Volksauto 5,003 United States Stawookie Sep 12, 2018 #11,075 Very fast street car of it's day. With optional factory performance options, it ran the quarter mile in 12.3 seconds
Very fast street car of it's day. With optional factory performance options, it ran the quarter mile in 12.3 seconds
Gotbeefboy564 15,184 Grandville Mi Gotbeefboy564 Got beef boy564 Sep 12, 2018 #11,077 Levi edition Gremlin
RandomCarGuy17 17,933 Florida GranTurismo0517 RandomCarGuy17 Sep 13, 2018 #11,088 Spoiler: why I've heard that Murcielago is spanish for bat. Also, this was Batman's car (when he's Bruce Wayne) in "The Dark Knight".
Spoiler: why I've heard that Murcielago is spanish for bat. Also, this was Batman's car (when he's Bruce Wayne) in "The Dark Knight".