Cats- Precious Pets or Vicious Vermin?

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan

Cats, yay or nay?

  • Nay, Vicious, vile and violent Vermin!

    Votes: 16 26.2%
  • Yay, Precious, pleasing and patient Pets!

    Votes: 32 52.5%
  • What's a cat? (undecided)

    Votes: 13 21.3%

  • Total voters
Does your coffee grinder move around the house like some noisy mechanical beast trying to eat their tails? After a couple of bean grindings they become aware that it is a harmless, yet noisy, object that just sits there. The vacuum moves around and from only six inches off the floor probably looks quite scary with the big cycloptic headlight and spinning brush gobbling up everything in its path.

Ours doesn't have a headlight ;-)

But I can follow you - But since it moves on the floor, being on top of the cabinets (around 2m) should be good enough right ?.. "Noooo friggin' way Mr. - Turn that on and I'm history"
Ours doesn't have a headlight ;-)

But I can follow you - But since it moves on the floor, being on top of the cabinets (around 2m) should be good enough right ?.. "Noooo friggin' way Mr. - Turn that on and I'm history"
Once they fear it they instinctively run from the sound. If giant alien robots were going thorugh your city blowing things up and shooting people with disintegrating rays and you heard one would you wait to see if it was headed in your direction?
Once they fear it they instinctively run from the sound. If giant alien robots were going thorugh your city blowing things up and shooting people with disintegrating rays and you heard one would you wait to see if it was headed in your direction?

Yes - But I'm not all that smart...
Cats make excellent pets. They let you know that you're needed, but they're quite capable of taking care of themselves, so you don't have to wait on them hand and foot, like a dog. They also don't smell like a dog, make noise like a dog, or leave "land mines" like a dog. When cats get scared of new people, they go and hide. When dogs get scared of new people, they bark, growl, and act like they're going to kill your company as soon as you let them go. Which do you think makes for a better, more friendly home?
Cats aren't vermin - but they are parasites. At least dogs actually seem to want to spend time with you - cats have ulterior motives.
My cat catches cockroaches...quite helpful in South Florida! If he can't reach them, he meows in a weird alarm tone.

For that alone, he's worth dealing with. Even if he insists on rubbing his paws on my Autocourses, sitting on my keyboard, and begging for food.
My cat catches cockroaches...quite helpful in South Florida! If he can't reach them, he meows in a weird alarm tone.

For that alone, he's worth dealing with. Even if he insists on rubbing his paws on my Autocourses, sitting on my keyboard, and begging for food.

Cats don't beg - They REQUEST.. POLITELY ! :-)
Cats don't beg - They REQUEST.. POLITELY ! :-)
Patch used to beg, now he just joins in. If you place enough objects in the way, he can't do much, but he'll knock over things if he's not been fed first.

Fortunately, he's getting old, so he no longer can jump up to the height of our kitchen table.

He's proof that cats are predators; heck, he'll beat up my two dogs, and they weigh 50 and 60 pounds each just for looking at at him funny.
Cats make excellent pets. They let you know that you're needed, but they're quite capable of taking care of themselves, so you don't have to wait on them hand and foot, like a dog. They also don't smell like a dog, make noise like a dog, or leave "land mines" like a dog. When cats get scared of new people, they go and hide. When dogs get scared of new people, they bark, growl, and act like they're going to kill your company as soon as you let them go. Which do you think makes for a better, more friendly home?

No no no. Cat's make boring depressing pets. I've had a few and I'm not impressed. Having a cat is like being in a relationship with someone that doesn't care about you in return. They just don't get emotionally involved the way a dog does. Cats make their own smell and it's a nasty one, especially when they get territorial and start spraying the house.

Also, I prefer my animal to bark and growl when it gets scared. It might just be something I need to know about.

But the real kicker here is that you can play with dogs. You can't play with a cat (no you can't). You can walk your dog, you can play catch with your dog, you can go riding in a car with your dog. You can pick up chicks with your dog. Cats don't do any of those things well.

I think the friendly animal makes for the friendly home. And cats aren't particularly friendly.
Cats make their own smell and it's a nasty one, especially when they get territorial and start spraying the house.

Snip! Problem solved.

I think the friendly animal makes for the friendly home. And cats aren't particularly friendly.

My cat's other people. He's never bit or scratched anyone that pet him or went near him. But he's a cantankerous little S.O.C. if he's in a crappy mood.

He's not as much fun as the dogs, though.
I enjoy watching either animal in the wild, including their bigger cousins. Big cats and wolves are especially beautiful in action. As pets however, I like cats better than dogs. That's mostly because I've been around them for a large part of my life. At the moment we have between 2 and 5 of them. That's because 3 of them came over from another household, and they sleep on our doorstep every night for food and attention.

