Car of the Week | Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 '10

I was going to have a huge writeup about the DBR9, but I'm too pissed off at the race I just had at Daily C to write my thoughts out properly.

Long cut review short:

Technology marches on, and the DBR9 hasn't really aged as well as I'd like it to.

I was going to have a huge writeup about the DBR9, but I'm too pissed off at the race I just had at Daily C to write my thoughts out properly.

Long cut review short:

Technology marches on, and the DBR9 hasn't really aged as well as I'd like it to.

I too taken this car to the Daily Race C and had a rough time of it. I do believe that the BoP restrictions have neutered this fine car and added weight to which it handles like a pregnant cow. I will give details....
I do not believe in quitting nor giving up on a task so I will try again tonight after I get home from work.
(Later that night....)
I got in the midnight running of race C, qualified with a 8min 50sec time. As I mentioned earlier that this car is neutered by BoP I found out I was right...

BoP added 89.3 Kg and killed off 261 horsepower and with this lack of power and added weight this car was heavy to drive and just didn't have the speed to compete, everyone was passing me!
I started in p8 and finished in p7 (due to quitters)
I honestly tried to give it a good go of it.
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I must say that the attendance for this weeks lobbies are pretty weak, are people not liking the car or something?
Hey Aiko, please don't take the following comment as accusatory...

I just want to mention that your comment comes off as a little rude. We've had attendance issues every now and then, and usually bounce around a bit unless a really popular car comes along and attracts extra people. What matters to us is that the core members of COTW are still active and participating in the lobbies and thread.

I know y'all have had some issues here, so I'm just offering my thoughts as a bit of feedback, in the hopes that you guys can integrate better into the community after the dramatic few weeks we've had.
I must say that the attendance for this weeks lobbies are pretty weak, are people not liking the car or something?
With this group it really ebbs and flows. I've been with this group since GT5 when we were doing shuffle races. I believe it was GT6 era where we had the most people in our group. Since then we've had people move on with their lives whether it be marriage, kids, starting esport team and other commitments. We still have a core crew that show up ever Tuesdays and Saturdays that just enjoy each others company and racing.

If you have any ideas to grow the group to where it was let us know.
Between doing a bit of Manu practice throughout the week, I was able to sporadically put about 100 miles on this car the past few days. Like OB said, current technology has passed this car by, but it’s going to be one of my new favorite hot lap cars. I would almost put it right up there with Square’s 08’ NSEEEEX as far as how visceral of a car it is to drive.

In VR, the sound of this race-spec, high compression V12 is just…..WOW.

Couple the motor sound with a very low roof that puts a cross member of the roll cage inches from your helmet. The roof, tight cage and a very lax windshield angle, and you can’t help but feel like you’re in a very,VERY raw race car. I didn’t research this particular aspect, but it definitely feels like they moved the drivers seat back from its homologated position, I’m assuming for mass-centralization purposes.

As most of you know, I insist on driving every car as authentically as I can, which means heel-toeing with the sequential shifter on the way down. Out of curiosity, I’m going to try paddle shifting it in the future, just to see if there’s any noteworthy pace I can pull out of it.

I actually remember this car being good in sport mode in GTS, but with the current GT7 Bop, it’s clearly outmatched.

However none of that actually matters to me, as my yardstick of judgment revolves solely around how a car makes me feel. I could care less how good, or crappy a car is from an objective standpoint. If it makes me smile, or gives me a shot of adrenaline when I get behind its respective wheel - I’ll be a fan

Definite sleeper in my book 😎
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