Car Clubs

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Any one here belong to a car club? Me and some mate of mine just put one together cause we were sick of all the other clubs around here you had to pay to be in and you had to have some expensive car.

Our car club is called The Dice and our motto is 2FUZY4U. We have one requirment for our club and thats you must own a a set of fuzzy dice and thats it.

I'm looking for logo ideas to so if anyone could help me out I would aperciate it a lot.

Joey D
im a member of the bmwcca. other than that there is a sport compact club around here. i think. I went to one of the meets and it was such a ****ing shame. a bunch of ****ing ****ers driving spray painted eclipses and shogun bodied cavaliers. It was good fun though, i went with a friend. we were the envied guys with the M3s, even though my car cost less than most there. we made so much fun of them, god, everything was just hilarious.
You might want to ask someone who is good with photoshop for a banner idea...;)
i wish i had a set of furry dice! :D
and yeah i agree that clubs where you have to pay suck, a one of joining fee like say £20 or $30 to set up membership cards and an entry in their website would be fine but otherwise whats the point? :P

your other requirement could be that you have to be a member of gtplanet! :D

advan, if you were a member of bmwcca why were there people with civics there? wasn't a requirement of the club that you had to own a bmw?
Well you do pay for club stuff. Like 7 bucks for a customs license plate you put on the front of your car and some other stuff we got like shirts.

Nightmage if you are intrested in joining send me a picture of your car and we'll talk. There is no problem with international members.

Also who's good with banners?
My bro is a member of MOPOC, Missouri Probe Owner's Club, they do MX-6 stuff too.
Originally posted by streetracer780
Well you do pay for club stuff. Like 7 bucks for a customs license plate you put on the front of your car and some other stuff we got like shirts.

Nightmage if you are intrested in joining send me a picture of your car and we'll talk. There is no problem with international members.

Also who's good with banners?
its about time i put up pictures of my car. im currently in the middle of end of year exams but as soon as thats done i'll take some and post them up on my website. nothing excellent, but its mine :D
reread what i wrote. i think i said i was a member of the bmwcca, then in addition to that i went to a mnsc meet and it was all ricers.
Ya nightmage its not what your ride is just as long as you can say its yours.
Right now I'm a member of the Colorado Lexus Club.
Not to many people in it, maybe about 20, but it's a good time. The people that are members have lot's of knowledge and some pretty sick cars. Lot's of IS 300's but there are some SC 300's + 400's. Most everyone has had some aftermarket work to their cars.
We all get together for meets and sometimes hit some Auto X's and car shows in the area.
However, I don't get a chance to meet up with them much do to my work schedule and being about 100 miles away form where everyone meets, but I'm going to change that this summer.
There is a website ( ) and we stay in contact that way.
The club has worked out deals with local performance shops to offer discounts on work done to your vehicle and there is a possible sponsorship in the near future.
Currently, there are no dues or fees, but that might be changing in the near future, but the dues wouldn't be much at all.
Overall, it's a good experience. To meet locals that have similar cars and a similar enthusiasm for them.
Frustrated man I'd like to have you as a member. Just send me a picture of your car.
Originally posted by advanR
reread what i wrote. i think i said i was a member of the bmwcca, then in addition to that i went to a mnsc meet and it was all ricers.
oh fair enough, u just said one of 'the' meets rather than 'their' meets so i assumed u were still talking about the first. what are the bmw meets like? have you been to any of them?
Nope it wasn't there. It is not a show car for one and has a slight bit of a ding in the left rear. I will be at their interclub cruise coming May 10th. You coming out ?

That would have been the show and shine when Top Secrete was down here. Did you come out to the drag day on Sunday? If you had you would have seen me running. Couldn't miss me i was the only silver GTR out there.
Probably not, my 6 months on my learners license came up on the 21st of April and I should have my restricted within 3 weeks, so I'll be at more shows... You heard of Auto Salon?
Originally posted by RazorGTR
Nope it wasn't there. It is not a show car for one and has a slight bit of a ding in the left rear. I will be at their interclub cruise coming May 10th. You coming out ?

That would have been the show and shine when Top Secrete was down here. Did you come out to the drag day on Sunday? If you had you would have seen me running. Couldn't miss me i was the only silver GTR out there.

I was just at the show day...
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Probably not, my 6 months on my learners license came up on the 21st of April and I should have my restricted within 3 weeks, so I'll be at more shows... You heard of Auto Salon?

Sweet just be careful out there aye.

Yes SDU set will be setting up there again this year but i am not involved in it. I helped out the first two years and I'm taking this year off as an Executive of the club.
Originally posted by Nightmage82
oh fair enough, u just said one of 'the' meets rather than 'their' meets so i assumed u were still talking about the first. what are the bmw meets like? have you been to any of them?

Havent been to any yet. its not really the "meet" kind of car club. Most of the members are old farts. Sometimes country road drives are scheduled, havent been to one of those yet. There are also drivers schools at track days. I signed up for the next one of those. $300 for two days of track time, with instruction of unknown quality :) seems good to me.
If im able to get my fairmont wagon back and Im also able to tune it (full work on the V8, supercharger and all) I may get in the mustang club mexico. its one of the largest mustang clubs in america, and they accept all kind of fords too. If the plan for the wagon goes as it should, Ill have one of the quickest cars of the club, so I think entering wont be a problem. also, I just checked out a 71 Dode Superbee sitting around my girls house... so I dont know what to do :/


If I was in the satates, id join your club man. I love the dice :D
Well the dice is going to kick ass! Hey FP I'll get you pictures of our rides here in Michigan soon.