I know plenty of people who have dogs as pets, and they always seem great pets too. I don't mind the smaller ones, but bigger dogs scare me because they can sometimes be very agressive. I have also had some bad experiences with them. Our neighbours lost their (small) dog to a large german shepard while out near a lake. And our oldest cat was killed by a dog aswell...

Also, cats just make for more intimidating guards sometimes :P
I think the friendly animal makes for the friendly home. And cats aren't particularly friendly.
Mine are very friendly, a lot friendlier than my Aunt's dog. Cat's and dog's each have individual personalities, you'll find some friendly dogs and some unfriendly dogs, some friendly cats and some unfriendly cats, both of my cats are very friendly.

And you can play with a cat as well, just not fetch.
Okay here's the story...
What are you opinions on cats, are they great affectionate pets, or killers of all things innocent?

I really don't know myself.

Cats ..much like dogs are predators. why would you expect them to change their nature ?

[edit by mod]: *Snip!*
No no no. Cat's make boring depressing pets. I've had a few and I'm not impressed. Having a cat is like being in a relationship with someone that doesn't care about you in return. They just don't get emotionally involved the way a dog does.
You haven't met Milo. If I am not in bed by 11:00 he follows me around meowing and then once I get in he jumps up and lays on my chest or curls at my feet.

Cats make their own smell and it's a nasty one, especially when they get territorial and start spraying the house.
I can fix that, who's got scissors?
Also, I prefer my animal to bark and growl when it gets scared. It might just be something I need to know about.
What do you call hissing and that god awful RRRRROOOOOOOOWWWWWWWRRRRRR!!!!!!!! sound they make?

But the real kicker here is that you can play with dogs. You can't play with a cat (no you can't).
Milo fetches and actually drags toys out of their basket to bring to me. If he gets a hold of the laser pointer he harasses the hell out of me until I use it.
You can walk your dog, you can play catch with your dog, you can go riding in a car with your dog.
Milo uses a harness and leash, I don't need a carrier. The trick is getting past that impatient phase where he decides that he refuses to be led and lays down. Once he gives up he is quite pleasant. He also likes the car. He lays down in the back deck and watches everything.
You can pick up chicks with your dog.
I don't need a dog for that. If you need a prop you are working too hard.
I think the friendly animal makes for the friendly home. And cats aren't particularly friendly.
Nothing says friendly like a barking German Shepherd trying to rip your throat out.
Nothing says friendly like a barking German Shepherd trying to rip your throat out.
And I love the owners' response to this:

"He won't hurt you; he's a nice dog!"

(dog bites arm, drawing blood)

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! He's never done that before!"

Like that numbs the pain, asshole.
Cats suck. It always seems like they don't love you and stuff... unlike dogs. All they do is eat, drink, and **** in a box. BORING.

Plus, I'm allergic.
Cats suck. It always seems like they don't love you and stuff... unlike dogs. All they do is eat, drink, and **** in a box. BORING.
As I type this my cat is sitting in my lap purring.
Here's the thing: cats reciprocate your behavior. If you treat them well, they treat you well. If you treat them like dirt, they treat you like dirt. They're smart like that.
Cats are good pets.

I have a dog AND a cat, and they love each other, truly. But the cat does have a way of getting under the dog's skin once in a while. It's like the baby brother that knows exactly which buttons to push, and how often, to get the EXACT amount of irritation desired. A couple of times a week there's a noise like a zoo explosion as the dog tries to kill the cat for about 4 seconds, then gives up when the cat escapes to a counter or appliance top. 30 seconds later, it's as if it never happened.

The cat is my first since I was a kid, and I haven't been a kid (physically) since before VCRs existed. I didn't want the cat, but my son obtained it as a gift for his fiance when it was just a few weeks old (the cat, not the fiance). Very cute (both cat and fiance). I thought I had horrible allergies, because a previous girlfriend's cat would cause me no end of grief some years ago. This one, though, did nothing to me. I could scratch it, rub my eyes, and nothing. It was like a miracle! Anyway, the kitten scratched the fiance, and she didn't want it any more.

The cat is now de-clawed and snipped, and is a very good pet. He's an indoor cat, not allowed out. With no claws or gonads, he wouldn't last long against "whole" cats. He thinks I'm crazy, though. The last thing he sees before I leave for work is me putting on shoes. The first thing he sees when I get home is me taking off shoes. He looks at me like, "What's up with that?"

When I let the dog out for her yard business, she comes back to the door and barks. The cat will come find me, give a certain sound, and lead me to the door, whichever door the dog is at, and reach up and touch the knob.

