Cars in your GT3 garage that try to kill you

  • Thread starter vat_man
The mustang cobra kills me on sim tires I turn it and the car turns as if it were on ice...So i just switch to medium in the back and s.soft in the front..Now it just kills me because its so freakin pretty! ..
Originally posted by The Prime
seriously, i bought an audi TT so i can try to drift it cuz it would look sweet drifting, but everytime i put it into a drift, the front wants to correct itself automatically. Anyone else have this prob?

The problem is on the traction... The audi TT is a 4wd, and that means tha it has traction to the four weels, wich makes drifting very difficult, at least in tarmac. If your trying to gain some speed in turns with the audi, you need to brake soon in the straight, and press the pedal to the metal, in this case is the button to the plastic, wen your getting traction, and always olding the same gear. Wen you get to the end off the turn, and as soon the car is pointing foward, jump to the next gear... The Audi will leave that turn behind in a mater off seconds... DO NOT break while turning, or you´ll spin. Good Luck and Godspeed!!!
i would have to say speed 12 on sims. im doing the polphony(if thats how you spell it) cup again. Every time you go round ANY corner put the gas on and round it goes!!. worst crash tahiti maze with stupid Escudo :-D
Had to drag this up! As much as I love it, the Shelby Cobra 427 has definitely tried to kill me. So far I've driven it in some Arcade races, the Pro-level FR challenge, and the pro-level Spider & Roadster races. Oh, and the NA races too. I would tell you the number of times that car tried to kill me but I lost count!
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I just started a new file on GT3 and so far, i have like 5 car in gauge. None of them has started it murderous plan... yet.

Tho, i think i remember on my old file, that the most scary car was has to be Escudo. I tried to race it against F1 (comparing), and big chance are that it can outspeed it, but on the curve? nope. you have to brake all the way. Distance of braking? long one. (no, i didnt race against F1, im just saying it can outspeed it.)

AC Cobra is a annoying car. Hard to turn and stuff. But once i get to use it, it can be alright. not my favorite anyways. Just it look always make me believe it can do better... but still trying to pin me down...

the test with Speed 12 was nightmare. Spent about five hours to get gold on it... i swear i will never get this car nor i want to buy it. My new file will not have one, and even my old file doesnt even have it!

Whew... Oh hey, any 1000+ hp car... those can kill you. IT uncontrollable. The only thing i can do about it is to take it to test course. (skyline, Viper, etc. Any car that can reach 1000+ hp. including Escudo)

Well. Cheer. Just let the car do the murderous plan... i guess.

I have figured out how to adjust and drive the Zondas, AC Cobra, Escudo, Skyline GTR, however I still haven't done much with the Mitsubushi 3000GT
or the Speed 12. Still don't have a Speed 12 so I will have to start there. It was quite a handfull in GT-2 as I recall. But I'm still here.
blackhound is right about the's tricky steering. Lots of early brakes help, and I kept the rear brakes between 9 and 11 just to keep the car from swinging around. Haven't tried the Clio yet in GT3, but I drove some in GT2...nicknamed it the crab, it was always trying to get sideways. :banghead:
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blackhound is right about the's tricky steering. Lots of early brakes help, and i kept the rear brakes between 9 and 11 just to keep the car from swinging around.

Yeah, that want i did in GT3 and GT4. Anything to tame that car. Takes alot of time to get to use the rthym of it.

Haven't tried the Clio yet in gT3, but i drove some in gT2...nicknamed it the crab cuz it was always trying to get sideways. :wallbang:

I tried Clio and it still nice car. Havent done anything evil to me. Even in GT3 and GT4. It a nice handling car... or i got the wrong version? There like new version and the old. Or do you mean the racing version? Im kinda confuse about which Clio. Any clio i drove was alright, nothing evil or so. :confused:
Turn TCS and ACS off, then try and drive it quickly around a twisty circuit.
I tried Clio and it still nice car. Havent done anything evil to me. Even in GT3 and GT4. It a nice handling car... or i got the wrong version? There like new version and the old. Or do you mean the racing version? Im kinda confuse about which Clio. Any clio i drove was alright, nothing evil or so. :confused:

