Cats- Precious Pets or Vicious Vermin?

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan

Cats, yay or nay?

  • Nay, Vicious, vile and violent Vermin!

    Votes: 16 26.2%
  • Yay, Precious, pleasing and patient Pets!

    Votes: 32 52.5%
  • What's a cat? (undecided)

    Votes: 13 21.3%

  • Total voters
One of our cats never goes for birds or mice, the other one does, but she has a small bell on her collar and it's been years since she's caught anything.
they are both.

it's just a toss up as to which your cat is going to be.

currently i live with 2 cats and one is cute and cudley and the other is more vicious(but he's a young male cat so hopefully he'll grow out of some of his more painful and annoying habbits.)
That's one mad cat!

If it did that to me I'd start punching it.

Mad as in angry, not mad as in crazy. Cats do NOT like to be restrained!!!! This cat was never trying to fight the guy, it was just trying to get away, then got a little panicked. I think it had seen something it wanted to chase.
How can you say Cats are vermin???
They catch mice to eat, like humans kill chickens to eat :indiff:
According to our Dept. of Fish and Game, cats are varmints, not vermin. You need a hunting license with a varmint stamp in order to hunt them.

Vermin are animals or insects that cause harm to humans or crop and are difficult to eradicate.

Varmints are bothersome animals or pests.

Cats = varmints
Reason I don't have a cat:


Really, IMO, cats are too aloof. They do their own thing, you can't have as much fun with them as with dogs, etc. They're not as "involving". Even though some people love cats, I just don't care for them that much. :indiff:

But that said, nothing is as bad as the freaking Rottweiler that nearly jumps over the wall and wants to bite your head off. Not even that sniper kitty.
I was joking about cats in my previous post being vermin. I grew up with a great cat, he was like a dog though, slept with me ever night, would go for walks with me back in the woods, ( not restrained ) would even come hunting with me. ( following my dog and I ) but when a bear cornered me and a friend, my dog attacked it and chased the bear away. the cartof course ran back home and was to be found sunning itself in the slower garden. So while I likecats, I love a good ol' faithdful dog.
I was never really a cat fan untill I got a cat. She just sucks you right in with her love, damnit!
She does catch birds occasionally, but thats just natural, most the time she does tonnes of hilarious things.
Solid Lifters
Some of you already know my position on this.

Here's one reason why...
I'm sure I could find a similar video of a crazy dog, even though we all know that all dogs are perfect, and would never harm a human.
That's one mad cat!

If it did that to me I'd start punching it.
No you wouldn't. The cat would be long gone before you ever raised a fist.
He's proof that cats are predators; heck, he'll beat up my two dogs, and they weigh 50 and 60 pounds each just for looking at at him funny.
That depends a lot on the characters of the dog. We had a 150 lbs Rottweiler/German Sheppard crossbreed at my parent's home, and a small Lhasa Apso female. She was the boss, and a very harsh one at that (heck, she was even humping on him all the time...:lol:).

On the other hand, I've seen trained, chicken-fed Rottweiler monsters that would have made one bite out of any small critters trying to piss them off, including cats.

Currently, I prefer cats. I don't like feeling guilty when leaving the house, and they're still very affectionate, relatively quiet (besides night sprints), and CLEAN pets. Cleaning a cat litter is no fun, but it's lightyears ahead of picking up / walking on crap in the backyard, or worse, clean up in Spring once the snow has melted. :yuck:

I'd have two dogs if we'd be living out of the city though.

And of course, cats (and dogs) are predators, which is a good thing, since predators usually make for much more playful pets than their preys.
You feed a dog, clean its mess, give it a place to sleep, and play with it and it thinks, "Hey, this guy must be God."

You feed a cat, clean its mess, give it a place to sleep, and play with it and it thinks, "Hey, I must be God."

:lol: I believe this!

I really enjoyed reading most of the comments in this thread! I am a cat person and always have been and so I voted for option 2! They definitely have personality and are very independent! I enjoy there company, they are always funny to watch and to have play fights with! Walking away from the battle with my arms all cut up :D I no longer have any cats though as my last cat got killed about 5 years ago :( I bought him up when he was a little kitten as his mum got killed by a dog and when he passed away I decided that I didn't want anymore cats! Although I do miss his company :( He would come for walks with me and sometimes I would carry him in a plastic bag, which he loved! I think that cats are loyal to there owners (even though they tend to visit everyone elses house too), depending whether they are treated right though! When I went away for a weekend and got home he was sitting on the porch waiting patiently for me to come home! That was the one and only time I left him behind as I missed him so much, so he would come away with me in the car, which he didn't like very much but discovered that if I bought along his favorite cushion he would sit there calmly as long as I was beside him :) R.I.P Orange and all my other kitties!

I am just glad that the neighbours cat comes and visits which is good enough for me! He comes and goes as he pleases like they do! He comes over for a feed and for some love but his main objective is that he has his eye on my Zebra Finch, which he will never get, although he has managed to knock his cage over once but that was it, poor Stryker! They are natural born predators and this cannot be helped! Whenever any of my cats would catch a bird, mouse or even a rabbit I would be out the door trying to rescue the poor thing! Most occasions I would be too late but such is the way of life!

Why would you declaw a cat? I think that that is just cruel, in my opinion! If it was for health reasons then ok but otherwise :indiff: I also think that it is sad when the so-called owners of cats move away and abandon them :grumpy:

Dogs: I am scared of most big dogs due to one bad experience! I don't dislike them, I just prefer cats!

Why would you declaw a cat? I think that that is just cruel, in my opinion!

Not as cruel as what happens to them after the new leather sofa gets destroyed! :ouch:

Giving a cat his own scratching post doesn't work. He scratches wherever the hell he happens to be when the urge comes on him. An indoor cat has no need of claws, and furniture lasts a lot longer without them.

If the cat goes out to roam free, then declawing would be dangerous for the cat as other animals would find him completely defensless, nor would he be able to climb to escape the occasional loose dog.
If the cat goes out to roam free, then declawing would be dangerous for the cat as other animals would find him completely defensless, nor would he be able to climb to escape the occasional loose dog.
If you leave them their back claws they will be fine. They grab their opponent around the neck with their front paws and then bite into the neck, rolling onto their back and then tear into the gut with their back claws. My forearms have born the brunt of this kind of attack from my cat many times.

As for climbing trees, they can do it, but they just have to work a bit harder. A scared cat will climb up in no time flat, claws or no.
I hate cats. Just as soon as you show them affection the ****ers claw you.

And the ones in our neighbourhood prowl around our garden like they own it, s***ing in my herb garden, digging up plants. I hate cats.

No, really. I hate cats.

Dogs I love, but they have to be proper-sized dogs. I'm talking Labrador-sized.
And the ones in our neighbourhood prowl around our garden like they own it, s***ing in my herb garden, digging up plants. I hate cats.
Spray it with a water/hot pepper juice mix. That seemed to work in my mom's garden.
Or sit out back with a pellet gun. Just remember, only pump it once or twice or you'll have the SPCA at your door. :lol:
Or sit out back with a pellet gun. Just remember, only pump it once or twice or you'll have the SPCA at your door. :lol:
I meant spray the garden, not the cat.

But if you want to use the pellet gun let me know so that I can watch for you on Animal Planet.
Cats > All

Low Maintenance, Very Playful, Fun to have as kittens, don't require loads of attention to still be content (although they do love it), and they sleep 60% of their day, so you don't need to be constantly watching them.