The cat could care less about noises outside, the dog trembles under the bed during a thunderstorm. The cat loves to sit in the window and fantasize about chasing birds. The dog loves to sit in the window and bark at anything that moves. The cat loves to sit in my lap and sleep while I'm watching TV. The dog loves to run the cat out of my lap and take it for herself. The cat will sit on the dining room table and watch me eat, with a look that asks, "How can you put that crap in your mouth?" The dog jumps up and down next to my chair and barks for morsels (and gets none - never feed a dog people food) until I kick her outside or lock her in the laundry room. The cat runs from strangers, people visit 5 or 6 times without believing I have a cat. The dog can't get enough of new people, and new visitors put off by dogs don't return, and never get to meet the cat.

They both hate the vacuum cleaner, but no other appliance (washer, dryer, dishwasher, coffee grinder) bothers them.

As for killer instinct, both dogs and cats are killers, but dogs can't catch anything by themselves, it takes a pack to make a successful hunt.
I don’t have either, but I tend to like cats more, just because they’re not attention-starved like most dogs. Sometimes it’s really cute how affectionate dogs are, but sometimes it’s downright annoying. If I could have a dog, but only deal with it for an hour a day, that’d be perfect. But for an animal that I need to keep 24/7, I’d much rather have a cat.
I'd have to say dogs, definitively.
I live in a neighborhood full of noisy dogs and kids, but cats are the only ones who climb on my freshly washed car, dig in the flower bed, and make passes at my dog (A somewhat passive middleweight, at almost 35 pounds). Of course, it doesn't help that there are a half dozen of the buggers between my left and right neighbors.
And I love the owners' response to this:

"He won't hurt you; he's a nice dog!"

(dog bites arm, drawing blood)

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! He's never done that before!"

Like that numbs the pain, asshole.

So very very true !....
At the end of the day neither animal is better than the other, some people preffer dog's some people preffer cat's. I love them both but I'd never owna dog because in all honesty I wouldn't want to be taking out for walks every day, getting rid of that smell and the noise a dog makes. Dog's have their charm, there are some lovely dogs around, but I preffer to own cats because they make less noise, they still are affectionate and playfull and they don't make as much mess in the house or smell as bad.
As I type this my cat is sitting in my lap purring.

So is mine. :)

I prefer cats, IMO dogs are a bit too intimidating, how many cats have you sen mauling little children's faces off? (domestic cats, not wild cats).
Dogs are far better IMO, but I have met a few cats that could have changed my mind.

Cats, in general, have an attitude problem that I just don't want to deal with. Granted, not all cats are like that, but I prefer the loyalty of a dog most of the time. They know when they are in trouble, and they will act like it, and thus respect their owners as masters of the home. Cats however, do not.

Will I ever own a cat? That depends on what the lady in the relationship says, but you can bet that I will probably have a dog.
Working in a Dog Kennels and Cattery I get to see both sides daily. It's really hard to say which is better, because everybodies opinion is a generalisation.

For every person who says "Cats are great, they sit on your lap, and are clean, and don't attack children" there is a cat who hides all day from people, wanders around the neighbourhood, sits on your car and ****s in your sandpit.

Dog's have their charm, there are some lovely dogs around, but I preffer to own cats because they make less noise, they still are affectionate and playfull and they don't make as much mess in the house or smell as bad.
My dog rarely barks, sleeps/sits next to me, playful, makes a mess outside and smells lovely. My uncle's cat runs away when it sees people and is scared of inside.

And I love the owners' response to this:

"He won't hurt you; he's a nice dog!"

(dog bites arm, drawing blood)

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! He's never done that before!"

Like that numbs the pain, asshole.
If you can't tell a dog is about to bite you you're an idiot. If you're the owner, and you don't know you're dog will bite, you're an idiot. And believe it or not, not all German Shepherds go straight for the throat.
So is mine. :)

I prefer cats, IMO dogs are a bit too intimidating, how many cats have you sen mauling little children's faces off? (domestic cats, not wild cats).
I know a few people who have scars from a cat going nuts on their arms.

When I was a kid we had 3 cats. One was the mother of the other 2. The mum and one of the others were really calm cats. Would let even the most boisterous kids go nuts (though my parents were always very strict when it came to how we treated teh cats, but there was always some baby round the house that would make a grab for the tail.). The third though would erupt into a fury of claws if anyone attempted to pick her up and was quite wary of anyone but my mum up untill the last year or two of her life.

Dogs are imtimidating. I refuse to go near an alsation, pitbull, doberman or rottweiler unless I can see it's properly controlled. They're very protective dogs and if you don't know what they're protecting your screwed.
I love my cat, and frankly i just put up with the dead birds and mice. Sure, it's a shame that she has to go and attack them, but that's just something you have to get used to as an owner. I can understand your frustration at another cat doing it, though. I suggest buying some of that cat repellent stuff (we have it around our flower beds to stop ours using them as a toilet...).

If in any doubt, just watch her dance :D

Yeah i'm insane...

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