I'm not saying the Clio is fact I won plenty of races in GT2 in a Clio Sport. All I'm saying is in the wrong hands, if you don't got the skills, the Clio will try to kill you :ouch: You're is a lot of fun (racing or non-racing version) but it takes some skills cause it's a mid-engine hatch.
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I'm not saying the Clio is fact i won plenty of races in GT2 in a Clio Sport. All i'm saying is in the wrong hands, if you don't got the skills, the Clio will try to kill you :ouch: You're is alot of fun (racing or non-racing version) but it takes some skills cuz it's a mid-engine hatch.

Ah, there we go. I see the point.

Alright then, well, sometime to whom, it hard to deal with it. To others, it natual to them. So i guess i dont really have a problem with it then. Sorry to hear that clio wanna deal with you... :ouch: haha
the Esucudo. Every sngle time i jump in that thing im convinced it is trying to kill me. Majority of the other cars in the game i handle fine, the Zonda i can drive but it annoys me, with that huge turbo it has plenty of HP, accelarates well but tops out straight away !!! Deinfintly the Escudo
Well I just did the 3 pro-level Turbo Cup races in a maxed Silva K's 2.0 (499 horsepower) and made sure the Mine's Skyline showed up at Apricot Hill. That was a mistake....the Skyline just has too much power + 4-wheel drive. To compensate, I drove my Silvia on super-slick tires in an attempt to go the distance without pitting, but unfortunately it was trying to slide all over the track! Needless to say, my black Silvia K's was trying to kill me.

I think it got mad because it wanted to drift all over the track and I wasn't in the mood to play. :mad: I lost but I'll try the race again tomorrow against the RUF CTR2 instead. :sly:
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RUF Yellow Bird, Can I assume your Escodo doesn't want to turn.
Would you like to fix that proplem? I can drive mine with sport (street) tires and win the top pro races with it. Pro Granturismo Wold Championship and
Grandturismo All Stars series. It ran a lap at Deep forest with sport tires in
103.835. You do not need super soft tires to run this car. A few simple adj
is all it needs.
Well i just did the 3 pro-level Turbo Cup races in a maxed Silva K's 2.0 (499 horsepower) and made sure the Mine's Skyline showed up at Apricot Hill. That was a mistake....the Skyline jsut has too much power + 4-wheel drive. To compensate, i drove my Silvia on super-slick tires in an attempt to go the distance without pitting, but unfortunately it was trying to slide all over the track! Needless to say, my black Silvia K's was trying to kill me

i think it got mad cuz it wanted to drift all over the track and i wasn't in the mood to play. :mad: I lost but i'll try the race again tomorrow against the RUF CTR2 instead. :sly:

OI. Well. On my new file, first thing i did was finish the test (driving test thingy) then buy toyota Sprinter and try to earn more money. There a single Race in Amauter level, TURBO one. Purse is $5,000. If i race it and beat it 12 time, i get more then 60,000. Thus, i can buy skyline (higher model, expensive as possible.) So i can cream every race in this level, and Rally. It a good start, but to tell you the truth, Toyota Sprinter was alright car. I bought alot of upgrade with it, add Turbo, but Those godd**n 3000GT always get ahead. So, it worth of fight. Dont give it up. Sprinter tend to... well, understeer if you hit the gas too soon, and after you control it, it tend to oversteer! So yeah, i tried to control it, and so far, it alright, and not really trying to kill me, but just take pratice and all.

RUF Yellow Bird, Can I assume your Escodo doesn't want to turn.
Would you like to fix that proplem? I can drive mine with sport (street) tires and win the top pro races with it. Pro Granturismo Wold Championship and
Grandturismo All Stars series. It ran a lap at Deep forest with sport tires in
103.835. You do not need super soft tires to run this car. A few simple adj
is all it needs.

