug for 2004. According to NL he then ask B.E. to get it in writing!

5- 3 days later, N.L. gets the letter and calls a press conference on the 7th in the afternoon montreal time (note this aint prime time here, but pretty close to in London!!!) indicating that he got the letter and it is cancelled.

6- N.L. also states that he WILL NOT go back to the Canadian Gov. to get the law changed, thus calling B.E. Bluf!!!

7- Canadian Fans and Fans across the world react to the non-sense of the news being given to them... within minutes of the announcement...

8- Canadian and montreal business comunity also reacts fast to the news...

9- all are calling B.E. Bluf by indicating clearly that they WONT go back to the canadian Gov. instead asking for Fans and political pressure on teams, sponsors and F1 managment.

10- Finaly B.E. says on the 8th that he does not know what this non sense is all about that he did not even start working on the 2004 sched yet... lets face it boys and girls... not only does B.E. know excatly what he will do in 2004. I am certain he already as drafts for 2005, 2006 and 2007 on his desk... And if that is the case WHAT DID HE SHOW TORTORA on the 3rd! HIS TOTORA, LEGEAULT, that Belgium minister ALL LYING!!! Or is Bernie LYING!

So who is lying!

Well fans and news media in Canada are asking Normand Legeault to produce the famous letter... But keep in mind the stakes these boys are playing with are in the billions... so will Normand Legeault produce the letter thus making B.E. lose face!!! thus risk pissing him off and then him really cancelling the Canadian GP...

I somehow would not be suprise if N.L. would not produce the letter... this guy is good and and will play his cards close... What he did yesterday was calling Bernies bluf to see how he would react... He knew exactly how the F1 fans in Montreal and across the world would react!... even better he knew exactly how the Canadian Business comunity would react... Thus pulling an AS out of his pocket...

And B.E. reaction today seem to confirm some parts of my theory...

So ladies and gentlemen welcome to a BILLION DOLLARD POKER GAME!

Between Normand Legeault and Bernie Eccelstone!

And thrust me I dont think this is over yet! I dont even think we are even close to have seen all there cards yet...

This is my analisys of the situation after 24 hours... for what it's worth...

Save the Canadian GP.

I really dont know much about F1 and cart but yes I hve obviously heard about this topic, the anti-tobacco laws are also destroying canadian race teams, in Cart team Players (Paul Tracy, and Patrick Carpentier) will no longer exist due to the tobacco laws, which is a shame, they also support and fund many driving development programs in canada which i guess will also be lost!! So i guess overall these Tobacco Laws are just destroying the sport in our counrty!
Salut Mr Devil, did you see the pic in the Globe and Mail of Jacques? Bad day for all of us. Holes like this don't easily get filled in Canada. When you think of how much sponsorship both DuMaurier and Players do,there's plenty more pain to come.:irked: :mad:
As it has been mentioned earlier in the thread, the French GP and the British GP don't support Tobacco ads. And since you don't see tobacco sponsoring on the Ferraris or the BAR Hondas at either of those races; why can't those teams just not have ads from tobacco sponsors in the Montreal GP also? It seems ridiculous to me to not do something like this. Anyone following my logic here?

hanker, Player's is a sponsor and part owner(I think) for Forsythe Racing in CART, so the team can probably just find sponsorship elsewhere. Isn't it? I'm not really sure. If it does disappear from CART, a major powerhouse will have gone down the drain.
Because of the tobacco ban, Canada will lose many of their development plans for younger racers because of the tobacco ban. I heard this during the CART race at Toronto. And I also cannot understand why the teams with tobacco ads on their cars cannot do what they do at the French and British GPs. That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but then again a whole lot of things don't really make sense.
Despite all this doom and gloom about the banning of tobacco, it isn't the end of the world. It is possible to survive without it, just look at the current Williams car! Here in the UK the tobacco ban has been in place for a while yet we still have a relatively healthy motorsport industry, don't forget that the majority of the worlds motorsport is based in the area around Silverstone, despite our tobacco ban. Also we see many different racing series running as promoters have put effort into making racing cheaper thus removing the need for big money sponsors. Teams like Players need to start looking for sponsors in other sectors especially the other big money sectors such as electronics and communications. Nascar sorted itself by getting Nextel to replace Winston. I'm sure that other companies like T-Mobile, Microsoft etc could lured into helping fund driver development.

As for them simply not running without the sponsors on the cars, if there's another race in the season were a team can't wear it's sponsors then it is likely that Tobacco companies will cut back the sponsorship they give to teams. This could lead to smaller teams like Jordan disappearing from the grid, Bernie would rather have a full grid and not race at Montreal than have maybe 16 cars turn up in Canada.
Yeah, well they definitely need a full grid. It would be rather sad to only have 16 cars in the field. I definitely agree with what Williams have done in getting sponsors of non-tobacco products.
The law isn’t stupid. England has a similar law and their is no move to cancel their gran prix, and the owner of f1 even denied that his organisation sent the canadain gran prix promoters a letter. But on the other hand the canadain could be cancelled becuase there is simply to many gran prix and because of mad cow and sars it's expected that less people will make the trip to canada to watch our gran prix so canada is low on the priorities list. but i hope the gran prix is safe.:confused:
Originally posted by VashTheStampede
Yeah, well they definitely need a full grid. It would be rather sad to only have 16 cars in the field. I definitely agree with what Williams have done in getting sponsors of non-tobacco products.

It's not just Williams either, Toyota (admittedly they don't really need any sponsors!), Minardi, Sauber and Jaguar all run without Tobacco ads on their cars.
yo audi before making idiotic comments look at what other ppl wrote... sars and mad cow come on man u stupid or sumthin?
and it aint cuz theres to many gps... what yur saying is stupid...

Its all cuz of tobbaco laws...
Originally posted by kristof
It's not just Williams either, Toyota (admittedly they don't really need any sponsors!), Minardi, Sauber and Jaguar all run without Tobacco ads on their cars.

Yep that's definitely true about Toyota, they really don't need any sponsors. I wonder what their car would look like if they didn't have any. I don't understand why teams have to have tobacco ads on their cars, they could just as easily find other sponsors to sponsor their team. And if they did find another sponsor, we wouldn't have to really have this discussion about GPs getting canceled because of tobacco laws. But then maybe we could b!tch and moan about GPs getting canceled because of too many available places to run GPs at.
It seems that these days Bernie will take F1 anywhere that will allow tobaco advertising regardless not that I am against new venues I think its great that fans of F1 in previously unvisited countries get to see it live, I kind of admire Bernies stand against politicly correct anti tobaco advertising laws if I didnt know it wasnt about taking a stand but all about the monie....
I don't like these new tracks, they're all designed by Herman tilke and are nothing compared to the likes of Spa, Suzuka, Montreal, Silverstone or the Old Nurburgring
I was gonna mention that, the guy (Tilke) is a curse watching on TV its just like a sea of tarmac all the tracks look the same no personality no soul.