But they would still need to improve the sound levels.
They already proved they can do this. With Spec I game, Game sounded like GT4, lout tire noises, engines sounded weak, etc etc.. I think with Spec II they started to fix problems and really made difference by Spec III
I use to have a video on youtube (deleted it) with Spec II and Spec III mustang GT sounds, and it really sounded lot meaner in Spec III.
So yeah I really think by GT5 it will be improved bit more
So far I do not complain:
1 I have pretty good setup
2 they already fix a lot of sounds and levels
4 It's a Prologue, 40 dollars, not a full game.. no complains at all
just happy to have my hands on HUGE beta game 
Good example on sound setups.
These two videos are old.. Don't know which Spec's either I or II
But they are apart about ONE month..
Just hear the difference.
I should make videos.. but I have a crappy PIC camera that can take crappy quality videos.. lol...
They already proved they can do this. With Spec I game, Game sounded like GT4, lout tire noises, engines sounded weak, etc etc.. I think with Spec II they started to fix problems and really made difference by Spec III
I use to have a video on youtube (deleted it) with Spec II and Spec III mustang GT sounds, and it really sounded lot meaner in Spec III.
So yeah I really think by GT5 it will be improved bit more
So far I do not complain:
1 I have pretty good setup
2 they already fix a lot of sounds and levels
4 It's a Prologue, 40 dollars, not a full game.. no complains at all
Good example on sound setups.
These two videos are old.. Don't know which Spec's either I or II
But they are apart about ONE month..
Just hear the difference.
I should make videos.. but I have a crappy PIC camera that can take crappy quality videos.. lol...
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