That would be hard to believe, but if you did it all well, then how the result? If you did indeed win all those race, i asume that the Escudo performance is good? How does it handle?
RUF Yellow Bird, Can I assume your Escodo doesn't want to turn.
Would you like to fix that proplem? I can drive mine with sport (street) tires and win the top pro races with it. Pro Granturismo Wold Championship and
Grandturismo All Stars series. It ran a lap at Deep forest with sport tires in
103.835. You do not need super soft tires to run this car. A few simple adj
is all it needs.

INteresting, i shall have to try this. The Turbo smashed on straight away
and, well, we cant turn well, redlining and weird noises :D:D!! Typical Escudo. I tend not to drive that these days, stick with the Polyphony's.
OI. Well. On my new file, first thing i did was finish the test (driving test thingy) then buy toyota Sprinter and try to earn more money. There a single Race in Amauter level, TURBO one. Purse is $5,000. If i race it and beat it 12 time, i get more then 60,000. Thus, i can buy skyline (higher model, expensive as possible.) So i can cream every race in this level, and Rally. It a good start, but to tell you the truth, Toyota Sprinter was alright car. I bought alot of upgrade with it, add Turbo, but Those godd**n 3000GT always get ahead. So, it worth of fight. Dont give it up. Sprinter tend to... well, understeer if you hit the gas too soon, and after you control it, it tend to oversteer! So yeah, i tried to control it, and so far, it alright, and not really trying to kill me, but just take pratice and all.

Actually, the turbo race you're thinking of is the beginner level. Personally, I'm not into "creaming" the other cars...I'd rather have a fair fight. Speaking of which: I just won the Pro-level Turbo Cup at Apricot! The Mine's Skyline wasn't there, but the RUF was. The RUF didn't put up much of a battle, though...instead the Mazda RX-7 Type RS was my nemesis. The RX-7 took a pit on lap 7, so I got ahead for a couple laps before he caught me.

But I'm going off-topic here. The cool thing about the Silvia is with max power, you can override the TCS (as long as it's set on 1) and get some wheel-smoke. As my Silvia understeered into turns, and I'd hit the gas and it oversteered (kinda like your Trueno) I coulda swore it was just sick of me and wanted me dead :ill: :ouch:

But I won the race...the RX-7 pitted on lap 14...I got a 4.8 second lead but my right front tire was dark orange. The RX-7 caught up to me in the final straight but I won. :D
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Blackhound the way to make the Escudo turn is to simply cut the rear
downforce in half so that it is about the same as the front down force
when it is at its max. Next adj the gears so that the revs don't fall below
6k. Last make all the Posi traction settings at 10. Less is OK but never more.
Front wheel drive Bias 38%. Brakes are at max in front and a couple notches less
in the rear. Brakes are the weakness of this Escudo as compared to the
GT-2 Escudo. So considering how fast it goes you will need to get on them
sooner. Ie adjust your braking points quit a bit. As for the tires, to do a ten
lap race hard tires are nec as the R390 will not pit (in the Championship race)
and he is pretty fast. Surprisingly With the downforce ballanced out the
handling is neurtal so you can slide a little in the curves and still keep control.
Its actually fun to drive this way. You won't corner as fast as the R-390
but you will make up for that in straightaway speed. The Sport tires will go
10 laps because they are so hard. Don't worry about the Toyota he will pit.
Actually, the turbo race you're thinking of is the beginner level. Personally, i'm not into "creaming" the other cars...i'd rather have a fair fight. Speaking of which: i just won the Pro-level Turbo Cup at Aprricot! The Mine's Skyline wasn't there, but the RUF was. The RUF didn't put up much of a battle, though...instead the MAzda RX-7 Type RS was my nemesis. The RX-7 took a pit on lap 7, so i got ahead for a couple laps before he caught me.

Haha, well, by want i mean "creaming" i wasnt mean "easily creaming others" I mean, i just want to cream the useless car, so i can fight easily with 1st and 2nd place leaders.

