The concept because SYG and Castle Doctrine is that a person has no "duty to retreat." It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment, it has to do with compliance to criminals. The Trayvon Martin case did not use Stand-Your-Ground as a defense. The law was irrelevant to the case.
I object to the thread title, "Castle doctrine shooting".
A real castle is a seriously defensive structure. If your walls are 9 meters high, the portcullis down and drawbridge up, you will not be troubled by burglars.![]()
they bait all the time.
It is not misguided to know that if someone comes onto you property with an intent to harm you(stealing included) you have the right to defend not only yourself but also your belongings, how could it be any other way, communism? lol
defense, defense is a given that no one thought would ever be questioned.
nikyThat's called entrapment. And it's also illegal when the police do it. A sting operation, in order not to foul of entrapment, has to follow and identify the person as a habitual law-breaker... they have to be fencing stolen goods or illegal drugs regularly, for example... and it can take several meetings before they've got a big enough case to finally raid, arrest and prosecute the person.
A honey-trap will lure actual career thieves. Maybe. If they're stupid. It will also lure people who might not be thieves, but who are tempted by a quick buck. It could also lure innocent people who are curious as to what's going on.
You have no proof that the trespasser is out to do you harm. You have no proof that under normal circumstances, that person would be trying their hand at breaking and entering. An open door is an invitation to come in to everyone from criminals to the curious.
If I walked by my neighbors' house and found the garage door open and all the lights out, I would be damn curious, myself... and if I were the type who owned a gun and was also looking to scare away intruders, that could lead to an awfully nasty confrontation.
Very difficult to prove defense if you shoot blindly without acquiring a target. Blind shooting also constitutes endangerment, even before the first bullet (or load of shot, depending on what was in that shotgun) finds its mark.
I cannot comment much until they release more information. But I will say this: Whether or not the boy was an actual burglar (and, him being a teenager, there's an even chance of it), it doesn't look good for the defendant.
He done stupid.
I don't know if it was irrelevant. The defence didn't use it but it was a factor in the case (specifically to the jury)
Baiting is baiting and it's a foolish thing to do, police or otherwise.
I have personally seen unattended sport cars parked idle in front of slum apt.s with the door ajar, I have seen thousand dollar mountain bikes left unlocked in front of grocery stores, all the time in fact. It has nothing to do with my law enforcement expertise but everything to do with my observations ...
They bait where I live, everyday, it's a part of life here.
If the defense did not use it, then it was not a factor in the case.
Of course I do, the police where I live bait, all the time. 👍 I even linked their car bait program pdf if you bothered to read it.
I know quite a few unfortunate people, I visit them where they live, I see bait cars very often. I ride a modest 500 dollar rock hopper here and there, I see them baiting bicycles all the time when I go to walmart or whatever. If you simply look around you can spot the marked cars watching over the fishing pole.
Not sure why this is bothering you?
That's a pretty narrow minded view of evaluating the (and in fact, any) case.
Whaaaaat?! All I am saying is the police where I live bait, if you think that is ok I will respect your opinion, if you think I'm lying you are being silly.
Baiting is baiting and it's a foolish thing to do, police or otherwise.
Nope, that's how the legal system works.
Like I said, I'm not familiar with the case but I will still stand on what I said about guarding ones castle. It could very well be all the guy needed to do was turn on a light and the kid would have fled, who knows? I would never shoot blind by the way, if you find yourself in my garage and I roll up just yell as loud as you can, "it's just me Niky from GTP!" and I'd most likely offer you a beer.
So judge's instructions and jury opinions have no relevance in the legal system? Trials are held in a vacuum where the jury are only exposed to the prosecution and defence?
No, which is why there is a place for self defence laws and why I was empathetic to Tony Martin
My point is if these laws are somehow enabling these killings by their ambiguity, is it time to take notice?
The laws themselves are unambigious, it's the public perception - whether they are the shooter or one of the jury. Blame the media if you want but it's my opinion law makers should recognise when there is a problem with public understanding of a law and strive for a solution. Zimmerman himself admitted he'd never heard of the laws, the defence (as you both pointed out) didn't use it, yet the men and women who reached a verdict deliberated over it. If I type "Trayvon Martin S" in google the suggestion "Stand Your Ground" is fourth in the list. "Self defence" isn't even an option. Public ignorance is good when you want to feel intellectually superior to the "sheep", but dangerous if they aren't aware of the minutiae of laws with deadly weapons.
That is my argument - there is an apparent failure to educate people on their rights to self defence. It's surreal to me that within a few hundred miles of the Dede shooting someone shoots their own houseguest because he thought he was an intruder, and isn't even charged (The kid was moving quietly to avoid waking up the homeowner). Can you imagine if that broke mainstream? What would stop people using "I thought he was a baddie" as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
I don't think the laws are ambiguous at all. It's common knowledge that baiting intruders is malicious. It is not in line with the principle of "defense". Furthermore, intruding is illegal and I think we all know that's a pretty basic idea to wrap your head around.
The German student never should have been inside another person's property without permission. That was a pretty boneheaded move. At best, he should have expected to be arrested for trespassing but instead he got himself killed. Speaking of getting himself killed, he was shot by a person who was purposefully trying to bait an intruder in order to kill them. That's murder.
My point is that this case has less to do with castle doctrines than cold blooded murder. Leave it to a European to have anti-gun sentiment about it and a European news organization to run a non-issue as an example of the US being uncivilized and ruled by cowboys.
Sorry that your son was murdered, German guy, but you still must admit that you can't simply walk through somebody garage if the door is open. For future reference, you don't send a European college student to the American frontier. Just because the locals have German heritage doesn't mean they think like Germans.
LMSCorvetteGT2That's wonderful and means absolutely nothing other than you using the ignorance of the public as an argument to further your agenda. Just because you do a quick search doesn't mean that it is not a self defense related situation, once again read the actual laws if you're going to talk about this. Also there are even subtle laws that people don't know about does that make it right or get them out of trouble when they break it and are caught? No not at all, if people are going to talk about it as well intellectually they should do the same.
LMSCorvetteGT2Who's failure is it to educate? There is plenty of material, if you and others aren't going to be proactive and have this give it to me attitude and not learn on your own... That's your fault. For you to then blame others that they didn't educate people, is just trying to point a finger because you don't have an answer to why this happens like you wish you did. Also if the evidence points to a person feeling in danger then why should they be charged, their have been cases where this has been claimed and it's easy to see that it's a lie and the person was really trying to commit murder go ask Oscar Pistorius how well it's working for him.
Yes now you seem to be taking this stance that since it's not black and white like you want it to be the only viable solution is some sort of blanket ban on self defense. I also find it funny that you are only looking for shootings as the means of self defense too.
What if the German student was drunk, and wandered into the wrong garage. The trap setting is immaterial to my argument - if this wasn't a trap it's possible the shooter could have left with no charges at all.