But i'm going off-topic here. The cool thing about the Silvia is with max power, you can override the TCS (as long as it's set on 1) and get some wheel-smoke. As my Silvia understeered into turns, and i'd hit hte gas and it oversteered (kinda like your Trueno) i coulda swore it was just sick of me and wanted me dead :ill: :ouch:

But i won the race...the RX7 pitted on lap 14...i got a 4.8 second lead but my right front tire was dark orange. The RX7 caught up to me in the final straight but i won :D

Ah ha, that is interesting.

Blackhound the way to make the Escudo turn is to simply cut the rear
downforce in half so that it is about the same as the front down force
when it is at its max. Next adj the gears so that the revs don't fall below
6k. Last make all the Posi traction settings at 10. Less is OK but never more.
Front wheel drive Bias 38%. Brakes are at max in front and a couple notches less
in the rear. Brakes are the weakness of this Escudo as compared to the
GT-2 Escudo. So considering how fast it goes you will need to get on them
sooner. Ie adjust your braking points quit a bit. As for the tires, to do a ten
lap race hard tires are nec as the R390 will not pit (in the Championship race)
and he is pretty fast. Surprisingly With the downforce ballanced out the
handling is neurtal so you can slide a little in the curves and still keep control.
Its actually fun to drive this way. You won't corner as fast as the R-390
but you will make up for that in straightaway speed. The Sport tires will go
10 laps because they are so hard. Don't worry about the Toyota he will pit.

Now that does make sense. I will give it a try.
Haha, well, by want i mean "creaming" i wasnt mean "easily creaming others" I mean, i just want to cream the useless car, so i can fight easily with 1st and 2nd place leaders.

Ah, I get you. Unfortunately most of the races are like this, aren't they? You wind up competing with just a car or 2 ...3 at the most but that's rare. Everyone else falls behind. :(
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Yes, that is annoying. To me, i dont usually start the warm up to get myself in position. I just go ahead and start the race in last place. So i can build up, fight against others and so on. But ranging from 2nd to last place AIs, they usually dont put up a good fight. Yes, that sad alright. Quite alot different then GT4. :grumpy:
Why? Is GT4 more balanced? I hope so. I'm currently doing the Pro-level GT All Stars against the Nissan R390, Toyota GT1, and Mazda 787B (the Altezza LM and Esperanté don't matter...they just make for some interesting moments as you lap them!) Tonite I started racing at about 5pm and now it's 9pm...I only did the first 5 races! So yeah, qualifying does take time...I didn't qualify at Midfield or the Test Track...and come to think of it I skipped Apricot too! I mean, it's cool to get a feel for the race but sometimes in these long series you gotta skip 'em.
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yes the sorry off topic put to gt4 though anyway i took the dodge ram ut for a spin yes a little tricked out 180 to 200 i hit the wall i swere every car i was racing looked up at me cause they went under neith me yes true story man scary as hell to
yes the sorry off topic put to gt4 though anyway i took the dodge ram ut for a spin yes a little tricked out 180 to 200 i hit the wall i swere every car i was racing looked up at me cause they went under neith me yes true story man scary as hell to

Is English your native language? This is confusing. You should try using commas and periods and stuff....and study some grammar, no offense.
Why is GT4 more balanced? I hope so. I'm currently doing hte Pro-level GT All Stars against the Nissan R390, Toyota GT1, and Mazda 787B (the Altezza LM and Esperanté don't matter...they just make for some interesting moments as you lap them!) Tonite i started racing at about 5pm and now it's 9pm...i only did the first 5 races! So yeah, qualifying does take time...i didn't qualify at Midfield or the Test Track...and come to think of it i skipped Aprcot too! I mean, it's cool to get a feel for the race but sometimes in these long series you gotta skip 'em.

Ha, Well yeah, good going. Yeah, it is true if we skip it or not. But i believe we're going off topic. XD haha.

I dont know about GT4 but i been playing it for a while. It alright. I like the cars and track on it the most. but the other things, ehh. Like menue and so.